PYXIS – 28252
Safe -
6-7-2018 Manhattan
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SAFE 06/07/18
PYXIS – 28252
Intake Date : 5/16/18 Intake Type: Stray
Medical Behavior: – Age: 4 years Sex: Female
Weight: 51.4 lbs
Medical exam pending
A Little Bit About Me…
A volunteer writes: Pyxis was the first dog I walked on this beautiful Monday. She was barking in excitement, and seemed really eager to go out, so I decided to please her, expecting quite a bit of energy to handle. Turned out Pyxis just needed to do her business. So this lady behaves like she is housebroken, and will let you know when she needs to go! Once outside, she doesn’t pull that much except when someone compliments how beautiful she looks, as she wants to go say “thank you” right away–and that happens a lot, given her beautiful markings, her cute freckled face and her adorable brown patch on the eye! She loves loves people, and her tail is constantly wagging full speed with a huge smile on her face as you can see on her video, too. She’s a pretty active lady and would be happy in a family that can provide her with a good amount of exercise. Come meet her at the Manhattan Care Center and fall in love with adorable Pyxis.
Details on my behavior are…
Date of assessment: 17-May-2018
Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands.
Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth.
Tag: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body soft.
Paw squeeze 1: 2. Dog quickly pulls back.
Paw squeeze 2: 2. Dog quickly pull back.
Toy: 1. Minimal interest in toy, dog may smell or lick, then turns away.
Summary: Pyxis quickly approached the assessor with a soft body. She was social throughout the assessment, allowed all handling, and displayed no concerning behaviors.
Summary: Based on observation made in the care center, Pyxis may be most compatible with slow introductions to respectful dog.
Summary (1): 5/17: When introduced off leash to the male greeter dog, Pyxis greets politely, then seeks handler attention.
Summary (2): 5/21-24: Pyxis allows polite greeting, keeps mostly to herself. She is slightly tense when solicited with play.
Summary (3): 5/30: Pyxis greets male and female dogs politely.
Date of intake: 16-May-2018
Summary: Pyxis had a loose body and allowed all handling.
ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Pyxis so we cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment. In the care center, she displays a medium level of activity.
BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: AVERAGE (suitable for an adopter with an average amount of dog experience)
Behavior Asilomar; H – Healthy
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If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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