PRADA – A1098443
Safe -
12-28-2016 Manhattan
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SAFE 12/28/16
Manhattan Center
My name is PRADA. My Animal ID # is A1098443.
I am a female brown and white am pit bull ter. The shelter thinks I am about 10 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 12/02/2016 from NY 10452, owner surrender reason stated was MOVE2PRIVA.
12/20/2016 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 68.4 LBS.
12/20/16 Pt has SND and is sniffling. These signs are consistent with CIRDC. Move to isolation and start doxycycline 350 mg PO SID x10 days. Schedule for full physical exam. 1088
12/02/16 14:18 Basic information: Prada is a 10 year old American Pit bull Terrier. She was given to her previous owner by a friend. She was surrendered because her previous owner moved to an apartment that does not allow pets. She has not been to the vet and has no known injuries or health problems. Socialization: Around strangers Prada is friendly and outgoing and exuberant but somewhat rough when she plays with adults. She lived with children ages 7 and 10 years old, with them she was exuberant. She lived with 2 shih tzus and was relaxed and playful and exuberant at play. She has lived with a kitten for 2 months and with her she was respectful but growled if the kitten went toward her food. Behavior: Prada has never attempted to bite a person or animal and isn’t bothered by storms. If her food bowl was touched while eating she would stop eating and was relaxed. She is friendly if a treat or toy is taken from her. She was not allowed on furniture. She’s friendly if she is disturbed while sleeping. She tolerates baths and was afraid when brushed. She isn’t bothered if her paws are touched. She barked to alert her previous owner if an unfamiliar person approached her previous home but was friendly. She was friendly if an unfamiliar person approached her previous owner. For a New Family to Know: Prada is described as friendly, affectionate, shy, and mellow with a medium activity level. Her previous owner liked that she is very friendly. When her previous owner was home she would tend to be in her favorite spot. She was kept indoors only and at night she slept on her dog bed. She ate dry Pedigree. She is house trained but had accidents a few time a week when not walked. She is well behaved when left alone indoors. She is crate trained and does well for 30 mins. She knows the cues; sit, stop and no. She was taken on brisk walks 2-3 times a day. On leash she pulls hard initially then stops pulling. When off leash she wanders but comes when called. Behavior during intake: Prada showed whale eye but had a wagging tail. Sometimes when touched on her back she would flinch and at time tense up. She allowed petting on her head; she went into her cage easily once given food. She showed no signs of aggression.
12/06/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: She may not look fancy or come with a hefty price tag but believe me, Prada is a true classic and definitely the dog you’ll want to be seen with this season and for many more to come. She’s a proven family-friendly gal who loves other dogs large and small and lived in harmony with two little Shih Tzus, two young kids and for a few months, even a tiny kitten! 10 years young and so happy to be going for a walk, she’s great on leash and likes to keep busy meeting new folks, exploring new scenery and just soaking up the sun in the great outdoors. She’s keen to show off her ‘sit’, never guards her toys and takes on selfie snuggles like a champ. Years of family doghood have molded this soft, sweet mama into the perfect pet for almost any home. If you’re looking for a dog who’ll compliment any occasion from cocktail parties to wilderness camping (or should that be glamping?) with beauty, style and class. Come in to our Manhattan Care Center and bring home your very own Prada today, she’s truly one of a kind.
KNOWN HISTORY: Owner Surrender, Unaltered Previously lived with: Adults, children ages seven and ten, two small dogs, a kitten Behavior toward children: Exuberant Behavior toward dogs: Relax, playful, and exuberant at play Behavior toward cats: Respectful but growled if it went near her food FG/RG: None reported Bite history: None reported Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Friendly, affectionate, shy, and mellow with a medium activity level Other notes: Upon intake Prada was nervous but allowed all handling SAFER ASSESSMENT: 12/4/16 Look: 2. Dog’s eyes are averted. Her body posture is a bit stiff; her tail is low and not moving. She allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, her tail is down, body a bit tense. Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Squeeze 1: 3. Dog closes mouth, becomes stiff. Flank squeeze 1: 1. Dog sits Flank squeeze 2: 1. Dog sits Toy: 1. No interest. Summary: Prada appeared soft, loose, and friendly though became a bit tense and appeared uncomfortable when her collar was held. We believe Prada may do best with an experienced adopter who will allow for a period of decompression to allow her to acclimate to her new home environment. Force-free, reward based training is advised when introducing or exposing Prada to new and unfamiliar situations. PLAYGROUP: Prada may be selective when interacting with other dogs, and may benefit from slow introductions to respectful dogs outside the care center. She has displayed brief interest in respectful play with male dogs. Prada has not yet been introduced to female dogs due to apparent reactivity to them through the fence. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 12/2/16 During her initial medical exam Prada appeared tense though allowed all handling. ENERGY LEVEL: RECOMMENDATIONS: Experience (Suitable for an adopter with a previous amount of dog experience)
Prada may be selective when interacting with other dogs, and may benefit from slow introductions to respectful dogs outside the care center. She has displayed brief interest in respectful play with male dogs. Prada has not yet been introduced to female dogs due to apparent reactivity to them through the fence. 12/4: When introduced off leash to other dogs in the care center, Prada engages in brief bouts of bouncy running play. She offers correction when play becomes too intense. 12/5: Prada greets politely. She becomes distracted by the presence of dogs on the other side of the fence, and stiffens and growls at female dogs. 12/6: Prada engages in brief chase play with a male dog. 12/8: Prada is reactive through the fence to a smaller dog. She offers correction when approached today. 12/9: Prada is assertive with a younger, playful, female dog. She will offer correction and stand over her. 12/18-19: Prada is assertive when interacting with a calm male dog. She offers correction for greeting.
Medical rating was 3 NC – MAJOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Microchip: negative Sex: female Age 10Y — owner states Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: clear Teeth: moderate tartar If abnormal BCS: 3 Skin: wnl Hair Coat: flea comb negative Declawed: no Any injuries: none Behavior: tense / fearful Medication: none NOSF
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS ,
12/20/16 Pt has SND and is sniffling. These signs are consistent with CIRDC. Move to isolation and start doxycycline 350 mg PO SID x10 days. Schedule for full physical exam. 1088
Generated on Dec 21 2016 6:00PM
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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