ROCKET – A1080812
Safe - 7-20-2016 Brooklyn Rescue: Second Chance Rescue Please honor your pledges:
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SAFE 07/20/16
Brooklyn Center
My name is ROCKET. My Animal ID # is A1080812.
I am a female tan and white am pit bull ter. The shelter thinks I am about 1 YEAR 3 MONTHS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 07/11/2016 from NY 11226, owner surrender reason stated was COST.
07/18/2016 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is AVERAGE, Weight 40.2 LBS.
07/18/16 12:27 Sleeping in cage initially, stayed in bed coughing but wagging tail when approached Lethargic/QAR. Sweet but timid, allowed full exam Not interested in food Excess mucoid nasal discharge, coughed throughout exam Thin – BCS 2/9. Prominent ribs, bony processes MM pk/moist MIld dental staining throughout Eyes/ears clear Submandibular/prescapular LN prominent but not enlarged A: 1 yo FI Pit mix CIRDC Underweight P: Move to iso Begin doxycycline 200 mg PO SID x 10 days Recheck 3 days, 10 days (sooner pending initial recheck) Continue TID feedings NOTED TO BE ON TID FEEDINGS, BUT DID NOT SEE SHEET ON KENNEL (NEW KENNEL CARD WAS PLACED OVER OLD TID FEEDING SHEET, WHICH WAS ONLY INITIALED ONCE) PLACED NEW TID FEEDING SHEET
07/11/16 15:00 Basic Information: Rocket is a 1 year old unaltered American Pit Bull Terrier mix. She was given to the owner as a gift from a family member and is being surrendered due to the cost of owning a pet. Rocket has not been to a vet but has no known health problems or injuries. Socialization: Rocket has lived with one adult and exuberant during play with the owner. She is friendly with strangers and greets them with a loose body and wagging tail. She is friendly to children that she meets on the street. She wiggles her body and lifts the children’s hand with her head to be pet. She has not interacted or lived with other dogs. She lives with a cat and the cat and Rocket will “talk” to each other. They are friendly and respectful with each other. Behavior: Rocket has never snapped or bit a person or another animal. She is nervous during fireworks and cries. She is friendly if someone removes her food bowl or toys from her. She is also friendly when held, woken up from sleep, given a bath, brushed, or when strangers approach her home or family. It is unknown how she will react to having a bone or treat taken away, being removed from furniture, or having her nails trimmed. For a New Family to Know: The owner describes Rocket as friendly, affectionate, playful, and excitable. She kept mostly indoors and has a high activity level. She loves to play with rubber toys but will tear them apart. She is fed dry food twice a day. She is mostly house trained but will defecate in the home a couple times a week. Sometimes she chews in the wood baseboards when left home alone. She has not been crate trained. She does not know any commands. She is used to being walked on the leash and pulls very hard. Admissions Behavior: Rocket greeted the counselor by jumping up. She had a very loose body and wagging tail throughout the intake. She was difficult to handle because of her excited behavior. The more interaction between the counselor and Rocket, the more hyper she would become.
07/19/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Rocket has a song in her heart and an unwavering wag to her tail whenever people are near. She seems to really crave and thrive on human contact; she is one of those dogs that harbors such an unbridled love for people that she’ll make you feel like a celebrity! She is so, so sweet and like a radiates a contagious joy. Whenever I’ve walked her she constantly looks up at me with the biggest smile. She props her paws up for attention and is super wiggly. Not only is she amazing in real life, Rocket is amazing on paper too! Her previous owner tells us that while she hasn’t lived with children, she is super friendly towards those she’s met on the street and will lift their hands with her head to solicit petting. She has lived with a cat and was friendly and respectful with it…and even had conversations with it! She is friendly when being woken up, having a bath, or when strangers approach…definitely not guard-dog material, but what a GOOD GIRL. Since at the care center Rocket tries to keep her cage clean as long as she can, but she might need to polish up her housetraining. In her last home she wasn’t exposed to other dogs, but she seems to be a natural and has been used as a social greeter dog during our playgroups. This girl has it all (and is the sweetest!!) — can she land at your place?? Rocket is ready for take-off at Brooklyn ACC.
Rocket previously lived with one adult and has been around children. The owner stated Rocket is very friendly with strangers, adults and love to be pet by children. The owner mentioned Rocket lived with a cat and the cat and Rocket will “talk” to each other. The owner describes Rocket as friendly, affectionate, playful, and excitable. It was reported by the owner Rocket is house trained and has a high activity level. At intake it was reported Rocket was very loose and wiggly, she allowed all handling. During SAFER Rocket came into the assessment room loose and wiggly, she was friendly and playful towards the assessor. She allowed all handling items to be conducted without issue. Rocket joins the game during the tag interaction, and during the resources portion of the assessment Rocket was easy to handle when engaged with the item. Rocket appears to be sociable, and did not display any behaviors concerns, so the department feels she can be suitable for an “Average” adopter. Look:1. Dog’s eyes are averted. Her ears are back, her tail is down, and she has a relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, and her tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item. Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Or dog indicates play with huffing, soft ‘popping’ of the body, etc. Dog jumps on Assessor once play begins. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Her eyes are averted and her ears are relaxed. Squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back her paw. Toy: 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. She does not place her body between you and the toy. Dog-dog: Rocket displays loose and wiggly body language when greeting other dogs. She solicits and engages in gentle play with male and female dogs. She is utilized as a greeter dog and greets new male dogs with soft body language.
According to Rocket’s previous owner, Rocket has not interacted or lived with other dogs. When off leash with dogs at the Care Center, Rocket greets male and female dogs displaying soft and wiggly body language. She engages in and solicits gentle play. She is utilized as a greeter dog and greets new male dogs with soft body language. **Social Greeter Dog** 7/12: Rocket greets the other dog displaying soft and wiggly body language. She solicits play with play bows and bouncing around the other dog. When play is no reciprocated, she explores the pen. 7/14-7/17: Rocket displays loose and wiggly body language when greeting other dogs. She solicits and engages in gentle play with male and female dogs. She is utilized as a greeter dog and greets new male dogs with soft body language.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Scanned negative BARH- tolerated all handling; frinedly and sociable Intact female Approx. 1yr and 3 months old by previous owners records Eyes, ears and nose- clean and clear Teeth- mild tartar and staining Skinny body condition- ribs easliy seen; put on TID feedings No parasites or fleas seen Ambx4 NOSF
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating AVERAGE
07/18/16 12:27 Sleeping in cage initially, stayed in bed coughing but wagging tail when approached Lethargic/QAR. Sweet but timid, allowed full exam Not interested in food Excess mucoid nasal discharge, coughed throughout exam Thin – BCS 2/9. Prominent ribs, bony processes MM pk/moist MIld dental staining throughout Eyes/ears clear Submandibular/prescapular LN prominent but not enlarged A: 1 yo FI Pit mix CIRDC Underweight P: Move to iso Begin doxycycline 200 mg PO SID x 10 days Recheck 3 days, 10 days (sooner pending initial recheck) Continue TID feedings NOTED TO BE ON TID FEEDINGS, BUT DID NOT SEE SHEET ON KENNEL (NEW KENNEL CARD WAS PLACED OVER OLD TID FEEDING SHEET, WHICH WAS ONLY INITIALED ONCE) PLACED NEW TID FEEDING SHEET
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Dogs 2016-07