NIKI – A1080133
Safe -
12-23-2016 Brooklyn
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SAFE 12/23/16
NIKI – A1080133
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 07/06/2016, From NY 11206, DueOut Date 07/06/2016,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Scanned negative BARH- tolerated all handling; tense during exam Intact female 5 yrs old by owners records Eyes, ears and nose- clean and clear Teeth-mild staining Overweight body condition No parasites or fleas seen Ambx4 NOSF 75.0 pounds
A volunteer writes: Sometimes Niki barks steadily from her cage and sometimes when we turn the corner to come back to the shelter she tries to cross the street. You see, there’s been a mistake: Niki doesn’t belong here! She is a gal that was gentle and respectful with a toddler, is used to being around other dogs at the park, liked to follow her owner around the house, and would sit by the door when she needed to go out. Now she sits by her cage door. But the upside of Niki being in this place where she doesn’t belong is I get to hang out with her! She might be a little reserved at first, but Niki is incredibly sweet. She is super easy on leash and seems housebroken. She is said to like to play with toys and rocks and is crazy for tennis balls! She loves to play fetch and likes to chomp on the ball until she’s ready for me to throw it again (she lets me know by dropping it on the bench and pushing it my way with her nose). When I sit down on the ground she immediately comes over and starts gently licking my face….sweet, sweet, sweet!! She has eyes like a raccoon, the cutest chubby physique and seems to have an ideal middle-aged energy level. Niki is such a star she’s been used to help integrate new dogs into our playgroups and to train new volunteers! Maybe she belongs at your house?! Please come give her a chance a Brooklyn ACC!
Niki is a 5 y/o unspayed female Pit Bull that has no past or current medical issues that the owner is aware of. Owner has had Niki for 6 years.
According to the owner, around strangers, Niki is shy for a few minutes at first but once she is comfortable she is relaxed and playful. Owner had a child in the home that is 2 1/2 & stated that Niki was very respectful and gentle with her son. Owner would take Niki to the park for exercise and she would be around other dogs there. Owner stated that Niki was always respectful and tolerant of other dogs at the park. Niki has never been around cats therefore behavior is unknown. Niki has never bit another animal or person while in the care of the owner.
Niki is scared of fireworks and will bark when they are going off. She is friendly when someone takes away her toys, being pushed off the furniture, being given a bath, and having her coat brushed. OWner has never tried to trim her nails so she is not sure how Niki would react to having it done. Niki would growl if someone tried to take away her food or treats from her. If unfamiliar people would approach owners home, she would bark and then get excited and jump on whoever came over. She is not bothered by being held/restrained, or if someone disturbes her while she is sleeping.
Niki is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, shy, confident, and independent with a medium activity level. In the home, she liked to follow the owner around & be in the same room as her. Niki was kept indoors only and is house trained. Whenever she needed to go out, owner stated she would sit by the door. When left home alone, Niki was well behaved & would go and jump on the owners bed and usually just stay there. Owner does not have a yard & has never tried to crate train Niki therefore behavior is unknown. For exercise, owner would take Niki on slow walks on the leash or to the park. If owner would take Niki off leash, she would stay by the owners side. When on the leash, Niki will vary between pulling hard and light. Owner fed Niki both dry & wet food but did not remember the brand. She knows the commands sit, come,and stay. Owner stated that Niki liked to play with balls, bones and rocks.
Niki was nervous and went in the corner during intake. When I put my hand out for her to smell, she approached me. I was able to scan her for a m/c, collar her.
Niki previously lived with adults and a 2 year old child. The owner stated Niki is shy around strangers for a few minutes but once she is comfortable she is relaxed and playful, she is very respectful and gentle with the 2 year old. The owner mentioned Niki would growl if someone tried to take away her food or treats from her. The owner describes Niki as friendly, affectionate, playful, shy, confident, and independent. According to the owner Niki is house trained, has a medium activity level and well behaved when home alone.
At intake it was reported Niki was nervous but did allow all handling with a slow approach. During SAFER Niki came into the assessment room shy, she was friendly and attention seeking towards the assessor. She allowed all handling items to be conducted without issue. Niki was relaxed during the tag interaction, and during the resources portion of the assessment Niki was easy to handle when engaged with the item. Due to some concerns stated from the previous owner Niki will growl when someone tries to take away her food and treats, so the behavior department feels she can be suitable for an experience adopter with no children.
Look: 1. Dog holds gaze with soft eyes, soft body. She allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Dog holds gaze for three full seconds.
Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, and her tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item.
Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body soft.
Squeeze 1 & 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back her paw.
Toy: 1. No interest.
Dog-dog: Niki is nervous as she enters the pen. She greets the other dog and is tolerant of his greetings as she wanders in the pen.
**Social Greeter Dog**
According to Niki’s previous owner, Niki is respectful and tolerant of other dogs at the dog park. When off leash with dogs at the Care Center, Niki is tolerant of the other dog’s greeting but chooses to not interact. She spends her time wandering in the pen, displaying nervous body language. She has met both male and female dogs and has become more social with further playgroup sessions. Niki is utilized as a greeter dog and greets new male dogs displaying soft body language. She will offer appropriate correction when a male mounts her and will chooses to move away from an aggressive dog. The Behavior Department recommends that Niki be placed in a home with dogs that match her calm energy level.
7/7: Niki is not interested in the other dog and chooses to keep to herself and wander in the pen. She eventually greets the other dog and seeks handler attention.
7/9: Niki is nervous as she enters the pen. She greets the other dog and is tolerant of his greetings as she wanders in the pen.
7/22: Niki continues to be a bit nervous as she greets both male and female dogs. She is tolerant of their interactions but mostly wanders the yard.
7/26: Niki is a bit more social as she wanders in a group of male and female dogs. She will offer correction when a male attempts to mount her.
7/28-7/29: Niki is utilized as a greeter dog. She greets new male dogs displaying soft body language. She will offer appropriate correction when a male mounts her and will chooses to move away from an aggressive dog.
8/3- 8/7: Niki displays soft body language as she explores the pen. She is social, checking in on the other dogs in the pen often.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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