SHAMY – A1076419
Safe - 6-15-2016 Manhattan Rescue: Crossed Paws Rescue Please honor your pledges:
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SAFE 06/15/16
Manhattan Center
My name is SHAMY. My Animal ID # is A1076419.
I am a male tan shih tzu mix. The shelter thinks I am about 10 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 06/05/2016 from NY 10467, owner surrender reason stated was OWNER DIED.
06/12/2016 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 4 NC – SEVERE CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 12.5 LBS.
06/12/16 13:27 canceled pre-NSAID bloodwork. recommend full geriatric work up with bloodwork after placement, can start chronic treatment for suspect arthritis at that time. S/O: QAR Hydr wnl EENT: sever otitis AU w/scabs med pinna, severe dental dz w/ decayed teeth and missing teeth MS/SK: matted fur, thin bcs 4/9, splinting on vetebral palpation ABD: nsf on palpation Lymph: nsf Neuro: decreased cp lh H/L: Hr wnl nm nsr pink moist mm <2 Lungs: nsf A: lameness r/o OA +/- ivdd other P: rec blood tests pre nsaid, ear clean, clip matts
06/05/16 17:57 Basic Info: Shamy A1076419 is a 10yr old male Shih Tzu mix who was given to the owner from the previous owner 9yrs ago is being surrendered due to his owner passing away. Shamy’s last vet visit is unknown & he currently has no known health issues/injuries. Socialization: Around strangers Shamy is shy for a few minutes. He’s spent time with young children that visit the home and was gentle, sometimes playful with them but sometimes would stay away from them also with the adult. Shamy hasn’t been around other animals and hasn’t bitten/scratched any person or animal. Behavior: Shamy “goes” indoors as his owner was elderly & not able to walk him. He hasn’t had the following done to know his behaviors: having his food/food bowl, toys/treats touched/moved, being moved off of furniture, being held/restrained, having his nails trimmed or being disturbed while sleeping/resting. If someone unfamiliar approaches the home/family member Shamy will bark. He isn’t bothered by bath time. For A New Family To Know: Shamy is described as friendly, affectionate, playful (at times) & mellow with a medium activity level. When walked Shamy pulls on his leash from excitement. He sleeps on a dog bed and eats Pedigree wet food 2x a day. Shamy’s known command is “sit”. Intake Behavior: Shamy allowed to be scanned (-), collared & taken pictures of. He was then picked up/carried and placed into a kennel with ease.
06/13/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Little Shamy is with us as his owner died….He is a really cute elderly with the most lovely face…He was a bit wary when he came in, having parted from his home and loved one…He seems more comfortable now and welcomes caresses and the lap. Shamy walks well on the leash, appears quite fine with other dogs met, big and small and does his business on the way although we can not assure that he is fully housetrained. Shamy has been reasonably well cared for by his former master. A stop at the groomer, though , would transform him into a fluffy posh pet… Come and meet our Shamy at the Manhattan Care Center and make him yours.
Shamy came into our center after his owner died. Family reports Shamy is shy when first meeting strangers but will warm up. He is described as friendly, affectionate, playful at times, and mellow. During intake, Shamy allowed all handling. He was calm upon entering SAFER assessment room. Shamy allowed his head to be cupped in assessor’s hands, relaxed. He stood still and accepted the touch during Sensitivity item, ears and tail neutral. Shamy did not follow on the end of the leash for Tag game, focused on exit and unresponsive to each pass. He pulled his paw back on both Squeeze attempts, turned head towards assessor. Shamy showed minimal interest in Toy, sniffing a few times before turning away. When off leash with other dogs, Shamy did not interact and mostly kept to himself, then walked into the pool to cool off. The Behavior Team feels Shamy would do best with an Experienced adopter that does not have young children. He may benefit from initially entering a calm, quiet, structured environment so he can relax and know what to expect in his new home. Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted. His ears are back, his tail is down, and he has a relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, and his tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is closed for at least a portion of the assessment item. Tag: 2. Dog is not fearful, but is unresponsive to the Assessor, focused on exit Squeeze 1 / 2: 2. Dog pulls back paw, turns head towards assessor’s hand. Toy: 1. Minimal interest in Toy, sniffs, then turns away. Dog-dog: When off leash with other dogs, Shamy did not interact and mostly kept to himself, then walked into the pool to cool off
6/7: When off leash with other dogs Shamy roams, keeps to himself. He climbs into the dog kiddie pool. 6/9: Shamy bounces around the pen with dogs. 6/10 update: Shamy politely greets each dog in the yard then spends his time exploring his surroundings. 6/13: Shamy ignores dogs and keeps to himself. Eventually he seeks handler attention. 6/14 update: Shamy greets politley then spends his time exploring the yard.
Medical rating was 3 NC – MAJOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Microchip: Negative Sex: Intact male Age~ Approx- 10 yrs Geriatric dog with otitis externa BARH AMBX4 Eyes: Clear / wnl Ears: Otitis, Dirty, cleaned with ear cleansing soln Nose: Clear / wnl Teeth: Severe dental tartar BCS: 3 Skin: APH / WNL Hair Coat: WNL Behavior: Barking and not allow to handle during exam NOSF
06/12/16 13:27 canceled pre-NSAID bloodwork. recommend full geriatric work up with bloodwork after placement, can start chronic treatment for suspect arthritis at that time. S/O: QAR Hydr wnl EENT: sever otitis AU w/scabs med pinna, severe dental dz w/ decayed teeth and missing teeth MS/SK: matted fur, thin bcs 4/9, splinting on vetebral palpation ABD: nsf on palpation Lymph: nsf Neuro: decreased cp lh H/L: Hr wnl nm nsr pink moist mm <2 Lungs: nsf A: lameness r/o OA +/- ivdd other P: rec blood tests pre nsaid, ear clean, clip matts
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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