HERO – 30159
Safe -
6-12-2018 Manhattan
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SAFE 06/12/18
HERO – 30159
Intake Date : 6/3/18 Intake Type: Owner surrender
Medical Behavior: Blue Age: 9 years Sex: Male
Weight: 58 lbs
DVM Intake Exam : Estimated age: ~9yrs based on PE. Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative by LVT on intake. MC placed on intake. History : Surrendered by O due to housing issues. Subjective / Observed Behavior – BAR, allows all handling. Tense and shaking throughout exam. Evidence of Cruelty seen – none Evidence of Trauma seen – none Objective : BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: dc 2/5; pd 2/5; — unable to fully evaluate. P whips head back with lip lifting PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: intact male. testicles are smooth and symmetrical MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: grossly normal. Assessment : senior , dental disease , intact male. Prognosis: good. Plan: ok for adoption! SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to age
A Little Bit About Me…
A volunteer writes: “I love how smart and loyal Hero is”. Those are his former owner’s words when he relinquished Hero into our care because of housing issues. Hero is a magnificent Chow mix handsomely dressed in a strawberry blonde feathery coat, perfectly groomed and holding himself proudly in his kennel. Like most representatives of his breed, Hero was at first aloof with me and just complied politely with my requests. We cruised nicely to the park, allowing him to relieve himself and discover this new, temporary neighborhood. Many dogs were neared, big and small. Hero whimpered quietly at few “little dogs”, but nothing more. Further in our encounter, as I sat on a bench, Hero settled down, his back to me and allowed me to pet him. His fur feels like silk. Chows do not “give” themselves up fast. One has to gain their trust which, when obtained, is forever. Hero enjoyed the use of a yard in his former home and comes with good recommendations. He would be reserved with strangers (typical of his breed) and bark at new dogs in the street. He has been beautifully cared for. His weight and dress are perfect, and he is well mannered. “Getting to know you” is the tune that applies best to Hero. Indeed, once the ice is broken and you are on the same wavelength, a forever bond, friendship and partnership will be born. Hero is at the Manhattan Care Center, waiting to become your loving and loyal four legged best friend.
Let’s get to know each other a bit more…
Basic Information: Hero is a nine year old intact male large mixed breed dog. He was surrendered to ACC due to the owner moving into housing that specifically does not permit this breed.
Previously lived with: 4 adults
How is this dog around strangers? Around strangers, Hero will be shy for a few hours. He will usually bark at strangers until he warms up to them. When he does play with adults, he plays excitedly.
How is this dog around children? Hero has not been around children.
How is this dog around other dogs? Hero has not been around other dogs but is reportedly reactive when new dogs get close to him outside. He will bark at them.
How is this dog around cats? Hero has never been around cats.
Resource guarding: Hero has no history of resource guarding.
Bite history: Hero has never bitten a human or another animal.
Housetrained: Yes
Energy level/descriptors: Medium
Other Notes: Hero is reportedly dog reactive. He has not growled or lunged at other dogs, he only barks. Hero will also bark during loud storms or fireworks. Hero was not allowed on furniture so he was never pushed or pulled off of it. He is not bothered when held or restrained, when disturbed while sleeping or resting, when his paws are touched, or when someone unfamiliar approaches the home. He enjoys having his coat brushed and was accustomed to being brushed at least once a week to manage his thick coat.When someone unfamiliar approaches a family member in the home, he will bark then sniff the person until he settles.
Has this dog ever had any medical issues? No
Medical Notes : Hero last went to the vet two years ago for annual vaccines.
For a New Family to Know : Hero is described as being friendly, affectionate, playful, shy, excitable, independent, and fearful with loud noises. Hero was kept mostly outside. He slept in his dog house. He was well behaved when left alone in the yard. He was never left alone in the home. He likes to play with tennis balls. He enjoys fetch but plays it less often now since he has gotten older. He was fed wet and dry dog food, either Pedigree or Iams brand, twice a day. He enjoys jerky and any kind of meat for treats. He is mostly housebroken. Since he spends his days outdoors, he is not often left inside with an opportunity to have any accidents. When inside, he will use the bathroom on newspapers laid on the floor. He knows the following commands: sit, down, shake, high five, come, stay, leave it, and turn around. He is used to playing in the yard and walks on the leash for exercise. As long as he does not come across another dog, Hero does not pull on the leash. Hero’s favorite things to do are sleep, eat, and be outside, particularly when it is cold. The owner’s favorite things about him are how smart and loyal he is.
Behavior Notes: Upon intake, Hero was quiet and somewhat tense. He preferred to lay on the ground, keep his tail relatively low, and move very slowly. ACS was able to easily remove muzzle that had originally been placed by owner. Due to owner’s warning that he may not be comfortable with new people, attempt to photo was not made at this time. He was collared while the owner held him.
Details on my behavior are…
Date of assessment: 5-Jun-2018
Look: 2. Dog’s eyes are averted, body posture is stiff and fearful, tail is low and not moving. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands.
Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, eyes are averted, tail is between legs, body stiff, mouth closed, lip long, ears likely back, may lip lick.
Tag: 2. Dog is fearful but unresponsive when touched. Approaches the Assessor when the game ends. Dog is likely crouching, may have a long lip or lip lick.
Paw squeeze 1: 3. Dog closes mouth, becomes stiff.
Paw squeeze 2: Item not conducted
Flank squeeze 1: 1. Dog sits, mouth open or lip long.
Flank squeeze 2: 1. Dog sits, mouth open or lip long.
Toy: 1. Minimal interest in toy, dog may smell or lick, then turns away.
Summary: Hero approached the assessor with a tense body. He was tense throughout the assessment. During squeeze, he further stiffened and jumped away, so flank was used.
6/4: When introduced off leash to the female helper dog, Hero is tense and keeps only to himself.
6/5-6/6: Hero keeps only to himself.
Date of intake: 3-Jun-2018
Summary: Hero had a tense, low body and allowed slow handling.
ENERGY LEVEL: Hero is described as having a medium level of activity.
Recommendations: No children (under 13)
Recommendations comments:
No children: Due to how fearful Hero is with touch and novel stimuli, we recommend an adult only home.
Potential challenges: Fearful, On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration
Potential challenges comments:
Fearful: Hero is reported to be shy around new people and to bark at them. At the care center, he appears fearful. It is important to always go slow and give Hero the option to walk away from any social interaction. Hero should never be forced to approach anything that he is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Hero’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Hero would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to his new surroundings.
On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Hero is reported to bark at other dogs when on leash. Hero may need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach him to look at you rather than other dogs. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior.
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For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: http://urgentpodr.org/adoption-info-and-list-of-rescues.
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email helpdogs@urgentpodr.org. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: http://information.urgentpodr.org/acc-placement-status-descriptions.
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: http://information.urgentpodr.org/category/frequently-asked-questions/.
You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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