FOXY – A1089759
Safe - 9-23-2016 Brooklyn Rescue: Amsterdog Animal Rescue Please honor your pledges:
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SAFE 09/23/16
Brooklyn Center
My name is FOXY. My Animal ID # is A1089759.
I am a female gr brindle and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 5 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 09/14/2016 from NY 11212, owner surrender reason stated was PERS PROB. I came in with Group/Litter #K16-074083.
09/20/2016 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 4 NC – SEVERE CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 60.6 LBS.
9/20/16 S/O-BAR, appears comfortable, eating great EENT-cherry eye OS with chemosis and serous d/c, COD, no nasal d/c P-continue with TAB OS and follow up with NH about placement 9/15/16 Check cherry eye OS O: BARH. Very social, allows all handling. mm=pink, moist, CRT<2 s. EENT: OS – Marked prolapse of nictitans gland, erythematous and slightly ulcerated. Mod. mucoid discharge, chmosis ventrally. Firm periocular mass ventral to OS, which is pushing eye dorsally. Left masseter muscle is firm/enlarged. Oral: No obvious oral masses or swelling. No fractured teeth on left side. PLN: WNL. H/L: WNL. ABD: Soft, non-painful, no masses palpable. A: Suspect mass ventral to left eye. DDx: Sarcoma, lymphoma, other soft tissue mass. Secondary congestion of nictitans gland and conjuncitivits. P: Start TAB ointment OS BID x 10 days. Rimadyl 100 mg. 1.25 tabs PO q 24 hours x 10 days. Rec placement for further workup (may need radiographs, CT or MRI to determine extent of disease) and treatment. Prognosis guarded.
09/14/16 13:14 Foxy is a gray and white female American Pitbull terrier. She was surrendered by her owner due to owner facing personal problems. She was previously owned by a spouse and was left with owner, she has been in the care of her owner for almost a year. Foxy has cherry eye on her left eye and was not taken to the vet for this issue. Foxy has lived with two adults, two children ages three and five and another pitbull. She is described as reserved around strangers she will take several minutes to warm up to new people. She will engage in somewhat rough play with adults. She is tolerant around the children and will engage in exuberant play with the kids. She lived with her sibling Jacob and is described as relaxed and affectionate. Owner stated they have been together since birth and will eat, sleep and play together. Once seperated they will whine and become anxious. She has not been around cats. Foxy is not bothered during storms or fireworks. She will growl when her foos is touched and her body will tense. She is not bothered when she is held or bathed, owner stated she loves water. She will bark when a stranger appraoches her home and owner stated she loves to guard the home. She is protective of her owner and family and will growl when a stranger approaches her owner. Foxy has a high activity level and likes to follow her owner around the home. She likes to play with chew toys and bones. Foxy sleeps in her crate and lived in a home with a yard. She is housetrained and rarely has accidents indoors. She is well behaved when left alone in the yard. Foxy eats Purina One dry food and is fed once a day. Foxy is used to leashed walks and does not pull on leash. When off leash she will wander some but come when she is called. Upon intake Foxy was relaxed and when cousnelor approached she wagged her tail slowly and sniffed cousnelors hand. Cousnelor was able to scan (-), collar and photograph.
09/17/2016 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Upon meeting Foxy it’s impossible not to notice that she has a bad case of cherry eye in one eye, but this girl wants nothing to do with the victim role: what sweet, fun, resilient lady! She was a little reserved when I first met her, but warmed up immediately with treats (she loves them and will sit and lie down for them). Her previous owner tells us she was relaxed and affectionate with the other dog she lived with (her littermate), tolerant and playful with the reident children, and well-behaved when left alone. She walks beautifully on leash, is very waggy, and seems housebroken. When I take her in the yard she LOVES to chase after tennis balls and even does an adorable hula-paw-batting dance when she waits for me to throw one. She’ll join me on the bench, solicit cuddling, and is just wonderful company! All of this charisma and charm belongs in a home…come meet her at Brooklyn ACC and see if it might be yours!
KNOWN HISTORY: Unaltered, Owner surrender Previously lived with: Adults/young children Behavior toward children: Tolerant/playful Behavior toward dogs: Affectionate/relaxed Behavior toward cats: None reported FG/RG: It was reported Foxy will growl and her body will tense up when her food bowl is touched. Bite history: None reported Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: High activity level AGGRESSION ASSESSMENT: 09/16/16 Look: 1. Dog holds gaze with soft eyes, soft body. She allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Dog holds gaze for three full seconds. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, and her tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item. Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body soft. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Her eyes are averted and her ears are relaxed or back. Squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back her paw. Toy: 1. 1. Minimal interest in toy, dog licks, then turns away. Summary: Foxy did not display any human-directed aggression during her assessment and remained socialable towards her handlers. PLAYGROUP: According to Foxy’s previous owner, Foxy lived with her sibling Jacob and is described as relaxed and affectionate. 9/15: When off leash with dogs at the Care Center, Foxy greets the novel male dog displaying soft body language and a low, wagging tail. She mostly keeps to herself as she explores the pen and is tolerant of the male dog’s face to face greetings. 9/16: Foxy continues to be social with other dogs but she does give a clear correction (growl) when the male dog approaches her rear end. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR:9/16/16- She was friendly and tolerates all handling. RECOMMENDATIONS: Experience _X_No young children (under 5) (See known history; because of Foxy’s noted potential resource guarding issues, an adult home only is advised. We recommend against removing items from Foxy’s mouth without trading for an equally appealing item. Force-free, reward based training as well as appropriate management/prevention advised when attempting to work with this behavior.)
According to Foxy’s previous owner, Foxy lived with her sibling Jacob and is described as relaxed and affectionate. 9/15: When off leash with dogs at the Care Center, Foxy greets the novel male dog displaying soft body language and a low, wagging tail. She mostly keeps to herself as she explores the pen and is tolerant of the male dog’s face to face greetings. 9/16: Foxy continues to be social with other dogs but she does give a clear correction (growl) when the male dog approaches her rearend.
Medical rating was 3 NC – MAJOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Scanned negative Female, ~ 5yrs Friendly, tolerates handling , no sign of aggression Mild tartar, gingivitis cherry eye on the left eye EENT – wnl Skin/coat — NOSF AMB x4 BARH
9/20/16 S/O-BAR, appears comfortable, eating great EENT-cherry eye OS with chemosis and serous d/c, COD, no nasal d/c P-continue with TAB OS and follow up with NH about placement 9/15/16 Check cherry eye OS O: BARH. Very social, allows all handling. mm=pink, moist, CRT<2 s. EENT: OS – Marked prolapse of nictitans gland, erythematous and slightly ulcerated. Mod. mucoid discharge, chmosis ventrally. Firm periocular mass ventral to OS, which is pushing eye dorsally. Left masseter muscle is firm/enlarged. Oral: No obvious oral masses or swelling. No fractured teeth on left side. PLN: WNL. H/L: WNL. ABD: Soft, non-painful, no masses palpable. A: Suspect mass ventral to left eye. DDx: Sarcoma, lymphoma, other soft tissue mass. Secondary congestion of nictitans gland and conjuncitivits. P: Start TAB ointment OS BID x 10 days. Rimadyl 100 mg. 1.25 tabs PO q 24 hours x 10 days. Rec placement for further workup (may need radiographs, CT or MRI to determine extent of disease) and treatment. Prognosis guarded.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Dogs 2016-09