STAR – A1120170
Safe -
8-10-2017 Brooklyn
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SAFE 08/10/17
Brooklyn Center
My name is STAR. My Animal ID # is A1120170.
I am a female tan and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 2 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 07/29/2017 from NY 11208, owner surrender reason stated was OWN EVICT.
08/06/2017 AT RISK MEMO
Star A1120170 is at risk for a New Hope Only behavior determination. She has allowed minimal handling in the care center, panicking on leash and when touched.
08/04/2017 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 1 – NORMAL , Behavior Rating is NH ONLY, Weight 55.0 LBS.
08/04/17 Pre-surgery exam S/O: QAR. Front of cage. Attention seeking. EENT: Eyes clear, no ocular or nasal discharge HL: No coughing A: Apparently healthy P: Based on chart review and no signs of CIRDC, OK for surgery tomorrow
07/29/17 12:24 Stars owner described her as being very protective of their family, particularly their daughter. If anyone has an object such as a stick or water gun in their hand she will try and take it from them, and becomes aggressive toward anyone who is raising their voice in the home. She does not do well with yelling or other loud noises. Star would not allow for counselor to collar and would not allow for the owner to put a muzzle on her. She snapped at both of them and was growling.
No Web Memo
CANINE BEHAVIOR EVALUATION for Star A1120170 KNOWN HISTORY: Limited 07/29/2017 Intact female, owner surrender Other notes: Reported to become tense when people raise their voice and loud noises in general. SAFER ASSESSMENT: 08/01/2017 Summary: Star remains uncomfortable in the kennel environment; out of concern for her stress level, a SAFER assessment is not appropriate at this time. PLAYGROUP: When off leash at the Care Center, Star is hesitant to approach the male greeter dog but eventually exchanges a brief greet/genital sniff with him. Otherwise, she mostly explores the yard and keeps to herself the rest of the time. INTAKE BEHAVIOR 07/29/17 Upon intake, Star was uncomfortable and growling and did not allow either counselor or owner to muzzle for handling. Star was reported to growl, snap and alligator roll while on leash. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 07/30/2017 During her initial medical examination, Star was tense though allowed muzzling as she warmed up; however, she did not allow direct touch and snapped and alligator rolled when attempts to handle where made. ENERGY LEVEL: We cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment but Star has a displayed a low energy level in the care center which may be due to her general fear and discomfort. We recommend daily mental and physical stimulation as an outlet to direct her energy.
RECOMMENDATIONS: New Hope Only _X_No children (under 13) _X_Place with a New Hope partner: Due to the noted concerns displayed in a home environment in addition to the shelter environment, the behavior department recommends Star be placed with a New Hope placement partner who is able to provide an experienced adult-only foster home. A period of decompression is recommended to allow Star to acclimate comfortably to her new environment; force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing Star to new and unfamiliar situations. Consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended for guidance to safely manage/modify any behavior Star presents with outside of the care centers. Potential challenges: _X_Resource guarding: We cannot be certain if this behavior will appear in a home environment though her previous owner notes concerns with guarding – no specifics provided. We recommend that Star be left alone while eating, and that food guarding behavior modification steps (available at be utilized if this behavior is problematic in her future home. Nothing should ever be taken directly out of Star’s mouth, and any time something is removed she should be rewarded with a high value treat or toy. She should be taught the “drop” cue and trade-up games. _X_Handling/touch sensitivity: Star has been noted to become uncomfortable with handling at times, especially when a person is reaching over her. It is important to always go slow and give Star the option to walk away from any social interaction. Star should never be forced to approach anything that she is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Star’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Star may do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to her new surroundings _X_Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Though she has improved during his stay at our care centers, Star continues to give all appropriate warning signals when uncomfortable. Due to the consistent behavior displayed in shelter, the behavior department recommends an experienced adult home only until she can acclimate to her new home environment for the behavior to be further assessed. Consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is advised; force-free, reward based training only is recommended.
When off leash at the Care Center, Star is initially hesitant to approach both the male and female greeter dogs, but eventually exchanges a brief greet/genital sniff with them. She mostly explores the yard and keeps herself. As the session continues, she displays an assertive posture with a novel male. Star’s previous guardians did not provide any information about her behavior around dogs. The Behavior Department believes that Star would be most comfortable as the only dog in the home, however if she is placed in a home with another resident dog, the other dog should be well socialized and match her calm demeanor. All introductions should be conducted slowly and under supervision. 7/30: Star is hesitant to approach the male greeter dog but eventually exchanges a brief greet/genital sniff with him. Otherwise, she mostly explores the yard and keeps to herself the rest of the time. 7/31: Star continues to be highly alert and avoidant of both handlers and other dogs. When approached by the female helper dog, Star lip curled and ran away. 8/01:Today Star appeared slightly more confident, interacting socially with male. She follows him around the pen, persistently sniffing his genitals, before standing tall, in an assertive posture. When he turns around, and greets her face to face, she bounces once then walks away.
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: approx 2-3 years Microchip noted on Intake? Yes History : Presents as owner surrender. Nervous, Tense, Allows muzzling after acclimating. Does not allow touch for physical examination. Alligtor rolls and tries to bite when touched with stethoscope. Evidence of Cruelty seen – No Evidence of Trauma seen – No Objective BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: Not performed due to aggressive behavior PLN: Not performed due to aggressive behavior H/L: Not performed due to aggressive behavior ABD: Not performed due to aggressive behavior U/G: Intact female, large developed mammary glands and vulva, unable touch to palpate for scar MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: Apparently Healthy Plan: Ok for surgery Prognosis: Execllent SURGERY: Okay for surgery
Medical rating 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating NH ONLY
08/04/17 Pre-surgery exam S/O: QAR. Front of cage. Attention seeking. EENT: Eyes clear, no ocular or nasal discharge HL: No coughing A: Apparently healthy P: Based on chart review and no signs of CIRDC, OK for surgery tomorrow
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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