Safe -
2-18-2018 Manhattan
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SAFE 02/18/18
Care Center Location: Manhattan, ZIP Code From: 10453, Intake Type: Stray
Medical Behavior: Yellow, Age: 10 years, Sex: Female, Weight: 13 lbs
DVM Intake Exam; Estimated age:8-10y; Microchip noted on Intake? n; History :stray; Subjective: very matted. rear feet possibly strangulated. OD corneal ulceration secondary to matting. Hematochezia during exam; Observed Behavior -allowed most handling, growl when anal area examined; Evidence of Cruelty seen neglect; Objective ; T =; P =60; R =wnl; BCS 5/9; EENT: Ou sclerosis, od corneal ulceration. was matted shut, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted; Oral Exam: severe ddz; PLN: No enlargements noted; H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic; ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated; U/G: nmo ss seen; MSI: severe matting esp rear legs, fleas, fad; CNS: Mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities; Rectal: anal area caked with feces, moist dermatitis; Assessment: matting, dermatitis, corneal ulceration, fad; Prognosis: fair; Plan: shave, clavamox 62/g mg bid , tab od bid; Permanent waiver due to age
A Little Bit About Me…
A staff member writes: Enchilada was found as a stray and brought to ACC when the finder had no luck finding her owner. Enchilada is a sweet girl that will need follow up medical care (please see medical below)
My medical notes are…
Progress Exam: Vet Notes: 11:58 AM; Presented severely matted with corneal ulcer OS secondary to matted; was shaved yesterday; S/O; -QAR/BAR, allows handling -good appetite -mm pk, sl tacky -no nasal discharge or sneezing -OD: cornea appears dull with mucoid discharge and mild to moderate corneal edema; -OS: immature cataract, superficial corneal defect present in dorsal field; -eupnic, clear lung sounds, no murmurs/arrhythmias -soft abdomen -5 firm, small (<0.5 cm) mammary gland tumors associated with 2nd most caudal glands on L chain; one firm, small SQ tumor associated with mid gland on R chain; A; 1. KCS OD, suspected 2. Corneal ulcer OS 3. Mammary gland tumors, small, non ulcerated, multiple 4. Geriatric; P -optimmune OU in right eye -continue TAB ointment and clavamox -recommend removal of L mammary chain and local excision of MGT on R side after placement -prognosis: guarded, depends greatly on behavior of MGT but concern for malignancy due to multiple tumors present
Details on my behavior are…
Date of assessment: 15-Feb-2018
Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted, ears are back, tail is down, relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands.
Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, eyes are averted, and tail is in neutral position with a relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item.
Tag: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body soft.
Paw squeeze 1: 2. Dog quickly pulls back.
Paw squeeze 2: 2. Dog quickly pull back.
Toy: 1. No interest.
Summary: Enchilada approached the assessor in the assessment room with a soft body. She was social, allowed all handling, and displayed no concerning behaviors.
Summary (1): 2/15: When introduced off leash to dogs, Enchilada keeps mostly to herself.
Summary (2): 2/16: Enchilada keeps mostly to herself.
Date of initial: 13-Feb-2018
Summary: Enchilada allowed most handling but growled when her rear end was handled.
ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Enchilada so we cannot be certain of her behavior in a home environment. In the care center, she displays a medium level of activity.
BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: AVERAGE (suitable for an adopter with an average amount of dog experience)
Behavior Asilomar; H – Health
You may know me from such films as…
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: http://urgentpodr.org/adoption-info-and-list-of-rescues.
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email helpdogs@urgentpodr.org. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: http://information.urgentpodr.org/acc-placement-status-descriptions.
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: http://information.urgentpodr.org/category/frequently-asked-questions/.
You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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