RUDABEGA – A1115031
Safe -
6-12-2017 Manhattan
Rescue: Rescue Dogs Rock NYC
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SAFE 07/12/17
RUDABEGA – A1115031
Intake condition INJ SEVERE Intake Date 06/11/2017, From NY 11419, DueOut Date 06/14/2017,
Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE
Medical Summary scan negative QARH female intact very nervous, tense appx a yr old possible broken rt front limb, swollen and very painful non wt bearing rt front limb laceration on caudal to rt carpal area few small abrasions on front limbs and paws wound cleaned with novalson panting clean EEN clean coat BCS 5/9 immediatelly spoke to Dr 1088 and explained Dr rec Followings- 500cc SQF Rimadyl 75mg 1 tab PO 0.8cc Hydromorphone IM Q 4hrs NOSF
Weight 35.0
RE EXAM: DVM Intake (6/12/17); Estimated age: approx 2 years; Microchip noted on Intake? neg, not placed on intake; History : found running on the street by police; while chasing her, she became injured-suspect hit by car; given 75 mg Rimadyl PO last night and hydromorphone 0.8 ml IM q4h; Subjective: QAR; Observed Behavior – aggressive in cage; growling, showing teeth and lunging; had to sedate for exam; Evidence of Trauma seen – RF lameness and large wound; Objective P = 70 (after sedation) R = eupnic, 35 BCS 5/9; EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted; Oral Exam: muzzled for exam; mm pk, tacky; CRT <2 sec; rostral teeth show minimal tartar/staining; PLN: No enlargements noted; H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic; ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated; U/G: female; MSI: RF-non weight bearing lameness with distal limb hanging abnormally; swelling, crepitus mid-antebrachium; large laceration/degloving injury to mediocaudal aspect of carpus-underlying musculature/tendon visible; interdigital abrasions on LF; RH-mild lameness noted; resists hip extension when not fully sedated but no crepitus palpable; CNS: mentation appropriate; unable to assess proprioception/reflexes due to temperament initially and then sedation; Rectal:not performed ; Radiographs:; RF-mid diaphyseal complete spiral fracture of radius/ulna with mild proximo-dorsal displacement; mild SQ emphysema; no obvious abnormalities of carpus or elbow; RH-incomplete fracture of acetabulum and poss fracture of body of R pubis; Assessment; Complete R r/u fracture; Degloving injury over R carpus; Incomplete fracture of R acetabulum; Poss fracture of R body of pubis; Plan; Had to sedate with 0.8 ml hydromorphone/0.9 ml dexdomitor/0.15 ml ketamine IM; cleaned R degloving injury, gently debrided; flushed with copious amounts of sterile LRS; unable to close with available tissue; initially tried just bandaging over distal wound but that applied too much pressure to r/u fracture so eventually placed full bandage over antebrachium in order to cover wound; this should be considered temporary and removed later today or tomorrow; Baytril @ 10 mg/kg; 100 mg/ml 1.5 ml SQ SID; Rimadyl 75 mg PO SID; Continue hydromorphone 0.8 ml IM q4h; Rec’d immedate transfer to ortho surgeon; needs stabilization of r/u fx and to address degloving injury; Prognosis: good with aggressive tx Weight 35.0
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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