STORM – A1097342
Safe - 11-27-2016 Manhattan
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SAFE 11/27/16
STORM – A1097342
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 11/19/2016, From NY 10463, DueOut Date 11/19/2016,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Microchip: negative Sex: intact female Age: reported 2y Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: no d/c Teeth: minimal staining If abnormal BCS: WNL Skin: WNL Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: N/A Any injuries: no Behavior: allowed all handling and hyper, eager to play Medication: N/A, preventatives given
Weight 0.0
A volunteer writes: Storm has the most endearing way of looking up as we walked back and forth to the park, as if asking, ‘how am I doing’? I assured her that she was doing just fine! I love how in tune she was with me the entire time we were together. Surrendered to our care as her family no longer had time for her, she comes with the glowing resume of a loving family dog. She lived with two young girls, ages 9-11 and played exuberantly with them. We’re told she’s housetrained when walked 3x per day, loved to play with dogs in a dog park, and tried to play with the cat but would back off if the cat hissed or swatted. We ran into the ‘park cat’ whom she watched for a moment before moving on. Smart Storm! Storm knows commands in Spanish but responded to my command of ‘sit’ in English, and in fact sat before I asked as soon as she saw a treat. Storm also shakes both paws! Affectionately draped over my lap, she gives sweet kisses, allowed me to put a coat on her against the cold, indeed went potty the moment we were out the door, and has nice leash manners. She’s a little gem waiting for you to discover her and make her yours.
Storm is a two year old american pit bull terrier. She was reported to be friendly around strangers. During intake, Storm jumped into counselor’s lap and allowed for petting and collaring while her previous owners were in the room. After her previous owners left, she watched them out the window for a few minutes and then curled up into a ball underneath the counselor’s feed. Storm lived around children, both girls, aged 9-11. She was reported to be friendly with them, and liked to play exhub erantly. Occassionally if one of the children would attempt to restrain her she would growl. Storm was never allowed around toddlers. Storm lived across the street from a dog park and loved to play exhuberantly with dogs of all sizes she met there. While waiting in the lobby at the ACC, Storm would bark loudly at other large dogs passing by. Storm lived with one cat. She liked to run up to the cat and attempt to play, but would leave the cat alone if the cat hissed or swatted.
Storm was reported to be potty trained. However, she is used to going on a walk in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night. If she misses one of these walks, she will likely go to the bathroom inside. While Storm is home alone, she will sometimes chew any plastic she can access. She was reported not to be nervous during storms or fireworks. Storm would allow her previous owner to take away food, toys, and treats. She would allow her previous owner to hold and restrain her, but would sometimes growl if children attempted this. She allows baths and brushing, but has never had her nails trimmed. When someone rings the doorbell, she will run to the door but remain quiet with her tail
Storm was reported to have a high activity level. She loves to play tug and rope toys are her favorite. When at home, she likes to follow her owners around. She is used to eating boiled chicken, but will also eat wet food. Storm will not eat dry food. She knows the commands “sit” and “come” in spanish. Storm pulls very hard on her leash. If taken off leash, she will wander away and come back when called.
Unaltered, Owner Surrender
Previously lived with: Adults/Children (ages nine to eleven)/cat
Behavior toward children: Friendly, exuberantly playful though would occasionally growl if one of the children attempted to restrain her
Behavior toward dogs: None reported
Behavior toward cats: Would attempt to play, would leave alone if cat hissed at her
FG/RG: None reported
Bite history: None reported
Housetrained: Yes, will have accidents if not walked regularly
Energy level/descriptors: High activity level
Other notes: Upon intake allowed all handling
Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted. Her ears are back, her tail is down, and she has a relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands.
Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, her tail is down, body a bit tense, mouth closed, lip long, ears back.
Tag: 2. Dog is not fearful, but is unresponsive to the Assessor, and approaches the Assessor at the end of the game. She is focused on stimuli other than the Assessor.
Squeeze 1: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds.
Squeeze 2: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds.
Toy: 1. Minimal interest, dog sniffs toy.
Summary: Storm displayed no behavioral concerns on her assessment.
11/22: When off leash with another female dog Storm is tense and assertive but engages in running play.
11/23: Storm engages in running play with a group of male dogs. She remains tense throughout the interaction.
During her initial medical exam Storm displayed a lot of energy and allowed all handling.
Though observed to be human-social, Storm may need time to warm up to the handler as she initially presents as a an anxious/aloof dog, avoiding contact, shying away from direct touch. We recommend allowing Storm to interact at her own pace, force-free, rewarding based training is advised when introducing her to new/unfamiliar situations.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Experience (Suitable for an adopter with an previous amount of dog experience)
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Dogs 2016-11