REDD – A1073532
Safe -
5-22-2016 Manhattan
Rescue: Rebound Hounds
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SAFE 05/22/16
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Manhattan Center
My name is REDD. My Animal ID # is A1073532.
I am a spayed female tan and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 1 YEAR 7 MONTHS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 05/13/2016 from NY 10029, owner surrender reason stated was PET HEALTH.
05/20/2016 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 32.6 LBS.
5/20/2016 S/O: lethargy, clear nasal d/c lying down, low energy, serous d/c from nares no feces in cage noted A: CIRDC h/o elevated T bili, elevated protein, h/o weight loss and D- diagnosis open, warrants further diagnostics to determine underlying cause such as abn ultrasound, IM consultation P: move to iso start on doxycyline 100mg: one and half tabs orally SID x10days CTM for energy level, appetite- if con’t to be lethargic will add on SQ fluids daily 300ml, consider recheck cbc/chem, monitor for diarrhea, consider NH transfer 5/17/16 Hx weight loss, diarrhea Elevated T bili – R/O chronic liver disease vs. cholangiohepatitis vs. gall bladder mucocele vs. other Elevated protein – R/O dehydration vs. infection vs. other ALT did not read Normal CBC Rec internal medicine work-up including abdominal ultrasound. 1088 ———- 5/17/16 Fecal float: negative PARAMETERS RESULTS REFERENCE RANGES RBC 7.56 M/ul 5.65-8.87 HCT 52.5 % 37.3-61-.7 HGB g/dl 13.1-20.5 MCV 69.4 fL 61.6-73.5 MCH pg 21.2-25.9 MCHC g/dl 32.0-37.9 RDW 16.9 % 13.6-21.7 %RETIC 0.7 % RETIC 53.7 K/uL 10.0-110 WBC 14.67 K/uL 5.05-16.76 %NEUT 69.6 % %LYM 15.2 % %MONO 7.5 % %EOS 7.2 % %BASO 0.5 % NEUT 10.21 2.95-11.64 LYM 2.23 1.05-5.10 MONO 1.1 0.16-1.12 EOS 1.06 0.06-1.12 BASO 0.07 0.00-0.10 PLT 239 148-484 MPV 10.1 8.7-13.2 PDW 11.8 9.1-19.4 PCT 0.24 0.14-0.46 Parameters Results Reference Ranges GLU 106 mg/dl 74-143 BUN 11 mg/dl 7-27 CREAT 1 mg/dl 0.5-1.8 BUN/Creat 11 PHOS 6.4 mg/dl 2.5-6.8 CA 9.6 mg/dl 7.9-12.0 TP 9.2 g/dl 5.2-8.2 ALB 4.4 g/dl 2.3-4.0 GLOB 4.8 g/dl 2.5-4.5 ALB/Glob 0.9 ALT U/L 10-125 ALKP 16 U/L 23-212 GGT 0 U/L 0-11 TBILI 3.6 mg/dl 0.0-0.9 CHOL 193 mg/dl 110-320 Na 158 mmol/L 144-160 K 4.2 mmol/L 3.5-5.8 Na/K 38 Cl 118 mmol/L 109-122 Osm calc 312 mmol/kg
05/13/16 11:20 Basic Information Redd was brought in as an owner’s surrender for health reasons. Owner has had Redd since she was just two months after receiving her from a friend. Socialization & behavior Redd is described as being friendly and outgoing with new people. Owner says she has spent time with different age groups of children, and she is playful and relaxed with them. She has lived with another pit bull as well as spent time with dogs in the dog park. Owner says she is very playful and comfortable with them. Redd is said to be curious and playful when around cats. According to owner there have been no issues of Redd biting anyone or another animal. Owner says Redd becomes nervous when hearing swift movements and noises. Owner says Redd just backs away if food bowl is touched while eating. She allows owner to remove things from her mouth, and is trained not to get onto furniture. Redd is unbothered if disturbed while sleeping. Owner says she does not like baths and has to be kept on leash to stop her from running. For a New Family to Know Redd is described as friendly, affectionate, and anxious with a medium activity level. When home she is normally following her owner and enjoys stuffed and chew toys. As of late owner has been feeding her bread and also Jasmine rice and liver. Redd is house-trained to use wee-wee pads. Owner says she does not go to the bathroom outside if there are a lot of people around. Redd is said to be behaved when home alone, sit, come, no, and give kiss. When off leash owner says if Redd is playing she has to call her a lot of times before she comes, but she doesn’t attempt to run away. Behavior during Intake Redd was skittish during intake. She cowers and runs when someone approaches her, or if hearing loud noises. After owner left Redd allowed me to pet her. Redd growled at me when I attempted to remove her sweater off of her paw, when I attempted to touch it again she snapped but missed. Redd allowed petting, and allowed all handling.
