THEO – A1047126
Safe -
5-26-2016 Brooklyn
Rescue: Rebound Hounds
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SAFE 05/26/16
Brooklyn Center
My name is THEO. My Animal ID # is A1047126.
I am a neutered male br brindle and white am pit bull ter. The shelter thinks I am about 1 YEAR 8 MONTHS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 03/26/2016 from NY 10473, owner surrender reason stated was NO TIME.
05/03/2016 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 NC – MAJOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 68.4 LBS.
05/03/16 12:08 Recheck Lameness S/O: BAR, active, playful. No apparent lameness, equal weight bearing, no pain associated w/ palpation of paws. A: Resolving nail wound. P: Ok to continue nolvasan cleaning and d/c rimadyl. Previously noted missing nail, is unlikely to regrown, or may have abnormal growth due to damage to the germinal epithelium of the nail bed. Should just be monitored for progression. Prognosis: Excellent 4/30 VET CHECK – LF LAMENESS, MISSING NAILS IN FRONT BARH. ACTIVE AND ATTENTION SEEKING. MILD LF LAMENESS. MISSING NAIL OF DIGIT 3 LFL WITH SUPERFICIAL WOUND ASSOCIATED NAIL OF DIGIT 3 RFL WORN DOWN TO ~1CM A: MISSING NAIL AND ASSOCIATED WOUND DIGIT 3 LFL, TORN NAIL WITH NO ASSICIATED WOUND OR BLEEDING OF DIGIT 3 RFL P: REC RIMADYL 50MG PO Q12 X 3 DAYS. AND NOLVASAN CLEANING Q24 X 5 DAYS. CONTINUE TO MONITOR WHILE AT BACC. GOOD OVERALL PROGNOSIS. NAIL UNLIKELY TO REGROW
03/30/16 Theo is a 1.5 year old neutered APBT mix. He originally came to ACC as a stray. He was adopted 8 months ago but his owner had to surrender him due to personal and housing reasons. Theo is friendly/outgoing with all new people, jumping up and licking them. He lived with 2 children, ages 3-5, and was relaxed, playful, and tolerant with them. He plays somewhat rough with all people and sometimes knocked over the children while he jumped up to lick their faces. He lived with a geriatric, female large dog and was relaxed, playful, and tolerant with her. He would bounce around and play bow to initiate play, she would bark at him, and he would persist. He lived with a cat and was relaxed, playful, and tolerant with him. He’s never bit anyone. Theo doesn’t mind storms. He doesn’t mind when someone takes his food or treat. He would steal the children’s food from them while they were eating, with a loose wiggly body. He would hold onto his toys and play tug, and also would grab his leash during walks and play tug, but did this with a loose, wiggly body in both cases. He doesn’t mind when someone moves him off furniture, holds/restrains him, or wakes him up. He loves being bathed and brushed. He’s friendly with strangers who approach his home/family. Theo’s family describes him as friendly, affectionate, playful, excitable, and high energy. They report that he’s “100% love and happiness,” that he wants to make friends with every person he meets, and that he loves attention, being pet, and being cuddled. He follows his family around. He plays chase, fetch, and tug, and plays with balls, chew toys, rawhides, rope toys, and kongs. He lived inside and slept on a blanket or dog bed. He ate Iams large breed puppy dry food and enjoyed people food as treats. He was learning not to potty inside but had accidents (#1) if not walked right after his meals or (#1 and #2) if left alone for more than 8-9 hours. He potties anywhere outside. He was kept in the kitchen with a baby gate while home alone and during the night. While alone, he whined but was otherwise well-behaved; he didn’t attempt to escape. He sits and stays when asked. He went for brisk walks, runs, and played in a fenced area. He pulls on his leash. His owner thought he might run in front of a car if off-leash outside, in his excitement to greet people and play. Theo is friendly and allows handling at ACC.
04/12/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: If one year old pup, Theo, were a human he would surely be a politician. He never met a human or canine that he did not like. This pooch is a keeper. He might just be your new best friend.
