Safe -
11-3-2016 Manhattan
Rescue: For The Love of Dog - Rottweiler Rescue of NH
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SAFE 11/03/16
Manhattan Center
My name is MARASCHINO. My Animal ID # is A1094226.
I am a male black and brown rottweiler mix. The shelter thinks I am about 4 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a STRAY on 10/20/2016 from NY 10456, owner surrender reason stated was STRAY.
11/01/2016 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 NC – MAJOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 58.4 LBS.
11/1/16 QAR, seems slightly depressed Moderate green nasal discharge, BCS 3/9 plan to move to ISO start doxy. Monitor appetite and recheck CIRDC signs in 2 days due to quiet attitude. 10/21/16 Microchip: negative Sex: male Age 4Y Mentation: QARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: clear Teeth: slight staining If abnormal BCS: 3 Skin: wnl Hair Coat: flea comb negative Declawed: no Any injuries: none Behavior: tense / doesnt like to be handled / fearful / upon touching dog at times will try to snap Medication: none nosf
10/21/16 12:50 Basic information: Maraschino was brought in as a stray. The finder found him on the street, the finder brought Maraschino to the shelter. No other information could be provided during intake. Intake Behavior: During intake Maraschino had tense, stiff body. Maraschino would retreat from extended hand and the handler. Was not willing to allow himself to be scanned (negative), collared, pictured, and placed in a dog kennel, he showed signs of fear towards handler.
10/31/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: When I first met Maraschino, he was hunched over, tail between his legs, uncertain. Yes, he is a Rottweiler with a tail. A beautiful dog he is, a bit on the thin side, wearing a mostly dark coat with golden hues, covering a slightly thin but well made body. He did not have a hard stare. He just looked wary and sad. My “job” was to try to make him feel better, and a walk around the block seemed to be the best answer at the time. As we distanced ourselves from the care center, Maraschino unravelled. His tail came out. He looked “lighter”. I saw that he did have an eye for the pigeons but did not act upon it. He saw but ignored the few dogs met, males and females, big and small. Maraschino posed for pictures and did not mind the camera staring at him. Later on, as we returned to the care center, Maraschino became his shy self again, the tail was back between his legs, but he was less bent this time. He sat (after quite a number of prompts) sideways, in front of me, and accepted caresses on his head and back. He took some soft treats from my hand. Bringing him back to his kennel was no problem, and when I returned to give him a second walk, Maraschino licked my hand through the door and wagged his tail. Apparently, Maraschino knows how to trust, and will eventually be confident. He did well on his behavioral evaluation, so he is now in our adoption quarters. Rottweilers lovers, come and meet him soon. He could could be your next forever best friend. A volunteer adds: “Very gentle, affectionate.. A great walker. So well behaved…” Those are the numerous comments I read on Maraschino’s walking log. I am so proud of him as yes, I so do love this dog. He was quite scared and untrusting when he joined us and now, although quiet and reserved, he appears much more comfortable and looking forward to his strolls to the park, wagging his tail at his door. Maraschino enjoys to be with humans. He is fine with well behaved peers and prefers not to deal with the barking or rambunctious ones.. We have a nightly walk after a little snack, free in a pen where he also gets all the caresses he wants. I hope that my beautiful friend Maraschino will find a great home and a great owner…He is such an amazing dog!
KNOWN HISTORY: N/A Unaltered, Stray SAFER ASSESSMENT: 10/23/16 Look: 2. Dog pulls out of Assessor’s hands each time without settling during three repetitions. Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, his tail is between his legs, body stiff, mouth closed, lip long, ears likely back, may lip lick. Tag: 3. Dog repeatedly turns quickly away when touched and repeatedly tries to exit, Dog is crouching ,tail is tucked, mouth closed, body stiff Squeeze 1: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds Squeeze 2: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds Toy: 1. No interest Summary: Maraschino was very fearful and stiff throughout the assessment but tolerated all handling. PLAYGROUP: Maraschino was highly uncomfortable during his initial introduction, leading him to snap at the female greeter dog when solicited. Over time, Maraschino has been able to integrate into small groups of calm female dogs, and has approached to greet and sniff them. He has not yet been introduced to a male in our care. The behavior department feels that it should be taken into consideration Maraschino’s level of discomfort in unfamiliar settings, and that any introductions to other (preferably calm) dogs should be done slowly at Maraschino’s pace. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 10/21/16 During his initial medical exam Maraschino was tense and appeared fearful, he did not like being handled and would snap. ENERGY LEVEL: RECOMMENDATIONS: Experienced Adult Home Only _X_No children (under 13)(See potential challenges) Potential challenges: _X_Fearful/potential for defensive aggression (Maraschino has been observed to display fearful behavior during his stay at our care centers; at times will avoid interaction and shy away from direct-touch. Maraschino easily startles and is made uncomfortable by loud noises and sudden movement and will display proper warning signals as well as increase distance from anything that may present a threat. We cannot be certain if any other behavior is suppressed as a result of his environment. A period of decompression is advised before introduction or exposure to new and unfamiliar situations. Force-free, reward based training is advised.)
Maraschino was highly uncomfortable during his initial introduction, leading him to snap at the female greeter dog when solicited. Over time, Maraschino has been able to integrate into small groups of calm female dogs, and has approached to greet and sniff them. He has not yet been introduced to a male in our care. The behavior department feels that it should be taken into consideration Maraschino’s level of discomfort in unfamiliar settings, and that any introductions to other (preferably calm) dogs should be done slowly at Maraschino’s pace. 10/22: Maraschino greets a spayed female with fearful body language and avoids interaction once introduced. When the helper dog approaches to solicit play he stiffens, chases and snaps. He is stopped with handler correction. 10/25: Maraschino approaches and sniffs the rear of a calm female helper dog, body a bit cautious. He appears intent on mounting, however takes minor correction from the helper. 10/26: Maraschino continues to appear interested only in sniffing the female’s rear, otherwise roams. 10/28: Maraschino greets briefly before going off to explore the yard. He eventually attempts to mount one of the females but ceases once corrected. 10/29-31: Maraschino approaches and offers brief greeting. He then wanders off and keeps to himself.
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
Microchip: negative Sex: male Age 4Y Mentation: QARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: clear Teeth: slight staining If abnormal BCS: 3 Skin: wnl Hair Coat: flea comb negative Declawed: no Any injuries: none Behavior: tense / doesnt like to be handled / fearful / upon touching dog at times will try to snap Medication: none nosf
11/1/16 QAR, seems slightly depressed Moderate green nasal discharge, BCS 3/9 plan to move to ISO start doxy. Monitor appetite and recheck CIRDC signs in 2 days due to quiet attitude. 10/21/16 Microchip: negative Sex: male Age 4Y Mentation: QARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: clear Teeth: slight staining If abnormal BCS: 3 Skin: wnl Hair Coat: flea comb negative Declawed: no Any injuries: none Behavior: tense / doesnt like to be handled / fearful / upon touching dog at times will try to snap Medication: none nosf
Generated on Nov 2 2016 6:00PM
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If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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