STROMBOLI – A1121786
Safe -
8-26-2017 Manhattan
Rescue: Rebound Hounds
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SAFE 08/26/17
Manhattan Center
My name is STROMBOLI. My Animal ID # is A1121786.
I am a neutered male gray and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 3 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a STRAY on 08/12/2017 from NY 11216, owner surrender reason stated was STRAY.
08/22/2017 AT RISK MEMO
Stromboli A1121786 is at risk due to CIRDC diagnosis.
08/23/2017 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is EXPNOCHILD, Weight 77.9 LBS.
Hx: Intake 8/12, CIRDC diagnosed 8.18.17, Today is day 5 of doxycycline. Bloody stool noted on 8/21 – metronidazole started q12 on 8/22 in PM. Bloody stool reported again this morning – stool is well-formed but there are dark clots of blood on it. S/O: Pt is BAR in kennel, barking. Minimal nasal discharge. A: 1. CIRDC – on doxycycline, not Baytril 2. Bloody stool – pt has received 2 doses of metronidazole P: 1. Start Baytril 2. Continue metronidazole 3. Add probiotics (BeneBac BID x10 days) 1088
Dog seems friendly allowed handling and leashing. Sits when told. 08/12/17 21:07
08/17/2017 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: “He’s so delicious”, said staff, not realizing his name is Stromboli! And he is very delicious! Sitting in his kennel to be leashed, he gave me a woof when I wasn’t fast enough, and then made a beeline for the front door as he needed to go potty! And go potty again! So, yes, Strom seems to be housetrained, and while he pulls a bit on the leash initially, quickly settles into a nice pace with me. In the park, Strom poses for photos, and when a small dog on a retractable leash came perilously close to us as his person was texting, Strom merely watched with no reaction. Good boy Strom! Sitting when he sees a treat, Strom rejected both of mine politely, apparently used to better. He’s gorgeous with a capital G, the perfect weight for his size, his coat clean and cared for, his eyes bright and fun. Off leash in a pen, he made mincemeat out of a plush toy, enjoying the chase, but enjoying pulling it apart even more. Sturdy indestructible toys are a must for this boy! Or, you can still give him stuffed toys if you enjoy watching him deconstruct them. Settling down froggy style and then rolling onto his back, this mush of a big boy is ready for long walks, fun toys and a human with whom to share his life. Strom may love his toys a little too much, not wanting to share, so a home without young children is advised. Meet Stromboli today and find out what delicious is all about!
KNOWN HISTORY: None 8/12/17 Unaltered Male, Stray SAFER ASSESSMENT: 8/13/17 Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted. His ears are back, his tail is down, and he has a relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, and his tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is open. Tag: 2. Dog is not fearful, but is unresponsive to the Assessor, focused on door, does not follow. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Toy: 4. Dog gives a warning snap towards the hand. Summary: Stromboli was aloof during his assessment but allowed all handling. When in possession of a toy, he gave a warning snap towards the hand when it touched the toy. PLAYGROUP: Stromboli offers polite greeting to female dogs in the care center. He at times follows and has displayed intent on mounting. Stromboli has not yet engaged in play. Stromboli has not yet been introduced to a male due to lack of appropriate male greeter dogs for an introduction. Slow introductions are recommended between Stromboli and tolerant female dogs. Future introductions to male dogs should be conducted to well-socialized dogs at a slow pace, as his behavior around them is unknown. INTAKE BEHAVIOR Upon intake, Stromboli appeared social and allowed handling. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 8/13/17 During his initial medical exam, Stromboli was very social and active. ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Strromboli so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. In the care center, he displays a medium level of activity.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Experienced adopter, adult-only home (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with behaviors outlined below) _X_No children (under 13): Due to potential resource guarding seen on his assessment (snapping towards the hand when in possession of a toy), we recommend an adult only home. Potential challenges: _X_Resource guarding: Potential resource guarding was seen on Stromboli’s behavior assessment when he snapped towards the hand when in possession of a toy. For this reason we advise against ever removing items from Stromboli’s possession without safely trading for an item or greater or equal value. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended to aid in safely managing/modifying this behavior in a new home environment.
Stromboli offers polite greeting to female dogs in the care center. He at times follows and has displayed intent on mounting. Stromboli has not yet engaged in play. Stromboli has not yet been introduced to a male due to lack of appropriate male greeter dogs for an introduction. Slow introductions are recommended between Stromboli and tolerant female dogs. Future introductions to male dogs should be conducted to well-socialized dogs at a slow pace, as his behavior around them is unknown. 8/13: When introduced off leash to the female greeter dog, Stromboli follows, sniffs, then postures himself to mount. 8/14: Stromboli greets female dogs politely. 8/15: Stromboli offers polite greeting to a female dog, otherwise keeps to self.
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
S/O: BARH mm pink EENM: MM PINK AND MOIST, CRT 2 SEC G1 ddz CV: NO MURMURS OR ARRHYTHMIAS LUNGS: CLEAR MS/INTEG: AMB X 4, BCS 4/9, lichenification of elbows bilaterally NS: APPROPRIATE PLN: NSF GU: M A: healthy
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating EXPNOCHILD
Hx: Intake 8/12, CIRDC diagnosed 8.18.17, Today is day 5 of doxycycline. Bloody stool noted on 8/21 – metronidazole started q12 on 8/22 in PM. Bloody stool reported again this morning – stool is well-formed but there are dark clots of blood on it. S/O: Pt is BAR in kennel, barking. Minimal nasal discharge. A: 1. CIRDC – on doxycycline, not Baytril 2. Bloody stool – pt has received 2 doses of metronidazole P: 1. Start Baytril 2. Continue metronidazole 3. Add probiotics (BeneBac BID x10 days) 1088
Generated on Aug 24 2017 6:00PM
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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