PRECIOUS – A1100414
Safe -
1-4-2017 Manhattan
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SAFE 01/04/17
Manhattan Center
My name is PRECIOUS. My Animal ID # is A1100414.
I am a spayed female brown and white pit bull mix. The shelter thinks I am about 3 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 12/23/2016 from NY 10465, owner surrender reason stated was MOVE2PRIVA.
01/02/2017 Exam Type BEHAVIORPART2 – Medical Rating is 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is EXPERIENCE, Weight 51.0 LBS.
Potential challenges: _X_ Kennel presence: While we cannot be certain if this behavior will appear in any other contexts, in highly emotionally charged or stressful environments Precious may show behavior similar to what she is currently demonstrating in her kennel. We recommend potential adopters be comfortable managing this behavior and keeping themselves safe in any similar future situations.
12/23/16 19:15 Socilaization Precious is friendly around strangers and hyper. Around children she is also friendly and hyper. She lives with a 5 year old and an infant. She is playful with them but can also play rough and needs to be watched. She is relaxed and playful with other dogs. She has not been around cats since she was a puppy but she got along with them then. Behavior She is house trianed and does not destroy household items. precious is notbothered by having her food touched or taken or her treats or toys. When being bathed she will struggle at first but gives up and allows bathing. she is not bothered by being brushed. She will bark if someone approaches her house or owner. She won’t bark at strangers approaching owner if owner ives visual signal to allow person to come near. New Family Precious is affectionate and playful with a very high level of energy at home. She will follow owners around the house and be in the same room as them. She likes all toys and loves enrichment that involves peanut butter. She is trained to use the bathroom outside and on a weewee pad. she is well behaved when left home alone. she knows the commands sit and paw. She pulls very hard on the leash and can be walked off leash and will come back when called. She will bark at you when she wants you to pet her. She is fed pedigrgee wet and dry food three times a day. Intake Precious entered shelter with a loose boy and wagging tail and jumps on councilor to distribute kisses. She allows all handling.
12/27/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes (as told by Precious): Hello out there! My name is Precious, and I live up to my name in every way possible. Here’s why: although the only family I’ve ever known brought me here because they’re moving where I’m not allowed, we had a great life. I’m friendly to everyone, lived with a 5 year old and an infant with whom I was playful. I sometimes forget that I’m bigger than the babies, so need to be reminded to be gentle. I’m relaxed and playful with other dogs, housetrained both outside and on wee wee pads, don’t guard my stuff, am affectionate, energetic, love peanut butter in enrichment toys, and will struggle for a minute when you give me a bath, but give up quickly and endure. I made a new friend here, her name is Volunteer. She put a coat on me ’cause it’s cold outside and we went for a nice walk. Whew, I needed to go potty and didn’t want to go in my kennel. I like to wag my tail and get treats, so I sat when she asked me to so she could see how smart I am. I pull on the leash, so a harness might be better, and I have this thing with my front leg — it’s a little twisted. I was born that way. Some people call it a deformity, I call it ‘this little thing with my front leg’. I may not be running any marathons, but I do like to go for walks, and I’m not going to let a ‘little thing with my front leg’ stop me from enjoying life. No siree. I love giving kisses and getting attention, and will even give you a quick woof when I’d like you to pet me. So, how about you and I head off into the sunset together….you ‘n me together forever. I like the sound of that. I know you want to. So ask for me by name, Precious, when you visit.
