ROCKY – A0703842 (ALT ID A1086162)
Safe - 9-3-2016 Manhattan
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SAFE 09/03/16
ROCKY – A0703842 (ALT ID A1086162)
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 08/19/2016, From NY 10460, DueOut Date 08/22/2016,
Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE
Medical Summary Microchip: Positive # 0A102C237A Sex: Neutered male Age~ Approx- 11 yrs as per owner Geriatric healthy dog BARH AMBX4 Eyes: Clear / wnl Ears: Clean/ wnl Nose: Clear / wnl Teeth: Moderate dental tartar BCS: 3 Any injuries: None seen NOSF
Weight 35.5
A volunteer writes:
Rocky, a Boxer with a twist, was brought to us as his family had no time for an old dog anymore… Bringing up youngsters and taking care of seniors poses definitively challenges . Rocky, indeed, is eleven year old, has now “accidents” in the house, is less energetic, may be more distant and at times cranky…Sounds like us, humans…Rocky is still a beautiful dog, although much too thin and ..hungry. I love the very dark and shiny black markings around his eyes, his mouth and his spongy nose. I thought at first that his legs were dirty. Not at all, Rocky is well groomed and his extremities are “cafe au lait”, adding more diversity to the pattern of his coat. Rocky is always at his door. We have met a few times and are getting more acquainted.He is definitively less aloof than when we first started. He walks beautifully on the leash and does his full business outside at each of our outings.He flinches less when I pet him, even wags his tail and I think sees me more and more as a friend. A squeaky toy sparks his interest and I saw that he still has in him a playful streak.Dogs are met, big and small. Rocky is cool with them… We are told that Rocky lived happily with kids of all ages, was friendly to other dogs and very relaxed around…cats..That is a plus! He would be well behaved when left alone and free of any handling issues. In a nutshell, our Rocky is looking for a caring and loving person fond and knowledgeable of seniors who will bring back the flame of youth to his heart..Rocky is waiting at the Manhattan Care Center for that very special person…
Rocky is friendly and outgoing, he is good around kids , very tolerant and calm. He has been in a home with kids ages 1 to 12. He is respectful and very tolerant of other dogs. He is not the most energetic dog in terms of playfulness. He is also very relaxed around cats.
Rocky pees and poops indoors but is not destructive to any household items. He is walked about two times a day. Rocky is not bothered by his food, treats or toys being touched or taken but if he has a piece of meat or a food item of that nature he will snap but won’t bite, it is all gesturing. Rocky does not like being bathed but he will sit still until bath is completed, he does not mind being groomed but he does not like getting his nails clipped and will snap. Rocky also does not like being picked up and stiffens/struggles and may also snap. Rocky does not bark very much.
Rocky is affectionate and mellow. He has a low level of activity at home and mostly just lies down. He does not follow owners around the house much, he has favorite rooms that he prefers and will spend time in there. Rocky is partial to squeaky toys. Rocky is walked 2 times a day but uses the bathroom in the house every day. He has been crated since he was a puppy and spends about 8 hours a day in the crate but it has not worked recently and he breaks out of the crate to use the bathroom and sit in front of a fan or window. He does not pull when on the leash and when off leash will wander slightly but returns when called and will stay by your side also. Rocky knows Sit, Lay Down, Come, go over there, get out the room and several variations of the former. He is fed pedigree dry food twice a day.
Rocky was laying on the floor the entire intake. He was willing to allow councilor to pet him, scan him and collar him.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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