THOMAS – A1115419
Safe -
6-23-2017 Manhattan
Rescue: Amsterdog Animal Rescue
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SAFE 06/23/17
THOMAS – A1115419
Intake condition GERIATRIC Intake Date 06/15/2017, From NY 11225, DueOut Date 06/20/2017,
Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE
Medical Summary DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: changed age from reported 10 to 8 (clean teeth, mild sclerosis) Microchip noted on Intake? n History : o surrender Subjective: Observed Behavior – whines, waggs tail Objective P = 60 R =pant BCS 5/9 EENT: ou sclerosis Oral Exam: clean teeth PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: neutered MSI: left fron foot mildly deformed: toes are skewed. ambulatory x4 CNS: mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: generally healthy Plan; no treatment Prognosis: good
Weight 35.6
A volunteer writes:
Thomas is with us for no fault of his own… His house caught fire and his owners brought him to us to find Thomas a new family. Thomas comes with stellar comments. He lived with older children, plays gently with adults and kids, lived happily with small and large breed dogs and even was respectful of cats… We were not told about any handling issues and Thomas is very house trained. He is said to be 8 year old but where does he hide all these years? He acts and looks like a 3-4 year old pooch, active, bouncy, lively….His eyes are quite clear with a barely perceptible cloudiness if one really stares at him.. And his teeth, forget it…I am jealous…Thomas is a little anxious as he is not familiar with kennel life and must be taken aback by this sudden turn in his life..Having spent time with him, I can say that he is better and pleasant to spend time with. Thomas pulls a little on the leash, does his business on the way, comes when called, hops on the bench and sits on command. Although not skinny or overweight(he is just perfect), Thomas loves treats and often jumps to get more…His tail wags a lot and he clearly wants to please despite the fact that he is a bit fretful. Thomas has been exquisitely cared for by his former masters. He is in great shape, beautifully dressed and the perfect weight. A home sweet home and a master to love is really what will bring a smile and peace on Thomas face….Come and meet him soon at the Manhattan Care Center..
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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