KNOWN HISTORY: Altered, Owner Surrender Previously lived with: Adults, a five year old child, an infant. Behavior toward children: Playful but can play too rough at times. Behavior toward dogs: Relaxed and playful. Behavior toward cats: Unknown FG/RG: None reported. Bite history: None reported. Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Previous owner reported that Precious is affectionate and playful with a very high level of energy. Other notes: Upon intake Precious had a loose body and wagging tail. SAFER ASSESSMENT: Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. She allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Jumps up softly on the Assessor. Flank squeeze 1: 1. Dog does not respond at all. Flank squeeze 1: 1. Dog does not respond at all. Toy: 2. Dog takes toy away, keeps a firm hold. Her body is between you and the toy, and she is loose and wiggly. No growling or stiffness. Summary: Flank was used due to medical. Precious displayed no behavioral concerns on her assessment. DOG-DOG INTERACTION ASSESSMENT: Summary PLAYGROUP: Precious is social and playful in groups of dogs at the care center. The behavior department feels that Precious may be able to be placed into a home with other playful dogs, pending slow introductions. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 12/23/16 During her initial medical exam Precious appeared sweet and playful and allowed all handling. IN-SHELTER OBSERVATIONS: While Precious is social and affectionate outside the kennel, her presence in the kennel has been challenging. When approached she often lunges forward and hard barks. This is improving slowly with the use of positive reinforcement (treats) but prevents her from moving into adoptions. We believe the kennel environment is detrimental to her behavioral health and recommend that she move into a stable home environment as quickly as possible. This lunging and barking behavior extinguishes as soon as she is out of her kennel. ENERGY LEVEL: RECOMMENDATIONS: Experience (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience)
Potential challenges: _X_ Kennel presence: While we cannot be certain if this behavior will appear in any other contexts, in highly emotionally charged or stressful environments Precious may show behavior similar to what she is currently demonstrating in her kennel. We recommend potential adopters be comfortable managing this behavior and keeping themselves safe in any similar future situations.
Precious is social and playful in groups of dogs at the care center. The behavior department feels that Precious may be able to be placed into a home with other playful dogs, pending slow introductions. 12/27: When introduced off leash to other dogs in the care center, Precious greets with a loose and wiggly. She bounces around and engages in exuberant, running play. 12/28: Precious is playful, and solicits and engages in chase. 12/29-31: Precious is exuberantly playful with other dogs.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Microchip: negative Sex: spayed female Age: reported 3y Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: no d/c Teeth: mild staining If abnormal BCS: WNL Skin:WNL Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: N/A Any injuries: no; congenital deformity of LFL, humerus seems shortened and musculature not fully developed, previous owners stated she had leg abnormality since birth but did not go into detail Behavior: allows all handling, sweet and playful, compensates well for leg issue but is slightly mouthy (gentle) when play slaps/pawing might have been substituted Medication: N/A, preventatives given
Medical rating 4 C – SEVERE CONDITIONS ,
01/02/17 14:55 S/O: good energy and appetite sneezing serous nasal dc cough with terminal retch non wt bearing on LFL A: CIRDC lameness dt previously dx failed fx repair in LFL (surgical screw migrated and protruding out of bone into SQ tissues) P: move to iso 250mg Doxycycline PO SID x10days 50mg Rimadyl po bid x5d px: fair for LFL lameness = needs sx to remove migrated screw and re-assessment of LFL wt bearing good for CIRDC 12/24/16 S/O: alerted by staff that just noticed p limping on L FL- wasn’t observed earlier p very friendly, energetic, was told p was cage aggressive, but very friendly outside cage and allows handling M/S: amb x3, lifting L FL off ground while walking, L elbow oriented laterally no palpable long bone fractures, no swelling, no pain elicited; at first limited range of motion in elbow and shoulder, then after became more normal A: L FL lameness, not apparently painful- r/o previous orthopedic injury, soft tissue injury, neuro P: 2v L FL radiographs (awake): no obvious fractures, a screw and pin in place in L elbow, but screw appears to be possibly migrating as end if protruding from bone. Elbow joint appears malformed- humerus and radius/ulna don’t appear to be normally situated, but no luxations. So possible previous bony changes to where anconeal process should be r/o p may have aggravated previous injury in cage vs. surgical site becoming unstable rimadyl 50mg: 1T PO SID x5 rec orthopedic consultation to determine if surgery warranted in light of possibly migrating pin vs. medical management- pain meds PRN, monitor weight and exercise limitations contacted NH about possible placement
Generated on Jan 2 2017 6:00PM
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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