PRINCESA – A1074390
Safe -
5-28-2016 Manhattan
Rescue: Zani's Furry Friends Pet Rescue
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SAFE 05/28/16
Manhattan Center
My name is PRINCESA. My Animal ID # is A1074390.
I am a female br brindle and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 12 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 05/20/2016 from NY 10454, owner surrender reason stated was INAD FACIL. I came in with Group/Litter #K16-058123.
05/25/2016 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 4 NC – SEVERE CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 40.7 LBS.
05/25/16 14:30 vc bandage appears still in place A: mass, secondary infection P:rec placement for workup v EHR. pt is 4nc bc underlying 5/23 Hx: Mass on neck. Was not bleeding on admission but today there is a lot of blood coming from it. S: Calm, moves slowly, allows all handling. O: BAR-H, BCS 6/9, MMs pink and moist EENT: No discharge OU, AU, nose. Severe tartar and gingivitis, some teeth missing or fractured. H/L: NSR, NMA. Panting, quiet lung sounds. Abd: Tense M/S/I: Amb x4; orthopedic exam not performed. 3 cm dia round flat ulcerated mass on left dorsal aspect of neck. THe mass is ulcerated with moderate bloody discharge and a small amount of purulent discharge. UG: Female A: 1. Infected mass on neck – R/O neoplasia with secondary infection 2. Dental disease 3. Likely orthopedic disease/arthritis contributing to slow gait Short-term prognosis: Fair Current surgery status: Permanent waiver due to age and neck mass. P: 1. Mass on neck was cleaned and bandaged during exam. NO NECK LEADS – must use harness or loop leash over L shoulder so it doesn’t rub on the mass!!! 2. Rec FNA and excisional biopsy of neck mass 2. Recommend dental cleaning and rads, and extractions as needed 1088
05/20/16 10:53 Basic Info: Princesa A1074390 is a 12yr old female brown brindle & white AMPBT mix who was inherited from a deceased family member over a 1yr ago and is being surrendered along with her son Kaleman A1074391 due to the owner moving not having the proper space for them. They were both last seen by a veterinarian in 2014 and Princesa currently has a skin tag on her neck that appears to have some dried blood on it. Kaleman has no known health issues/injuries. Socialization: Around strangers Princesa is friendly/outgoing. She’s spent time with children ages ranging from 4-17yrs and was gentle, exuberant, relaxed, playful with them also the adult in the home & Kaleman (even though at times they are jealous when the other is getting attention/affection while they aren’t). Princesa has never bitten/scratched any person or animal. Behavior: Princesa isn’t bothered by the following: having her food/food bowl, toys/treats touched/moved, being moved off of furniture, being brushed, bath time or being disturbed while sleeping/resting. She hasn’t had her nails trimmed. If someone approaches the home/family member Princesa will bark to alert you. For A New Family to Know: Princesa is friendly, affectionate, playful, confident, mellow & independent with a low-medium activity level. Princesa enjoys sleeping, playing and being out in the yard (she only lived indoors during the winter months in her previous home over 1yr ago). Princesa enjoys chew toys and games of fetch, chase, wrestling (with Kaleman-even though at times it gets a little rough) & tug. Princesa is mostly an indoor only dog who sleeps anywhere & is walked 1-2x a day where she doesn’t pull on her leash. She eats dry Pedigree dog food 2x a day. She will have accidents in the home if someone takes too long to take her out. When left home alone Princesa is well behaved. Intake Behavior: Princesa allowed all handling. She allowed to be scanned (-), collared & taken pictures of including positioning her during her photo session. Princesa then walked into the kennel on her own.
