GINGER – A1075199
Safe -
5-28-2016 Manhattan
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SAFE 05/28/16
My name is GINGER. My Animal ID # is A1075199.
I am a spayed female black and white eng sprngr span. The shelter thinks I am about 10 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 05/26/2016 from NY 10461, owner surrender reason stated was PET HEALTH. I came in with Group/Litter #K16-058973.
05/27/2016 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 NC – MAJOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 77.6 LBS.
reported that p was suddenly panting in cage while lying down gums pink, no m/a, lungs clear, panting r/o panting from obesity, discomfort (started on tramadol to address) rec CTM S/O: was on IV fluids for heat stroke, not on IVs currently needs towel for support to stand- L FL lameness, slightly swollen FL compared to other FL, mild intermittent crepitus L carpus, but no fx’s or dislocations tense, but non painful abn no m/a, lungs clear muzzle on, pink gums sclerae improved- only mild hyperemia A: h/o heat stroke, was on fluids obese R FL lameness with mild crepitus carpus: r/o OA, other bladder stones reluctant to rise- r/o secondary to OA, obesity, other P: start n tramadol 50mg: 1.5T PO BID x3, if not effective can consider cbc/chem, if liver enzymes NSF, can consider carprofen, or FL rads. Consider joint supplements, Adequan inj, possible acupuncture, Hill’s J/D rec weight loss continue to monitor for urination- ideally would get UA with c/s, determine if underlying UTI, requires long term management, also geriatric panel cbc/chem/T4 PRESENTED IN HEATSTROKE NONWEIGHTBEARING LAMENESS RIGHT FRONT, VERY RELUCTANT TO RISE, COLLAPSED NO FRACTURES HEAT OR SWELLING FOUND MM PINK HYPEREMIC SCLERA TACHYCARDIA, TACHYPNEIC TENSE ABD OVERGROWN COAT, NAILS OBESE A; HEAT STROKE BLADDER STONES RIGHT FRONTLIMB LAMENESS UNKEMPT COAT AND NAILS P; IV CATHETER LEFT CEPHALIC BOLUSED 1000ML LRS TEMP REDUCED TO 101.7 WITHIN 1 HR XR OF ABD: BLADDER STONES, ENLARGED SPLEEN, GOOD SEROSAL DETAIL NO EMERGENT ISSUES REC STAY IN MEDICAL FOR OBSERVATION NO MEDS FOR LAMENESS, RE EVAL TOMORROW NEED TO MONITOR ABILITY TO URINATE, APPETITE
05/26/16 12:59 Ginger was easy to handle but was hard to get in to the truck
No Web Memo
Ginger came to us as an owner surrender but the owner did not supply any behavioral information of how she behaved in the home. So, we can only document the behavior that has been observed while in the shelter environment. Ginger was tense and nervous during her medical exam, but did not show any signs of aggression. Unfortunately, due to Ginger’s medical condition a possibility of discomfort and an attempt to decrease stress levels a SAFER assessment will not be completed at this time. We recommend placement with a New Hope partner that can provide the proper medical care for Ginger. 5/27/16 Enrichment observation: Ginger is anxious in her kennel, panting and seeking exit. Once out she allows touch but does not seek attention. She greets the dog she came in with but does not continue to seek him out once she is moved away from him.
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 3 NC – MAJOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Microchip: Positive # 475D207210 Sex: Spayed Age~ Approx- 10 yrs Bladderstone, obese, arthritis, unwilling to move Checked by Dr. 1204 Eyes: Clear / wnl Ears: Clean/ wnl Nose: Clear / wnl Teeth: Severe dental tartar BCS: 4 Skin: APH / WNL Hair Coat: WNL Behavior:Tense and nervous during exam NOSF
reported that p was suddenly panting in cage while lying down gums pink, no m/a, lungs clear, panting r/o panting from obesity, discomfort (started on tramadol to address) rec CTM S/O: was on IV fluids for heat stroke, not on IVs currently needs towel for support to stand- L FL lameness, slightly swollen FL compared to other FL, mild intermittent crepitus L carpus, but no fx’s or dislocations tense, but non painful abn no m/a, lungs clear muzzle on, pink gums sclerae improved- only mild hyperemia A: h/o heat stroke, was on fluids obese R FL lameness with mild crepitus carpus: r/o OA, other bladder stones reluctant to rise- r/o secondary to OA, obesity, other P: start n tramadol 50mg: 1.5T PO BID x3, if not effective can consider cbc/chem, if liver enzymes NSF, can consider carprofen, or FL rads. Consider joint supplements, Adequan inj, possible acupuncture, Hill’s J/D rec weight loss continue to monitor for urination- ideally would get UA with c/s, determine if underlying UTI, requires long term management, also geriatric panel cbc/chem/T4 PRESENTED IN HEATSTROKE NONWEIGHTBEARING LAMENESS RIGHT FRONT, VERY RELUCTANT TO RISE, COLLAPSED NO FRACTURES HEAT OR SWELLING FOUND MM PINK HYPEREMIC SCLERA TACHYCARDIA, TACHYPNEIC TENSE ABD OVERGROWN COAT, NAILS OBESE A; HEAT STROKE BLADDER STONES RIGHT FRONTLIMB LAMENESS UNKEMPT COAT AND NAILS P; IV CATHETER LEFT CEPHALIC BOLUSED 1000ML LRS TEMP REDUCED TO 101.7 WITHIN 1 HR XR OF ABD: BLADDER STONES, ENLARGED SPLEEN, GOOD SEROSAL DETAIL NO EMERGENT ISSUES REC STAY IN MEDICAL FOR OBSERVATION NO MEDS FOR LAMENESS, RE EVAL TOMORROW NEED TO MONITOR ABILITY TO URINATE, APPETITE
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