SCOOBY – A1119573
Safe -
8-19-2017 Brooklyn
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SAFE 08/19/17
Brooklyn Center
My name is SCOOBY. My Animal ID # is A1119573.
I am a neutered male brown shih tzu mix. The shelter thinks I am about 8 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 08/10/2017 from NY 11207, owner surrender reason stated was LLORDPRIVA.
08/13/2017 AT RISK MEMO
Scooby A1119573 – Scooby has displayed some handling sensitivity during his stay at our care centers, he was unable to get through a handling assessment at this time.
08/11/2017 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 4 NC – SEVERE CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 35.6 LBS.
08/11/17 Recheck eyes after grooming S/O: BARH. Allowed handling with blanket, started growling and snapping when trying to examine face HL: No murmurs/arrhythmias ABD: Tense MS: Ambulatory x 4 Sedated with telazol 0.4ml for grooming and complete exam EENT: Mucoid ocular discharge matted over eyes, moderate conjunctivitis and corneal scarring after shaving, minimal dental tartar/gingivitis, no nasal discharge, ears wnl ABD: Soft, no organomegaly INTEG: Several areas of matting, around paws and ventrum, hind end — shaved matts A: Conjunctivitis, chronic irritation to eyes likely from overgrown hair coat, obese P: CBC/chem/T4 pending. Good prognosis Not placing on treatment due to behavior Addendum: Blood work Mild leukocytosis (19.51K/uL) characterized by a mild neutrophilia (16.93K/uL), all other results WNL Very mild hyperglobulinemia (4/8g/dL) and hyperglycemia (157mg/dL)
08/10/17 14:48 Scooby is an 8 year old neutered brown male dog who was surrendered by his owner due to the fact she is moving and can no longer have pets. The owner stated that she got Scooby as a gift from her friend and she has had him since he was 8 weeks old. The owner stated that Scooby has no known medical reasons. When around strangers the owner stated that his is friendly and outgoing. Scooby has spent time around children and he is relaxed and playful. When playing with children and adults Scooby is gentle. Scooby has not spent time in the home with other dogs so it is unknown how he will reacts. He has spent time around cats and he is respectful. Owner stated that occasionally Scooby might urinate in the home. During fireworks and loud noises he isn’t bothered. If someone was to touch his food treats or toys he isn’t bothered. He also isn’t bothered if he is restrained, pushed off the couch or disturbed while he sleeps. Scooby will tolerate being bathed and brushed. He has never had his nails trimmed so its s unknown how he will react. If someone unfamiliar was to approach his home or family member he will bark. Owner Described Scooby as friendly affectionate and mellow with a low energy level. Scooby is not really interested in toys other that chew bones. He has been kept mostly indoors and eats both wet and dry food. Scooby is mostly house trained and has accidents in the home a few times per month. When using the bathroom outside he will go on the grass or cement. When left alone in the house he is well behaved. Scooby has never been left in the yard or crated so it is unknown how he will react. Scooby knows how to sit and come when called. He is used to slow walks on the leash, when off the leash he stays by your side.
No Web Memo
KNOWN HISTORY: Full profile 8/10/17 Neutered male, owner surrender (length of time in previous home 8years) Previously lived with: Adults, Scooby has spent time around children, and cats. Behavior toward strangers: Friendly Behavior toward children: Gentle Behavior toward dogs: Unknown Behavior toward cats: Respectful Resource guarding: None reported Bite history: None reported Housetrained: No, Scooby may have accidents in the home. Energy level/descriptors: Owner Described Scooby as friendly, affectionate, and mellow with a low energy level. SAFER ASSESSMENT: 8/12/17 Look: 5. Dog freezes, and snaps. Toy item: No interest Summary: When attempting to position Scooby for his handling assessment, he began to low growl, and snap at the assessor. Assessment was unable to be completed. PLAYGROUP: Scooby was surrender as a stray so his past behavior around other dogs are unknown. When off leash at the Care Center, Scooby greets a group of small male and female dogs with a soft body. He explores the yard, and occasionally checks in with the other dogs. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 8/11/17 During the initial exam Scooby was toweled due to snapping. Limited handling was done. ENERGY LEVEL: His previous owner reports a low activity level, which matches what we have seen in the care center. The movement/snapping appeared to be aimed at stopping the assessor’s activity/etc. Scooby will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. RECOMMENDATIONS: NHO _X_No children (under 13)-Due to how uncomfortable Scooby is currently with touch and novel stimuli, we feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. _X_Place with a New Hope partner- Scooby has not acclimated well to the kennel environment and has allowed only minimal handling since intake. We recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home.
Potential challenges: _X_House soiling- Scooby is reported to have frequent accidents in the house, and appears not to have been housetrained in the past. He will need guidance and consistency to learn to eliminate outside. We recommend crate training (the crate must be made positive and never used as a punishment), frequent walks, rewards for eliminating outside (treats, toys, games), consistent feeding schedule, and careful monitoring when inside. Accidents should never be punished as it can damage the human-dog relationship and is likely to make the problem worse. _X_ Handling/touch sensitivity-Dog has low growled and snapped when handled, showing a discomfort with touch in certain areas (around the face/neck). It is important to avoid touching Scooby’s face, at this time and being cautious when touching him in other areas as we do not know where he may have other sensitivities. Positive reinforcement, reward based training should be used to pair touch with good things such as food rewards in order to teach Scooby to be more comfortable with this.
Scooby was surrender as a stray so his past behavior around other dogs is unknown. 8/12 – 13: When off leash at the Care Center, Scooby greets a group of small male and female dogs with a soft body. He explores the yard, and occasionally checks in with the other dogs.
Medical rating was 4 NC – SEVERE CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age:8 Microchip noted on Intake? yes History : surrender Subjective: BAR, hydrated Observed Behavior – does not like exam or restraint, toweled for limited exam, tried to bite when attempting to examine head and eyes. Evidence of Cruelty seen – possible neglect (in dire need of grooming, esp around eyes) Evidence of Trauma seen – no Objective P = 120 R = 20 BCS: 4/9 EENT: Conjunctivitis O.D. eye sealed shut, very inflammed, suspect secondary to hair irritation. Limited exam due to behavior, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: nsf PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Too tense to palpate, somewhat distended. Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: male castrated MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: not performed Assessment: geriatric in need of grooming especially around face/eyes conjunctivitis O.D. rule out secondary to hair irritation tense abdomen/slightly distended: rule out tense/fear vs organomegaly vs ascites vs other Plan recommend grooming/clipping: may need light sedation treat right eye after grooming for conjunctivitis consider abdominal radiographs if abdomen still tense and difficult to palpate Prognosis: SURGERY:already neutered
08/11/17 Recheck eyes after grooming S/O: BARH. Allowed handling with blanket, started growling and snapping when trying to examine face HL: No murmurs/arrhythmias ABD: Tense MS: Ambulatory x 4 Sedated with telazol 0.4ml for grooming and complete exam EENT: Mucoid ocular discharge matted over eyes, moderate conjunctivitis and corneal scarring after shaving, minimal dental tartar/gingivitis, no nasal discharge, ears wnl ABD: Soft, no organomegaly INTEG: Several areas of matting, around paws and ventrum, hind end — shaved matts A: Conjunctivitis, chronic irritation to eyes likely from overgrown hair coat, obese P: CBC/chem/T4 pending. Good prognosis Not placing on treatment due to behavior Addendum: Blood work Mild leukocytosis (19.51K/uL) characterized by a mild neutrophilia (16.93K/uL), all other results WNL Very mild hyperglobulinemia (4/8g/dL) and hyperglycemia (157mg/dL)
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