HAPPY – 21102
Safe -
2-23-2018 Manhattan
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SAFE 02/23/18
HAPPY – 21102
Care Center Location: Manhattan, ZIP Code From: 10458, Intake Type: Owner surrender
Medical Behavior: Green, Age: 13 years, Sex: Male, Weight: 14 lbs
DVM Intake Exam; Estimated age: Reported 13 years, 11 months and 2 weeks – exam is consistent with this Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative; History : Reported to be deaf and has been licking his abdomen, appears to have a rash there. Subjective: Alert, tail wagging. Barks when in kennel. Observed Behavior – Allows all handling. Objective ; BAR-H, MMs pink and moist, BCS 5/9; EENT: Immature cataracts OU, no discharge. Ears clean, no nasal discharge noted. Oral Exam: Severe tartar and gingival recession; PLN: Mandibular LNs are slightly enlarged and symmetrical.; H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic; ABD: Soft, non painful, no masses palpated; U/G: Male intact, testicles S/S; MSI: Fur trimmed on feet and lower legs x4. Saliva staining on all four feet. Abdomen – alopecia, hyperpigmentation, waxy discharge, occasional epidermal collarettes. Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites.; CNS: Mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities; Rectal: Mild protrusion of perineal region – no herniated or movable tissues noted. Assessment: 1. Dental disease, mandibular lymphadenopathy; 2. Large immature cataracts; 3. Evidence of skin irritation – R/O food allergies vs. environmental allergies vs. other cause; 4. Reported to be deaf; Prognosis: Fair; Plan: 1. CBC/chemistry; 2. Benadryl 12.5 mg PO BID x14 days – may continue this long-term if effective; 3. Monitor itching; consider diet trial vs. other intervention; SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to age
Let’s get to know each other a bit more…
Basic Information:Happy is a 13 year old male dog. He was born in his previous owners home on 3/4/2004. He was surrendered because his previous owner is now disabled and can no longer care for him.
Previously lived with:2 adults, 1 dog
How is this dog around strangers?Around strangers, Happy is friendly and outgoing and gentle at play with adults.
How is this dog around children?Happy has not interacted with children.
How is this dog around other dogs?Happy lived with another female small senior dog who was also 13 years old for the last 4 years. He was relaxed and playful and exuberant at play.
How is this dog around cats?Happy has not interacted with cats.
Resource guarding:Happy keeps eating if his food bowl is touched and he has a relaxed body.
Bite history:Happy has never attempted to bite a person or animal.
Housetrained:YesEnergy level/descriptors:Medium
Other Notes:Happy doesn’t like treats or toys. He id friendly if taken off furniture, held or restrained or if an unfamiliar person approached his home or previous owner. He enjoys baths, being brushed and having his nails trimmed. He was groomed once a week. He isn’t bothered if he is disturbed while sleeping.
Has this dog ever had any medical issues?YesMedical NotesHappy may be deaf and also looks to have a rash on his belly.
For a New Family to Know: Happy is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident, and excitable. His previous owner described him as his son and likes that he was the best companion and acted like a human. When his previous owner was home he would tend to follow him around. He ate both wet and dry Eukanuba. He ate yogurt for treats. He is house trained and used wee wee pads if the weather outside was bad. He was well behaved when left alone indoors. He knows the cues sit and lets go. He was walked 2x’s a day and doesn’t pull on leash.
Behavior Notes:Happy approached with a wagging tail and relaxed body. He allowed me to collar him, pick him up, pet him. He was relaxed if his teeth were checked and paws were touched.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: http://urgentpodr.org/adoption-info-and-list-of-rescues.
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email helpdogs@urgentpodr.org. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: http://information.urgentpodr.org/acc-placement-status-descriptions.
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: http://information.urgentpodr.org/category/frequently-asked-questions/.
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