MANCHITA – 35698
Safe -
8-9-2018 Manhattan
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SAFE 08/09/18
MANCHITA – 35698
Intake Date 7/24/18 Intake Type: Owner surrender
Medical Behavior: -, Age: 8 years, Sex: Spayed Female
Weight: 50 lbs
Exam pending
A Little Bit About Me…
A volunteer writes: The best things in life are frosted. Cupcakes for a dear friend’s birthday, a holiday storefront window, even Tony the Tiger’s signature flakes. Truly, they’re grrreat. But my all-time favorite frosted sight would have to be furry faces. Silver hairs flickering around crinkled eyes, peeking out under grinning chins. And if the particular face belongs to 8 year-old Manchita? Well Christmas, it’s come early. “I love Manchita,” I whispered to a staff member, but in reality, we hadn’t even met. Just the sight of her in her kennel, those eyes, that hesitant smile, and, oh yes that frost. It yanked me right off the market. But the sight of this copper-colored cutie well it pales in comparison to her charms. Days later, once she’d found her footing and recognized well-meaning friends, we officially met and I officially fell. Manchita is all there is. Now, 8 may technically qualify miss M for senior status, but don’t go thinking lazy days are ahead. Just the sight of a ball is enough to start this dainty diva’s toes to tapping, and if there’s a happier sight than Manchita gently munching her conquest post jubilant play, well reader, I haven’t seen it. Manchita can still be a bit shy initially with strangers, so would do best with an experienced family who’ll take it slow (but be ready for play when she is). Cupcakes are great, but the sweetest treats, they last forever. Just like the love of Manchita. Manchita is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan ACC.
You may know me from such films as…
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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