05/23/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: We always hear about “Father and Sons”.. Well here, we have…… “Mother and Son”.. Twelve year old Princesa came with her eight year old little boy Kaleman to the Manhattan Care Center as their owners lost their home…They are quite a pair, two good elderly chaps who earned their gold medal as outstanding family pets. Although Princesa is at the crepuscule of her life, she still has quite a bit of energy in her to slowly stroll around the block and even climb stairs, although at times, she seems a little wobbly on her legs.. She does her business on the way and seems to be house trained as her owner related to us. She is often found sleeping in her den, though but is up promptly with a tap on the shoulder. Her nose is in full swing and she spots right away my stash of goodies, insisting politely to sample some.. She has been beautifully cared for, is perfectly dressed and looks quite well for her age. What’s not to love about Princesa? She is an old gal, true but she still has quite a lot of spunk in her and her warm smile melts my heart. She wags her tail a lot and I can tell that she enjoys the company.. Princesa loves caresses, cuddles, attention and does not mind at all the proximity of other dogs, big and small. She comes with beautiful comments, having lived in harmony with children of all ages and blessed her former owners with her love, playfulness and good nature… Princess is no spring chick. It’s a given… There is a match, though for each dog that is worth our attention. Princesa is one of them. Please, consider her. Older dogs like older people have a lot to offer aside issues related to their age. Princesa is a lovely gal, well cared for, very feminine, proper sociable and affectionate. Come and meet her soon and hopefully, give her the place she deserves… a home sweet home fit for her golden years.
Princesa walks with a low fearful body language on leash. She was shy but friendly during the assessment – low body, but trying to stay close. Princesa was shy during handling with a fearful body language. She was distracted, focused on objects in the room rather than the handler during the tag test. Princesa was not interested in toys. She does not approach other dog, turns body to side. Princesa was surrender to us. According to her previous owner Princesa is friendly, affectionate, playful, confident, mellow & independent with a low-medium activity level. Around strangers Princesa is friendly and outgoing. She’s spent time with children ages ranging from 4-17yrs and was gentle, exuberant, relaxed, playful with them also the adult in the home. Princesa isn’t bothered by the following: having her food bowl, toys, treats touched or moved”. The behavior department feels that she may do best with an experienced adopter. Princesa has been showing fearful behavior and avoids interaction in the care center. We cannot be certain if behavior may be suppressed as a result of the shelter environment. Please note that behavior may change when Princesa is more comfortable and settled in a home environment. Look: 2. Dog pulls out of Assessor’s hands each time without settling during three repetitions. Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, shy body language , mouth closed, lip long, ears likely back, may lip lick. Tag: 2. Dog is not fearful, but is unresponsive to the Assessor, and approaches the Assessor at the end of the game (may need coaxing to approach.) she is focused on stimuli other than the Assessor. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back her paw. Squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back her paw. Toy 1. No interest. Dog – dog 2. Dog does not approach the helper dog. Turns body to side in relation to other dog, or exits. Helper:A1074440
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 3 NC – MAJOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Microchip: Negative Sex: Female Age~ Approx- 12 yrs Geriatric dog Small wound on the neck BARH AMBX4 Eyes: Clear / wnl Ears: dirty, cleaned with ear cleansing soln Nose: Clear / wnl Teeth: Severe dental tartar and some are missed BCS: 3 Skin: APH / WNL Hair Coat: WNL Any injuries:Wound on the neck Behavior:Tense and nervous during exam Medication: None NOSF
05/25/16 14:30 vc bandage appears still in place A: mass, secondary infection P:rec placement for workup v EHR. pt is 4nc bc underlying 5/23 Hx: Mass on neck. Was not bleeding on admission but today there is a lot of blood coming from it. S: Calm, moves slowly, allows all handling. O: BAR-H, BCS 6/9, MMs pink and moist EENT: No discharge OU, AU, nose. Severe tartar and gingivitis, some teeth missing or fractured. H/L: NSR, NMA. Panting, quiet lung sounds. Abd: Tense M/S/I: Amb x4; orthopedic exam not performed. 3 cm dia round flat ulcerated mass on left dorsal aspect of neck. THe mass is ulcerated with moderate bloody discharge and a small amount of purulent discharge. UG: Female A: 1. Infected mass on neck – R/O neoplasia with secondary infection 2. Dental disease 3. Likely orthopedic disease/arthritis contributing to slow gait Short-term prognosis: Fair Current surgery status: Permanent waiver due to age and neck mass. P: 1. Mass on neck was cleaned and bandaged during exam. NO NECK LEADS – must use harness or loop leash over L shoulder so it doesn’t rub on the mass!!! 2. Rec FNA and excisional biopsy of neck mass 2. Recommend dental cleaning and rads, and extractions as needed 1088
Generated on May 25 2016 6:00PM
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