PAXTON – A1096204
Safe -
11-23-2016 Manhattan
Rescue: Second Chance Rescue
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SAFE 11/23/16
Manhattan Center
My name is PAXTON. My Animal ID # is A1096204.
I am a male gray and white pit bull. The shelter thinks I am about 3 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a STRAY on 11/07/2016 from NY 10452, owner surrender reason stated was STRAY.
11/21/2016 Exam Type OBSERVATION – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 50.0 LBS.
11/07/16 17:44 Paxton is house trained and stayed with a newborn in the house but sometimes liked to play too rough and does not know his own size. He does not show any signs of aggression around food or other belongings. Paxton is very nervous when approached and gives whale eye, to be on the safe side the finder handled due to Paton being more comfortable with him. Paxton bared teeth and growled at councilor when approaching the cage to take him out.
11/12/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: There is simply no better way to start your morning than with a wonderful cuddle, so Paxton was my perfect early morning date. Gorgeous in his slate grey coat, he’s shy and oh so sweet. Likely housetrained, after taking care of his pressing business we head to the park where he ignores all four legged critters he sees, and wags his tail at the two legged ones. Paws in my lap, he presses his head into my chest, and I like to imagine he hears my heart beat for him. Off leash in a pen Paxton explores, takes a treat, watches the activity in the driveway, and when I sit on the ground to take some notes he’s in my lap (as much of him that fits) for more hugs. Paxton needs a slow approach, and someone who understands the need for him to take his time in getting to know them. It didn’t take Paxton long at all before he was in my lap and giving me hugs, so in a quiet and calm home environment he will learn to trust again. He knows how to tell you to take it slow, so it’s just a matter of listening to him. He’s a smart boy, he knows what he needs. Ready to give his heart to his new person, Paxton hopes you’re the lucky one to be it’s recipient.
KNOWN HISTORY: Unknown Unaltered, Stray Other notes: Upon intake Paxton growled and bared teeth at the counselor. SAFER ASSESSMENT: 11/10/16 Look: 2. Dog’s eyes are averted. His body posture is a bit tense, his tail is low and not moving. He allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, his tail is down, body a bit tense. Tag: 2. Dog is not fearful, but is unresponsive to the Assessor. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds, body a bit tense. Squeeze 2: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds, body a bit tense. Toy: 1. No interest. Summary: Paxton appeared fearful throughout his assessment. He will need a calm, quiet structured environment and a slow approach and introduction. DOG-DOG INTERACTION ASSESSMENT: Social: These dogs truly enjoy the company of other dogs. They generally get along with all other dogs and can tolerate even very rude or inappropriate behavior. PLAYGROUP: 11/9: When introduced off leash to other dogs in the care center, Paxton approaches and greets politely. Post-greeting, he only keeps to himself. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 11/8/16 During his initial medical exam Paxton was tense and nervous, he avoided being touched and growled. ENERGY LEVEL: RECOMMENDATIONS: Experience (suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience) _X_No young children (under 5): Paxton has been timid and has shown fearful body language in the care center, and we feel that he may be startled or intimidated by young children. Older, dog savvy children can be considered pending interaction. Potential challenges: _X_Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Paxton has shown appropriate warning signals of discomfort (looking away, moving away, escalating to baring teeth and growling when he cannot retreat) but it is important that he be allowed to greet and approach in his own time, and that he never be forced to interact, so that he does not need to escalate his warnings. We recommend experienced adopters who can provide positive experiences to help build Paxton’s comfort and confidence.
Paxton engages in bouncy, running play with male and female dogs. He has rarely attempted to mount, but will take correction when he does. He arrived to the care center as a stray, so any in-home behaviors with other dogs are unknown. The behavior department feels that Paxton could go to a home with another playful dog. 11/9: When introduced off leash to other dogs in the care center, Paxton approaches and greets politely. Post-greeting, he only keeps to himself. 11/10: Paxton engages in bouncy, running play with males and females. He will seek attention from handlers once play ceases. 11/12: Paxton continues to engage in bouncy play with all dogs. He does attempt to mount today. 11/11: Paxton continues to exhibit social, playful behaviors with male and female dogs.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Scan negative BARH Very tense and nervous Doesn’t like to be touched Gwowling when trying to put muzzle Mild dental tartar Clean ears Almost healing wounds on Lt side of back, shvaed and cleaned with novalson Intact male NOSF
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS ,
11/19/16 S/O: vomitus in cage, normal feces in cage BAR otherwise A: CIRDC vomitus P: monitor V, if recurs consider cerenia, abn rads 11/17/16 13:46 S/O: sneezing, MPND, eating BAR energetic A: CIRDC vs other P: move to iso 250mg Doxycycline PO SID x 10d px: good 11/16/16 13:41 rounds team concerned developing cirdc s/o: QAR no discharge from nose no coughing or sneezing resp rate wnl a: healthy p: recheck tomorrow 11/9 VC: Almost healing wounds on Lt side of back, shvaed and cleaned with novalson – on initial. S/O) QAR. 2 shaved squares on L mid chest. First has 1 cm healing scab. Second has 2 < 5 mm healing scabs. No redness, swelling or discharges noted around scabs. A) Superficial dermal wounds healing well. P) monitor – no need for meds. Px: excellent
Generated on Nov 22 2016 6:00PM
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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