HONDO – A1085641
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SAFE 09/04/16
HONDO – A1085641
Intake condition GERIATRIC Intake Date 08/16/2016, From NY 11213, DueOut Date 08/16/2016, I came in with Group/Litter #K16-070248.
Medical Behavior Evaluation YELLOW
Medical Summary microchip scan negative intact male approximately 10 yrs old, geriatric BARH ears are clean slightly cloudy eyes 37.4lbs; BCS: 3/5 very tense, minimal handling
Weight 37.4
A staff member writes: Hi! My name is Hondo. I’m a cool guy who needs a cool person; someone who’s going to provide me with a quiet home & a plushy bed to sleep on when I’m tired. I’m not too fond of treats, but I love food; I just don’t like when people try to steal is from me. One thing I love to boast about is that I’m the best walking buddy; I’ll walk right by you the whole way. I’ll show you lots of love! I just need a few days to warm up & get to know you!
Hondo is a Chocolate Lab mix that is 10 year old. He was a gift to the owner when he was a puppy. Since a puppy Hondo has been part of the family. The owner is surrendering Hondo due to personal problems. Hondo has no known illness.
Hondo has never been around children. He has lived with 4 adults in the house. He is affectionate and playful. When stranger come over his fearful and keeps his distance. It takes him a few days to warm up to new people. Hondo has never lived with cats. But he has lived with a dog (male). They enjoy each other’s company and play for hours. The dog many activities together.
Hondo allows being petted. He is friendly. However he does not like his food bowl touched while eating. He growls but has never redirected. He growls when trimming his nails and being restrained. He is housed trained and goes to the backyard to use the bathroom or cement on walks. He has never has a bite history.
Hondo has described as outgoing, friendly and affectionate. He enjoys playing with the other housed dog. He enjoys playing fetch, tug or wrestle. He plays for hours in the yard chase with the other dog. He knows the command sit, stay & come. He pulls hard on the leash but enjoys brisk walks around the neighborhood. His other favorite activity is playing with squeaky toys or balls.
During intake Hondo was relaxed and standing slow to his owner. He moved away when attempting to collar the dogs. Counselor was able to collar, scan and photographed with the assistance of the owner.
Hondo previously lived with 4 adults and has never been around children. The owner stated when strangers come over his fearful and keeps his distance; it takes him a few days to warm up to new people. The owner mentioned Hondo lived with a male dog and they enjoy each other’s company and play for hours. It was reported by the owner Hondo does not like his food bowl touched while eating, he growls but has does not redirect. According to the owner Hondo is housed trained and they describe him as outgoing, friendly and affectionate.
At intake it was reported Hondo was relaxed but when the counselor attempt to collar him he growled and turned his head, handling was conducted by the owner. During SAFER Hondo came into the assessment room shy and fearful, he was friendly towards the assessor with a slow approach. He allowed all handling items to be conducted without issue. Hondo was fearful with his body low during the tag interaction, and during the resources portion of the assessment Hondo was easy to handle when engaged with the item. Due to some concerns stated from the previous owner Hondo will growl when his food bowl is touched, so the behavior department feels he can be suitable for an experience adopter with no children.
Look: 2. Dog’s eyes are averted. His body posture is tense and fearful; his tail is low and not moving. He allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands.
Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, and his tail is between his legs, body tense with his mouth closed.
Tag: 2. Dog follows but is unresponsive when touched with his body low and tail tucked.
Squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw.
Squeeze 2:2. Dog quickly pulls back his paw.
Toy 1: No interest.
Dog-dog: When off leash at the care center, Hondo nervously entered the pen, with a tucked tail and low body. He is coaxed towards the gate, avoiding eye contact with the other dog. Once the pen door is open, he begins to lip lick, and gives a warning sign (lip curl) when he is uncomfortable with the other dog persistent greet. He eventually paces throughout the pen.
Hondo came to the front of his kennel when I came to get him and allowed me to put the rope on him. He came right out, but once we got out to the hall he lowered his body and tucked his tail. He remained tense while I walked him outside, although once we were out walking on the street he adopted a more neutral body. Outside he investigated and eventually relieved himself. He became tense when we reentered the building, but otherwise I was able to take him back to his kennel and put him in with no issues.
Group Behavior
Hondo’s previous owner reported he lived with another male dog, and they played for hours.
8/17: When off leash at the care center, Hondo nervously entered the pen, with a tucked tail and low body. He is coaxed towards the gate, avoiding eye contact with the other dog. Once the pen door is open, he begins to lip lick, and gives a warning sign (lip curl) when he is uncomfortable with the other dog persistent greet. He eventually paces throughout the pen.
8/21: Hondo greets other dogs but with a nervous posture- tucked tail and hyper-salivating. He is tolerant of pushy play solicitations and gives a warning sign for other dogs to back off.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: http://urgentpodr.org/adoption-info-and-list-of-rescues. If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: http://information.urgentpodr.org/acc-placement-status-descriptions. For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: http://information.urgentpodr.org/category/frequently-asked-questions/. You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Dogs 2016-09