MOUSSE – A1092139
Safe -
10-9-2016 Manhattan
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SAFE 10/09/16
Manhattan Center
My name is MOUSSE. My Animal ID # is A1092139.
I am a male chocolate and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 7 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 10/03/2016 from NY 10458, owner surrender reason stated was PERS PROB.
10/08/2016 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 65.0 LBS.
10/8/16 S/O: BAR, moderate serous nasal d/c A: CIRDC otitiis and eye infection being treated P: move to iso doxycyline 100mg: 3 tabs orally SID x10days prognosis: good 10/05/16 16:59 most of reported dermatitis are calluses and scars from old irritation minimal active infection–not worth treating with oral meds but medicated baths would be beneficial AS>AD active infection–painful when touched slight dc OD, purulent mousse allows all handling treat otitiis with otibtiotic and eye infection with tab good prognosis 10/3 Possible dermatitis — various parts of the body alopecia and irritation — right front limb and right hind limb has this / also on the ventral area Microchip: negative Sex: male Age 7Y Mentation: BARH Eyes: cloudy ou Ears: left ear might have possible infection Nose: clear Teeth: mild tartar If abnormal BCS: 3 Skin: Possible dermatitis — various parts of the body alopecia and irritation — right front limb and right hind limb has this / also on the ventral area Hair Coat: fleas negative Declawed: no Any injuries: none Behavior: social Medication: VC will determine NOSF
10/03/16 09:10 Mousse A1092139 is a 7yr old dark chocolate & white male AMPBT mix who was bought off of someone selling puppies and is being surrendered due to personal problems. Mousse’s last vet visit was in early 2016 and has a skin issue that he’s had since he was a puppy. Socialization: Mousse is friendly/outgoing with strangers. He’s spent time with children ages babies-9yrs old and is gentle, exuberant, relaxed/playful & respectful of them also with the adult and dogs he interacts with outdoors during walks. Mousse has never bitten/scratched any person or animal. Behavior: During storms Mousse will bark at times. He isn’t bothered by the following: having his food/food bowl, toys/treats touched/moved, being moved off of furniture, being given a bath or with being disturbed while sleeping/resting. Mousse hasn’t had his nails trimmed or been disturbed while sleeping/resting. When someone unfamiliar approaches the home Mousse will bark and or jump on them for attention/affection. For A New Family to Know: Mousse is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident & mellow/relaxed (at times) with a medium-high activity level. The owner likes everything about Mousse and Mousse enjoys being pet, eating, playing & resting. When the owner is home Mousse follows them around. He enjoys ball, rope, stuffed, squeaky, chew, bone toys and games of chase & tug. Mousse sleeps on a dog bed or the floor. Mousse eats Pedigree dry dog food 2-3x a day. He’s house broken and hasn’t had an accident in years. When left home alone Mousse is well behaved and is walked 3x a day where he pulls on the leash when first out or he spots another dog. Mousse’s known commands are “sit”, “come”, “stay” and “go”. Intake Behavior: Mousse had a loose wiggly body and jumped up on me to try and lick my face. He allowed all handling. Mousse allowed to be scanned (-), collared & taken pictures. Mousse walked alongside the owner where they placed him into his kennel with ease.
10/08/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Take one part handsome face, two parts affectionate heart, add a sprinkling of gentlemanly manners and top it all off with some dog-friendly, kid-friendly hugs and kisses and what do you have? One very sweet Mousse! He might be a bit out of sorts since losing the only family he’s ever known, but Mousse’s innate good nature shines through like a light. He’s happy to show off his come, sit and shake paw commands, and enjoys being petted and fussed over, too. I may not be family, but I’m a friend, and that’s enough for right now. Out in the street, he takes care of all his business within minutes, and heels nicely when another dog passes by. But he’s still not sure about this new ‘hood, so decides to head back inside where it’s on with a bandanna and on with the show, posing nicely for photos and taking reward snacks with a soft snuffle. A true family pet, Mousse is said to be relaxed, gentle and playful with babies, small children and other dogs. He loves all kinds of toys, games of chase, and given how he peers into every vehicle we pass, I’m guessing rides in the car were also a favorite treat in his former home. Dogs don’t come any gentler or more endearing than this handsome ebony hunk, and with his proven track record and bottomless well of love and affection, he’s going to make his new family so very proud. Don’t miss out on the sweetest treat at the Care Center, order up a date with Mousse today!
