LOGAN – A1121393
Safe -
8-18-2017 Brooklyn
Rescue: Amsterdog Animal Rescue
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SAFE 08/18/17
Brooklyn Center
My name is LOGAN. My Animal ID # is A1121393.
I am a male tan and white american staff mix. The shelter thinks I am about 4 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 08/09/2017 from NY 11212, owner surrender reason stated was NO TIME.
08/17/2017 AT RISK MEMO
Logan A1121393 is at risk due to CIRDC diagnosis.
08/17/2017 Exam Type BS NEW URI – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is EXPERIENCE, Weight 55.0 LBS.
08/17/17 CIRDC noted on rounds S/O: Q/BAR. Attention seeking. Decreased appetite. EENT: Eyes clear, mild mucoid nasal discharge HL: Mild cough A: CIRDC P: Rec baytril 272mg PO q24 x 10 days. Excellent prognosis
08/09/17 15:07 BASIC INFORMATION: Logan is a brown and white large dog that is 4 years old. Logan was given to the owner 2 years ago. The owner is surrendering Logan due to having no time. Logan has known illness. SOCIALIZATION: Logan has lived with a child that is 4 years old. Logan is very playful around the child and high energy. Logan is excitable and jumps up to greet strangers. He loves attention and being petted. He has never lived with dogs or cats. BEHAVIOR: Logan has never had a bite history. He allows his food bowl to be touched while eating, removing toys from his mouth and he enjoys baths. He has never had his nails trimmed. He is walked 2 times a day morning and evening. He pulls on the lease, but he slows down when you say “walk slow”. He is well behaved when left alone. He sometimes barks for a few then he calms down. FOR NEW FAMILIES TO KNOW: Logan is described as very playful & excitable. He loves being around the family and meeting new people. He loves all dog toys especially balls. His favorite dog food is Purina dry dog food. Logan sleeps in the owner beds or in his dog bed. He loves to run in the park or long walks around the neighborhood. BEHAVIOR DURING INTAKE: Logan during intake was high energy; greeted all the counselors with a wagging tail and loose body. He enjoys being petted. He allowed being collard, scanned and photographed.
08/17/2017 WEB MEMO
KNOWN HISTORY: Full profile 8/9/17 Unaltered female, owner surrender (length of time in previous home 2 year) Previously lived with: Adult, and 1 child age (4 years old) Behavior toward strangers: Energetic, and playful Behavior toward children: Playful Behavior toward dogs: Unknown Behavior toward cats: Unknown Resource guarding: None reported Bite history: None reported Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Owner describes Logan as playful, with a high energy. He pulls on the leash during walks. SAFER ASSESSMENT: 8/11/17 Look: 2. Dog pulls out of Assessor’s hands each time without settling during three repetitions. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Or dog indicates play with huffing, soft ‘popping’ of the body, etc. Dog became easily aroused mouthing hand, with light pressure. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Dog lick hand. Squeeze 2:1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Toy 1: 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. He does not place his body between you and the toy. Summary: During the handling assessment Logan was playful, and displayed a high energy. Though he was a bit mouthy Logan remained soft, and allowed all handling. PLAYGROUP: When off leash at the Care Center, Logan at first greets the novel female dog with a loose, wiggly body. Once he is let into the pen he becomes persistently sexually motivated-mounting and genital sniffing- and is difficult to interrupt. According to Logan’s previous owner, Logan did not socialize with other dogs. The Behavior Department recommends that Logan be placed in a home with a resident dog that is tolerant of his sexually motivated behavior. All introductions should be done slowly and under supervision. INTAKE BEHAVIOR 8/9/17 At intake Logan displayed high energy; greeted all the counselors with a wagging tail and loose body. He enjoys being petted. He allowed being collard, scanned and photographed. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 8/10/17 During the examination Logan was friendly; however, he became fearful, vocal, and very anxious during vaccines/treatments, needed restraint/muzzle.
ENERGY LEVEL: His previous owner describes Logan as an energetic, playful, and enthusiastic dog. Logan displayed high energy and movement throughout assessment, we recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. RECOMMENDATIONS: Experience (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the (behaviors outlined below). _X_ No young children (under 5)-His previous owner describes Logan as a high-energy dog. In the care center he has been active and enthusiastic. He may have a low threshold for arousal and needs guidance to learn how to appropriately channel that energy when he becomes overstimulated. He will need daily mental and physical stimulation and exercise, and a force-free, positive reinforcement-based training class may help his to learn impulse control and to train desirable behaviors that can be rewarded. We recommend no young children, Dog-savvy young children can be considered pending interaction. Potential challenges: _X_Social hyper-arousal- Logan has displayed low threshold for arousal, rapidly escalating and quickly becomes (easily aroused, and mouthy.) Immediate intervention and consultation with a qualified veterinary behaviorist/professional trainer is strongly recommended to aid in addressing this issue to prevent further behavioral concerns that may appear in the future if not treated right away. We recommend only force-free, reward based training when introducing or exposing Logan to new and unfamiliar situations. _X_Mouthiness/Poor bite inhibition- While he applies only light pressure, Logan was mouthy throughout the assessment, and is quick to put his teeth on skin. This is likely an attention-seeking behavior, but it should be replaced with an alternative behavior as it can frighten people. We recommend never playing with bare hands – always with a toy – and ending play or attention whenever Logan puts teeth on skin. He should be rewarded with attention and treats when he stops and/or when he is seeking attention in alternate ways.
When off leash at the Care Center, Logan at first greets the novel female dog with a loose, wiggly body. Once he is let into the pen he becomes persistently sexually motivated-mounting and genital sniffing- and is difficult to interrupt. According to Logan’s previous owner, Logan did not socialize with other dogs. The Behavior Department recommends that Logan be placed in a home with a resident dog that is tolerant of his sexually motivated behavior. All introductions should be done slowly and under supervision. 8/10: Logan at first greets the novel female dog with a loose, wiggly body. However, once he is let into the pen he becomes persistently sexually motivated-mounting and genital sniffing- and is difficult to interrupt. 8/11: Logan continues to display sexually motivated body language with a novel male. He persistently attempts to mount, and does not respond to handler interruptions.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 4 Microchip noted on Intake? no History : surrender Subjective: bar, hydrated Observed Behavior – initially very friendly for exam, became fearful vocal and very anxious during vaccines/treatments, needed restraint/muzzle. Evidence of Cruelty seen – no Evidence of Trauma seen – no Objective P = 120 R = 20 BCS: 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: negative oral PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: male intact MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, multifocal patches of dry/flaky dermatitis with alopecia, concentrated around dorsal thorax/flank area. Some scabs on both lateral thoracic areas. CNS: mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: not performed Assessment Dermatitis: rule out inflammatory vs infectious vs nutritional vs other Plan: vaccinate microchip deworm skin scrape: negative for parasites Prognosis: good depending on cause of dermatitis SURGERY: Okay for surgery
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating EXPERIENCE
08/17/17 CIRDC noted on rounds S/O: Q/BAR. Attention seeking. Decreased appetite. EENT: Eyes clear, mild mucoid nasal discharge HL: Mild cough A: CIRDC P: Rec baytril 272mg PO q24 x 10 days. Excellent prognosis
Generated on Aug 17 2017 6:00PM
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: http://urgentpodr.org/adoption-info-and-list-of-rescues.
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email helpdogs@urgentpodr.org. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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