05/17/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Redd is known to have a very sensitive soul and one can imagine that finding herself in a totally unfamiliar environment without her loved ones must be very tough on her. She is lost and conflicted, hesitant to be leashed and once out of her kennel, jumps into the first human arms she can find, looking for protection. She wags her tail a lot, clearly wants to meet people and other dogs at our gate when she is leash free but then backs off and runs, mouth open, anxious and stressed or settles on my lap for much needed hugs. I so do feel for her…Redd is thin, the very reason her owners relinquished her to us, not knowing what to make of her condition. She does eat, though, here at the care center. Redd lived happily with many children of all ages, shared the house in harmony with another Pittie and was good with other dogs in a park dog run. She was friendly to strangers, playful, well behaved and very affectionate. Her owner master did say that she was a bit anxious (for what it means). I am hoping that Redd will find comfort in meeting other dogs in playgroups, something she used to do before joining us. All that we know about Redd points to a nice gal who needs a calm, loving and nurturing environment to thrive and be the wonderful family dog she dreams to be. Redd is at the Manhattan Care Center.
Another volunteer writes: Delicate, affectionate and cute as a button, is little Redd a dog or an angel? No one is snugglier, gentler or more grateful for attention than this strawberry-colored shortcake, and the instant we’re alone together she nuzzles deep into my lap for comforting hugs and petting. The world is a very big place when you’re as small as Redd, and the elevator, the stairwell, even the hallway loom fearfully large, but we make it through these gauntlets together. Once out in the fresh air, she blooms like a delicate flower. Still a bit shy but keen to show off her skills, Redd obediently performs a ‘come’ and a ‘sit’, she accepts treats super softly, and after a few lessons she even starts lifting her paw for a ‘shake’. A hidden treasure just waiting for her chance to shine, sweet Redd comes with a bottomless supply of unconditional love and loyalty and she’s already spayed and ready to starting lighting up your life today!
Redd came into our center as an owner surrender on 5/13/2016. Owner reports Redd has spent time with children of all different ages, playful and relaxed. It is reported she lived with a pit bull, playful and comfortable, as well as got along with dogs in the dog park. She is said to be curious and playful around cats. Owner reports Redd will back away from the food bowl if it is approached while she is eating, allowed things to be taken out of her mouth. It is reported Redd is housetrained to use wee wee pads, will not use the bathroom outside if there are a lot of people around. She is described as friendly, affectionate, and sometimes anxious. During intake, Redd was skittish, cowering and running when approached or she heard a loud noise, growled and air snapped when staff attempted to take off her sweater. Once warmed up, she was friendly and allowed all handling during her initial medical exam, curious of he surroundings. Redd walked well on leash for her relief walk. She was friendly and affectionate upon entering SAFER assessment room, calm and appeared to enjoy petting. Redd allowed her head to be cupped in assessor’s hands, eyes averted, lip lick. She stood still and accepted the touch during Sensitivity item, lip lick, eyes soft and squinty. Redd followed at the end of the leash during Tag game, a bit distracted and unsure, required coaxing to re-approach at end of game. She did not pull her paw back on both Squeeze attempts, lip lick. Redd showed no interest in Toy, though this may be due to environment as owner reports she enjoys stuffed and chew toys. When off leash with other dogs, Redd is intiially nervous and avoidant, lip curl. Once comfortable will approach. The Behavior Team feels Redd would do best with an Experienced adopter. She will benefit from a slow approach/slow introduction, possibly with treats and gentle soothing voice. Once comfortable, Redd was affectionate and tolerant of all handling. Look: 1. eyes averted. Her ears are back, her tail is down, lip lick. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 2. stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are soft and squinty, her tail is between her legs, mouth closed, lip lick. Tag: 2. a bit distracted and unsure, approaches the Assessor at the end of the game w/coaxing. Squeeze 1 / 2: 2. does not pull back paw, lip lick. Toy 1. No interest. dog-dog: Initially uncomfortable, lip curl, eventually warms up and approaches