Another volunteer writes: I am head over heels in love with this delicious family dog. Housetrained, great on leash, snuggly, kissy in a relaxed way, he’s so easy to be with, so gentle and awesome I wish he could be mine. From the glowing comments of his former family, to rock star comments on his volunteer walking log, Mousse is a must meet and must adopt dog. Don’t take my word for it, come meet him today.
KNOWN HISTORY: In-tact, Owner Surrender Previously lived with: Adults/Children Behavior toward children: Gentle/Respectful/Playful Behavior toward dogs: Unknown Behavior toward cats: Unknown FG/RG: None reported Bite history: None reported Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Medium-high energy Other notes: SAFER ASSESSMENT: 10/05/16 Look: 1. Dog holds gaze with soft eyes, soft body. He allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Dog holds gaze for three full seconds. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag: 2. Dog is not fearful, but is unresponsive to the Assessor, and approaches the Assessor at the end of the game (may need coaxing to approach.) He is focused on stimuli other than the Assessor. Squeeze 1/2: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Toy: 1. No interest. Summary: Mousse showed NO concern during the behavior assessment. PLAYGROUP: 10/04/16 When introduced off leash to another dog in the care center, Mousse initially ignores the female greeter in favor of sniffing his surroundings. He eventually approaches and sniffs the female greeter dog from behind. The behavior department recommends slow introductions for Mousse and any resident dogs in a future home, as it may take him time to become comfortable around them. His former owner cites “exuberant, relaxed/playful & respectful of dogs he interacts with outdoors during walks” – it is unknown how his behavior around dogs translates into a home environment. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 10/03/16 During his initial medical examination, Mousse readily allowed all handling without issue. ENERGY LEVEL: RECOMMENDATIONS: Average (Suitable for an adopter with an average amount of dog experience)
10/4: When introduced off leash to another dog in the care center, Mousse initially ignores the female greeter in favor of sniffing his surroundings. He eventually approaches and sniffs the female greeter dog from behind. The behavior department recommends slow introductions for Mousse and any resident dogs in a future home, as it may take him time to become comfortable around them. His former owner cites “exuberant, relaxed/playful & respectful of dogs he interacts with outdoors during walks” – it is unknown how his behavior around dogs translates into a home environment.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Possible dermatitis — various parts of the body alopecia and irritation — right front limb and right hind limb has this / also on the ventral area Microchip: negative Sex: male Age 7Y Mentation: BARH Eyes: cloudy ou Ears: left ear might have possible infection Nose: clear Teeth: mild tartar If abnormal BCS: 3 Skin: Possible dermatitis — various parts of the body alopecia and irritation — right front limb and right hind limb has this / also on the ventral area Hair Coat: fleas negative Declawed: no Any injuries: none Behavior: social Medication: VC will determine NOSF
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS ,
10/8/16 S/O: BAR, moderate serous nasal d/c A: CIRDC otitiis and eye infection being treated P: move to iso doxycyline 100mg: 3 tabs orally SID x10days prognosis: good 10/05/16 16:59 most of reported dermatitis are calluses and scars from old irritation minimal active infection–not worth treating with oral meds but medicated baths would be beneficial AS>AD active infection–painful when touched slight dc OD, purulent mousse allows all handling treat otitiis with otibtiotic and eye infection with tab good prognosis 10/3 Possible dermatitis — various parts of the body alopecia and irritation — right front limb and right hind limb has this / also on the ventral area Microchip: negative Sex: male Age 7Y Mentation: BARH Eyes: cloudy ou Ears: left ear might have possible infection Nose: clear Teeth: mild tartar If abnormal BCS: 3 Skin: Possible dermatitis — various parts of the body alopecia and irritation — right front limb and right hind limb has this / also on the ventral area Hair Coat: fleas negative Declawed: no Any injuries: none Behavior: social Medication: VC will determine NOSF
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If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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