5/17 update: Theo’s energy level and arousal is increasing and his rope reactivity becoming more difficult to manage in the care center. He jumps, mouths, and bites the leash, and his teeth may make contact with the handler’s hands. Due to this behavior and for the safety of staff and volunteers, Theo has been moved from the Adoptions Room. He is a long stay and at this time his behavior has begun to deteriorate. The Behavior Team feels that Theo needs to move into a stable home environment as possible for his welfare. He will require an experienced adopter who is able to manage his arousal on leash and work with his impulse control issues utilizing positive reinforcement behavior modification. 5/6 SAFER: Theo was surrendered when his owner moved to a location that does not allow pets. He is reported to be outgoing and friendly with strangers and children. He is active and high-energy, greeting people by jumping up and licking them, and may play rough with children, sometimes knocking them over in greeting. Theo was very interested in interacting with the assessor when entering the behavior room. He allowed the assessor to conduct all tactile assessment items while maintaining soft body language. He engaged in play with the assessor during the tag interaction but at the end of the interaction he began to mouth the leash. It took a few minutes for him to calm down though he was not overly aroused and was soft in body. Theo proved easy to handle when chewing on the toy item keeping a firm grip on the toy with soft body language when the assessor attempted to take it from him with the assess-a-hand. Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted. His ears are back, his tail is down, and he has a relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, and his tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item. Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Or dog indicates play with huffing, soft ‘popping’ of the body. Dog jumps on Assessor once play begins, mouths the leash and takes a few minutes to calm down. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Squeeze 2:1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Toy 1: 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. He does not place his body between you and the toy.
According to Theo’s previous owner, Theo lived with a geriatric, female large dog and was relaxed, playful, and tolerant with her. He would bounce around and play bow to initiate play, she would bark at him, and he would persist. Initially when off leash with other dogs at the Care Center, Theo greets politely. He becomes playful once solicited. Since returning to the Care Center, Theo has displayed high energy play behavior and has become sexually motivated, continuing to try and mount the female dog after handler interruptions. With a male dog, Theo engages in appropriate high energy play. 4/5 update: Theo approaches and greets the helper dog with a low, wiggly body at the gate. Unfortunately his paw began to bleed while he was bouncy on the gate and was not allowed to engage in play due to the injury. 4/7 update:Theo greets with high energy, and jumping at the gate. Once in the pen, Theo maintains his high energy, with bounces and body slams. He is slow to respond to handler interruptions while the other dog is in the pen. Due to the uncomfortable behavior the helper dog display, the interaction was ended shortly. Theo begins to run back and forth in the pen by himself and redirects his energy on handlers when they are entering the pen. He becomes highly aroused but quickly deescalate when given interruptions. 4/13-4/24 update: Theo continues to be high energy in his greeting and when he enters the pen. He immediately becomes sexually motivated; attempting to mount and is persistent after interruptions by the handlers. 5/17: Theo engaged and solicited appropriate high energy play with a playful male dog. 5/18: Theo engages in and solicits appropriate, high energy play. He is tolerant of another male dog continually mounting him.
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
scan positive — 981020013600730 ~1.5yrs, male neutered barh. very active, attention seeking, allows all handling. bcs 5/9 mild dental tartar, eyes clear, no ocular or nasal discharge, ears wnl normal thoracic auscultation integ wnl; ambulatory x 4 no concerns on exam. continue to monitor while at bacc. excellent prognosis
05/03/16 12:08 Recheck Lameness S/O: BAR, active, playful. No apparent lameness, equal weight bearing, no pain associated w/ palpation of paws. A: Resolving nail wound. P: Ok to continue nolvasan cleaning and d/c rimadyl. Previously noted missing nail, is unlikely to regrown, or may have abnormal growth due to damage to the germinal epithelium of the nail bed. Should just be monitored for progression. Prognosis: Excellent 4/30 VET CHECK – LF LAMENESS, MISSING NAILS IN FRONT BARH. ACTIVE AND ATTENTION SEEKING. MILD LF LAMENESS. MISSING NAIL OF DIGIT 3 LFL WITH SUPERFICIAL WOUND ASSOCIATED NAIL OF DIGIT 3 RFL WORN DOWN TO ~1CM A: MISSING NAIL AND ASSOCIATED WOUND DIGIT 3 LFL, TORN NAIL WITH NO ASSICIATED WOUND OR BLEEDING OF DIGIT 3 RFL P: REC RIMADYL 50MG PO Q12 X 3 DAYS. AND NOLVASAN CLEANING Q24 X 5 DAYS. CONTINUE TO MONITOR WHILE AT BACC. GOOD OVERALL PROGNOSIS. NAIL UNLIKELY TO REGROW
Generated on May 21 2016 6:00PM
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 08/08/2015, From NY 10474, DueOut Date 08/11/2015,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Weight 51.0
A volunteer writes (as told by Theo): Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I’m Theo, or as my new friend, Volunteer, laughingly called me, “Mr. Mayor”. I love to meet new people and dogs, wagging my tail, giving hugs when people want to hug me, and playing with other dogs. I went into a play group and they said I’m “social, a polite greeter, playful and bouncy”. Yup – that’s me! When we were in the park this nice woman wanted to meet me and I let her pet me all over and then climbed up on the bench to give her a kiss. She liked that – I give good kisses! I’ll sit for a treat, and even before you ask me to, because I can see it in your hand. I’m smart like that! I can shake paw too! I take my treats gently so that I won’t hurt your fingers. My friend, Volunteer, took some pictures of me and I posed perfectly because she said good pictures will help me get adopted. I think adopted means that a new person or family will take me home. I’d like that. I know I’m young, but I’m calm, gentle, easy and sweet – I don’t want to brag but that’s what people say about me. I did really well on the test they gave me here, and said I can go into just about any home because I’m ‘average’. Personally, I think I’m better than average but I know average is a good thing, so I’m happy with that. I was well taken care of before I came here, my coat is shiny, my weight is good, and I know my manners. So, please come meet me and take me home. I’d like that. Don’t forget to ask for me when you visit ……my name is Theo.
