HERSHY – A1094648
Safe - 11-3-2016 Manhattan
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SAFE 11/03/16
Manhattan Center
My name is HERSHEY. My Animal ID # is A1094648.
I am a female black and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 11 MONTHS old.
I came in the shelter as a STRAY on 10/25/2016 from NY 11213, owner surrender reason stated was STRAY.
11/02/2016 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 41.2 LBS.
11/02/16 14:52 Excessive mucoid nasal d/c seem to be developing cirdc (reported sneezing and coughing too) move to iso, treat with doxy 10mg/kg sid x 10d 10/31/16 13:00 blood in stool reported also “sneezing /coughing” checked on symptom log. none of these sign observed treat with 5 days course of panacur
10/25/16 04:13 dog came in quiet and calm no aggression shown
10/31/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Puppy Hershy is quite reserved for a ten-month-old youngster. I bet she never expected going from her home to the street and then to the care center. She is in an alien world. It’s like being a Martian on Planet Earth. The good thing is that Hershy is young and despite hardships, resilience kicks in more often than for adults. Here at the care center, she will have walks with volunteers, and playgroups with her peers. She already attended one where she was timid at first, then opened up with a few playful spins. She perked up easily. Hershey pulls a little on the leash, she does her business on the way, sits beautifully on command and poses very nicely for pictures. She looks very serious, maybe personality telling her to be cautious until she is comfortable with the people she meets and the place she is in. Free in a pen, she accepts my treats after a few prompts, as well as my caresses. She is fine with putting a scarf around her neck and even jumps on the bench next to me for some bonding. I let her move at her pace, slowly and surely. We really could become best friends. I look forward to see Hershy again very soon, and mostly to see her leaving us with an adoptive family to start her life on a safe and right foot this time–as a truly forever best friend. Come and meet our little Hershy Kiss at the Manhattan Care Center. A volunteer adds: Although still a little shy and prefering quieter premises, Hershy has opened up quite a bit. We had a dressed up session for Halloween in the yard and she was totally fine with it although I imagine that she was wondering what it was all about. Humans are really silly, doing all kinds of things that seem probably purposeless to dogs… She is calm, free in a pen, sits even if there are no treats, likes to be caressed and poses so beautifully for pictures. She seems to like other dogs(even barky little ones), chases without too much eagerness the pigeons and does her business in the street. She is really cute in her oreo dress and is soooooo ready to be your little girl…Come and get her soon..She should celebrate her first birthday in your home, loved by all.
KNOWN HISTORY: N/A Unaltered, Stray SAFER ASSESSMENT: 10/24/16 Look: 1. Dog holds gaze with soft eyes, soft body. She allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Dog holds gaze for three full seconds. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, and her tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item. Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body soft, eras back, wagging tail. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back her paw. Dog may lick hand. Squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back her paw. Toy 1. No interest. Summary: Hershy showed NO concern during the behavior assessment. PLAYGROUP: Hershy has mostly displayed nervous behavior while interacting with other dogs, keeping to herself and avoiding approach. She has briefly shown interest in soliciting and approaching dogs who are respectful and calm. Based on behavior observed in our care, the behavior department recommends slow introductions between Hershy and any resident dogs in a home. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 10/25/16 During her initial medical examination, Hershy appeared tense but tolerated handling. ENERGY LEVEL: RECOMMENDATIONS: Average (Suitable for an adopter with an average amount of dog experience)
Hershy has mostly displayed nervous behavior while interacting with other dogs, keeping to herself and avoiding approach. She has briefly shown interest in soliciting and approaching dogs who are respectful and calm. Based on behavior observed in our care, the behavior department recommends slow introductions between Hershy and any resident dogs in a home. 10/26: When introduced off leash to other dogs in the care center, Hershy is a bit reserved when greeting. Hershy opens up a bit and offers a few playful spins, however becomes overwhelmed and cowers away when reciprocated with a pushier style of play. 10/27: Hershy keeps to herself, and appears nervous in the yard. After spending extended time outside, she opens up to approach and sniff a calmer dog nearby. 10/28: Hershy warms up in a larger group of less playful dogs today. She begins to offer bows and slaps to both males and females as well as soliciting chase. 10/30-11/1: Hershy engages in bouts of soft play with other dogs. She seeks handler attention when not engaging in play. Hershy becomes overwhelmed by pushy play styles.
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
scan negative ears- wnl flea comb negative- treated with activyl female intact tense, nervous during exam
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS ,
11/02/16 14:52 Excessive mucoid nasal d/c seem to be developing cirdc (reported sneezing and coughing too) move to iso, treat with doxy 10mg/kg sid x 10d 10/31/16 13:00 blood in stool reported also “sneezing /coughing” checked on symptom log. none of these sign observed treat with 5 days course of panacur
Generated on Nov 2 2016 6:00PM
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: http://urgentpodr.org/adoption-info-and-list-of-rescues. If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: http://information.urgentpodr.org/acc-placement-status-descriptions. For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: http://information.urgentpodr.org/category/frequently-asked-questions/. You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Dogs 2016-11