Redd is cautious during off leash interaction, and has displayed conflicted attempt at soliciting play. Her previous owner cites “She has lived with another pit bull as well as spent time with dogs in the dog park. Owner says she is very playful and comfortable with them.”. The behavior department recommends a pre adoption interaction for Redd before placement with another dog, with slow, positive introductions recommended to allow her time to acclimate. When off leash with other dogs, Redd is intiially nervous and avoidant. She offer a very small lip curl when approached. As she becomes more comfortable in the yard, she allows approach, and even makes her own approach to sniff the greeter. 5/16 update: Redd allows greeting from a polite, female dog. She offers a few bows to solicit, but when reciprocated, offers a small lip curl and runs away. She continues to approach and solciit, however also resumes to back away each time reciprocated. 5/17 update: Redd is uncomfortable with interaction at first, eventually offers brief solicitation. She corrects a sexually motivated male dog. 5/18 update: Redd is a bit reserved in the pen with large and small dogs, at times approaching and sniffing briefly. She offers correction for mounting. 5/19 update: Redd mostly keeps to herself in a pen with large and small dogs. She seeks out handler attention.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Microchip: 985112005964070 Sex: spayed female Age: reported 1y7m Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: no d/c Teeth: slight underbite, no staining If abnormal BCS: underweight–reported loss after treating at home with fenbendazole dewormer Skin: WNL Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: N/A Any injuries: no Behavior: friendly, allowed all handling, curious of surroundings Medication: N/A, preventatives given Signed up for TID feeding
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS ,
5/20/2016 S/O: lethargy, clear nasal d/c lying down, low energy, serous d/c from nares no feces in cage noted A: CIRDC h/o elevated T bili, elevated protein, h/o weight loss and D- diagnosis open, warrants further diagnostics to determine underlying cause such as abn ultrasound, IM consultation P: move to iso start on doxycyline 100mg: one and half tabs orally SID x10days CTM for energy level, appetite- if con’t to be lethargic will add on SQ fluids daily 300ml, consider recheck cbc/chem, monitor for diarrhea, consider NH transfer 5/17/16 Hx weight loss, diarrhea Elevated T bili – R/O chronic liver disease vs. cholangiohepatitis vs. gall bladder mucocele vs. other Elevated protein – R/O dehydration vs. infection vs. other ALT did not read Normal CBC Rec internal medicine work-up including abdominal ultrasound. 1088 ———- 5/17/16 Fecal float: negative PARAMETERS RESULTS REFERENCE RANGES RBC 7.56 M/ul 5.65-8.87 HCT 52.5 % 37.3-61-.7 HGB g/dl 13.1-20.5 MCV 69.4 fL 61.6-73.5 MCH pg 21.2-25.9 MCHC g/dl 32.0-37.9 RDW 16.9 % 13.6-21.7 %RETIC 0.7 % RETIC 53.7 K/uL 10.0-110 WBC 14.67 K/uL 5.05-16.76 %NEUT 69.6 % %LYM 15.2 % %MONO 7.5 % %EOS 7.2 % %BASO 0.5 % NEUT 10.21 2.95-11.64 LYM 2.23 1.05-5.10 MONO 1.1 0.16-1.12 EOS 1.06 0.06-1.12 BASO 0.07 0.00-0.10 PLT 239 148-484 MPV 10.1 8.7-13.2 PDW 11.8 9.1-19.4 PCT 0.24 0.14-0.46 Parameters Results Reference Ranges GLU 106 mg/dl 74-143 BUN 11 mg/dl 7-27 CREAT 1 mg/dl 0.5-1.8 BUN/Creat 11 PHOS 6.4 mg/dl 2.5-6.8 CA 9.6 mg/dl 7.9-12.0 TP 9.2 g/dl 5.2-8.2 ALB 4.4 g/dl 2.3-4.0 GLOB 4.8 g/dl 2.5-4.5 ALB/Glob 0.9 ALT U/L 10-125 ALKP 16 U/L 23-212 GGT 0 U/L 0-11 TBILI 3.6 mg/dl 0.0-0.9 CHOL 193 mg/dl 110-320 Na 158 mmol/L 144-160 K 4.2 mmol/L 3.5-5.8 Na/K 38 Cl 118 mmol/L 109-122 Osm calc 312 mmol/kg
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If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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