Theo is a 1.5 year old neutered APBT mix. He originally came to ACC as a stray. He was adopted 8 months ago but his owner had to surrender him due to personal and housing reasons.
Theo is friendly/outgoing with all new people, jumping up and licking them. He lived with 2 children, ages 3-5, and was relaxed, playful, and tolerant with them. He plays somewhat rough with all people and sometimes knocked over the children while he jumped up to lick their faces. He lived with a geriatric, female large dog and was relaxed, playful, and tolerant with her. He would bounce around and play bow to initiate play, she would bark at him, and he would persist. He lived with a cat and was relaxed, playful, and tolerant with him. He’s never bit anyone.
Theo doesn’t mind storms. He doesn’t mind when someone takes his food or treat. He would steal the children’s food from them while they were eating, with a loose wiggly body. He would hold onto his toys and play tug, and also would grab his leash during walks and play tug, but did this with a loose, wiggly body in both cases. He doesn’t mind when someone moves him off furniture, holds/restrains him, or wakes him up. He loves being bathed and brushed. He’s friendly with strangers who approach his home/family.
Theo’s family describes him as friendly, affectionate, playful, excitable, and high energy. They report that he’s “100% love and happiness,” that he wants to make friends with every person he meets, and that he loves attention, being pet, and being cuddled. He follows his family around. He plays chase, fetch, and tug, and plays with balls, chew toys, rawhides, rope toys, and kongs. He lived inside and slept on a blanket or dog bed. He ate Iams large breed puppy dry food and enjoyed people food as treats. He was learning not to potty inside but had accidents (#1) if not walked right after his meals or (#1 and #2) if left alone for more than 8-9 hours. He potties anywhere outside. He was kept in the kitchen with a baby gate while home alone and during the night. While alone, he whined but was otherwise well-behaved; he didn’t attempt to escape. He sits and stays when asked. He went for brisk walks, runs, and played in a fenced area. He pulls on his leash. His owner thought he might run in front of a car if off-leash outside, in his excitement to greet people and play.
Theo is friendly and allows handling at ACC.
Theo came to us as an owner surrender due to the owner moving to a location that does not allow pets. According to the owner Theo is very outgoing and friendly when meeting any new people as well as children. He greets people by jumping up and licking them, he sometimes would play a bit rough and would knock over the children when trying to jump up and greet them. The owner reported that Theo would sometimes mouth the leash when on walks, bug with loose body language. The was very interested in interacting with the assessor when entering the behavior room. He allowed the assessor to conduct all tactile assessment items while maintaining soft body language. He engaged in play with the assessor during the tag interaction but at the end of the interaction he began to mouth the leash. It took a few minutes for him to calm down though he was not overly aroused and was soft in body. The flank item was conducted instead of the squeeze item due to a medical condition concerning Theo’s paws. Theo proved easy to handle when chewing on the toy item keeping a firm grip on the toy with soft body language when the assessor attempted to take it from him with the assess-a-hand. When on an on-leash dog interaction; Theo went rushing in towards the helper dog with stiff body language and raised hackles. We reccomend placement with an experienced owner at this time.
Look: 2. Dog pulls out of Assessor’s hands each time without settling during three repetitions. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, and open mouth.
Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body soft, low and a bit fearful.
Flank squeeze 1: 1. Dog does not respond at all.
Flank squeeze 2: 1. Dog does not respond at all.
Toy 1: 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. He does not place his body between you and the toy.
Dog-dog: 3. Dog approaches the helper dog by rushing in with his tail high, stiff body, head tall, and ears erect.
MAY 2016
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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