DUSTIN – A1120518
Gone -
8-4-2017 Manhattan
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GONE 08/04/17
DUSTIN – A1120518
Intake condition GERIATRIC Intake Date 08/01/2017, From NY 10463, DueOut Date 08/04/2017
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Estimated age: 12-16 years old based on overall appearance and dentition Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative. Stray. Allows all handling. QAR, BCS 4/9, moderate muscle wasting, MMs pink and moist EENT: OS WNL. OD buphthalmic, pigment keratitis, conjunctival injection, moderate mucoid discharge. AU pinnae are alopecic, canals have fur inside. No nasal discharge. Small sebaceous nodule on dorsal skull. Oral Exam: Severe tartar and gingival recession PLN: No significant enlargements noted H/L: Grade 3/6 systolic murmur PMI left base – mild spreading of PMI, not audible on right side of the chest. RSA/NSR. CRT < 2. Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, not distended, no masses palpated U/G: Male intact, testicles S/S MSI: Front legs – Plantar curve in the distal right carpus – possibly old healed fracture vs. carpal flexion. Matted distal legs and fur in feet, long nails. Hind legs – Grade 4/4 medial patellar luxation bilaterally, with moderate medial buttressing bilaterally. Matted distal legs and fur in feet, long nails. Trunk: Alopecia on dorsum, some areas of hyperpigmentation. Partial-thickness crusted ulcerations over the ishiae bilaterally. Tail is alopecic, pink and shiny. Moderate muscle wasting over entire body. CNS: At times appears to be alert and aware of surroundings, but at other times pt vocalizes in a way that seems to be unrelated to the surrounding events. Rectal: Rectum is full of firm stool – easily removed. Left anal gland is enlarged (2 cm dia), easily expressed – large amount of tan pasty discharge. Right anal gland is very enlarged (3-4 cm) with irregular margins (several small nodules and one larger mass), unable to express. CBC/chem: CBC is unremarkable. Chemistry: mildly elevated ALT, alk phos, GGT. Normal chol. Assessment: Possible Cushing’s disease vs. liver dz vs. metastatic anal gland neoplasia 1. Likely mass in right anal gland 2. Elevated liver enzymes 3. Heart murmur 4 Dental disease 5. Right eye – glaucoma vs. uveitis vs. other 6. Muscle wasting 7. Alopecia 8. Medial patellar luxation, medial buttressing 9. Irregular right carpus – R/O old fracture vs. arthritis vs. congenital deformity 10. Poor grooming Plan: SQF 250 ml SID x5 days. Monitor. Rec LDDST, AUS Prognosis: Poor SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to geriatric underlying
Weight 16.1
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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