LULU – A1058104
Safe -
3-18-2016 Brooklyn
SAFE 03/18/16
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LULU – A1058104
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 01/12/2016, From NY 11373, DueOut Date 01/12/2016,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Scan negative bARH AMBx4 Friendly,allowed handling Spayed~3yrs Mild gingivitis/tartar EENT:WNL Nosf
Weight 48.2
RE EXAM;02/01/16 15:40;VC: monitor for vomiting;S/O: QAR, APP ++. No vomit or diarrhea in kennel, none noted by ACO today.;A: APH, no concerns at this time;P: Continue to monitor, no treatment indicated at this time.
A volunteer writes: It’s totally normal to see a dog playing fetch in a tutu, right? How about one that wears sunglasses without literally batting an eyelash? Well it may not be the standard doggy apparel, but it is for Lulu. And frankly, everyone should witness a dog zoom after a ball while rocking a colorful tutu at least once in their life! Lulu is the best of both worlds: part diva (bunny eared, tutu sporting princess who’s ready for Easter, more specifically) and part complete and utter tomboy! Lady Lulu will sit for treats, and even dance for them (after all she is wearing a tutu!) She seems housetrained, is obedient and always patient in her kennel. When I sit on the bench, she eagerly props herself up next to me and gives and receives love and kisses. But show her a ball, and tomboy Lulu emerges: she’s all wiggles and gallops and can even scale the puppy playground equipment with ease! Lulu often ends the game of fetch by lying down and destroying the ball. After all, she can’t leave any evidence of tomboy Lulu as she returns to her former self…Though Lulu may have multiple personas, over her long stay at the Brooklyn Care Center, her behavior has remained relatively consistent: a fun loving, active girl of which the only thing that she really wants now is a devoted home. Ask to meet her today!
Another volunteer writes: Lulu is always ready for a good time and has plenty of energy to burn. Lulu would be great for any family with an active lifestyle that is seeking a companion for all their many adventures. Come on down to the Brooklyn care center and meet this sweet girl.
Behavior: Average Home
Lulu came in as an owner surrender, there was no information giving at this time. At intake it was reported Lulu was excited, loose and wiggly. She allowed all handling. During SAFER Lulu came into the assessment room loose and wiggly, she was friendly, social and very playful towards the assessor, allowed all handling items to be conducted without issue. Lulu was relaxed during the tag interaction, and during the resources portion of the assessment Lulu was easy to handle when engaged with the item. Lulu appears to be a high-energy dog that will likely do best with an adopter prepared to provide mental and physical stimulation and appropriate outlets for his energy. The behavior department feels she can be suitable for an “Average” adopter.
Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted. Her ears are back, her tail is down, and she has a relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands.
Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft, soft and loose body, open mouth.
Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body soft.
Squeeze 1 & 2: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Her eyes are averted and her ears are relaxed.
Toy: 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. She does not place her body between you and the toy.
Dog-dog: When off leash with other dogs, Lulu greets with a tense body but offers several play bows. Once inside the pen, she engages in brief bouncy play with the helper dog however she is pushy and assertive throughout.
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 11/16/2015, From NY 11370, DueOut Date11/16/2015,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Microchip: Negative Sex: Spayed Age:~ 3years old Mentation: BARH Eyes: WNL Ears: WNL Nose: WNL Teeth:WNL Skin: WNL Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: No Behavior: Friendly, allows all handling AMBx4 NOSF
Weight 52.8
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:http://
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please read here:http://
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You can call for automated instructions 212-788-4000
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here:
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see:
You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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