DREWSKI -A1108928
Safe -
4-30-2017 Manhattan
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SAFE 04/30/17
Manhattan Center
My name is DREWSKI. My Animal ID # is A1108928.
I am a neutered male black and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 2 YEARS
I came in the shelter as a STRAY on 04/15/2017 from NY 10459, owner surrender reason stated was STRAY.
04/27/2017 AT RISK MEMO
Drewski A1108928 is at risk due to CIRDC diagnosis
04/27/2017 Exam Type MS NEW URI – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 50.0 LBS.
4/26/17 Hx: bout of diarrhea, on Metronidazole (2 doses remaining) S/O: decreased appetite and energy mucoserous nasal dc A: CIRDC P: move to iso sample obtained for Resp PCR 250mg Doxycycline PO SID x10days px: good
04/15/17 09:49 Drewski A1108928 is a young male black & white AMPBT mix that was found in a park in the Bronx by the Park’s Department. They stated he was a little nervous at first (low body position with his tail tucked) but allowed them to put him into a dog crate to be brought into our BXAC location. During intake Drewski had a loose, wiggly body and allowed all handling. He allowed to be scanned (-), collared and taken pictures of. Drewski didn’t seem to mind being lifted into the kennel as he didn’t want to enter on his own. He sat excitedly as I placed his food & water into his kennel and ate/drank some quickly. Drewski also takes treats super softly/gently and will sit for them.
04/18/2017 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Made famous in the reality show ‘Love and Hip Hop’, it’s said that this character fell in love with his co star. Our Drewski is ready to find and fall in love with his co-star, too–YOU! A gorgeous dog in his midnight black and gleaming coat, he’s slender, elegant, fun and friendly. Good leash manners and a wagging tail make him a fun partner for a walk to the park, and after taking care of his ‘business’ it’s all about kisses and some hip hops of his own. He notices other dogs that pass, wanting to meet and greet all, watches the squirrels play, gently enjoys some treats but hasn’t figured out ‘sit’ yet. Drewski likes a good cuddle and some shared kisses as much as the next guy, hanging out in my lap as we watch the early morning park activities unfold. Off leash in a pen he’s more interested in exploring than playing, but can be enticed with a pull toy for a brief game of tug. Drewski is ready to meet his leading man or lady, ready for his own reality show in his new home. Come meet our superstar today!
KNOWN HISTORY: None 4/15/17 Unaltered Male, Stray SAFER ASSESSMENT: 4/18/17 Look: 2. Dog’s eyes are averted. His body posture tense, his tail is low and not moving. He allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, and his tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is closed. Tag: 2. Dog becomes playful, jumps up and briefly grabs leash. Squeeze 1: 3. Dog closes mouth, becomes stiff. Flank squeeze 1: 1. Dog does not respond at all. Flank squeeze 2: 1. Dog does not respond at all. Toy: 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. He does not place his body between you and the toy. Summary: Drewski seemed a bit fearful at times during his assessment, avoiding the handler and tensing. He also became over excited during tag, jumping up and grabbing the leash, but easily settled. PLAYGROUP: Drewski has displayed interest in polite engagement and play with dogs in the care center, at times mounting during interaction. The behavior department recommends slow introductions between Drewski and other social or tolerant dogs. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 4/15/17 During his initial medical exam, Drewski was tense and resisted handling. ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Drewski so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. However, he is a young, enthusiastic, social dog who will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. RECOMMENDATIONS: Experience (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with behaviors outlined below) Potential challenges: _X_Fearful: Drewski is a bit fearful at the care center. It is important to always go slow and give Drewski the option to walk away from any social interaction. Drewski should never be forced to approach anything that he is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Drewski’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Drewski would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to his new surroundings.
Drewski has displayed interest in polite engagement and play with dogs in the care center, at times mounting during interaction. The behavior department recommends slow introductions between Drewski and respectful dogs. 4/18: When introduced off leash to the female greeter dog, Drewski approaches with a tense body and high flagging tail. He begins to whine and sniff the rear of the greeter while salivating and chattering. He postures once to mount. 4/25: Drewski greets social male and female dogs politely and will engage in gentle play with the intent to mount.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
DVM Intake Exam Intact male Estimated age: 2 years Microchip noted on Intake? positive at the time of examination 981020017336944 History : Stray dog found in a park. Subjective: Male intact dog with periorbital dermatitis. Observed Behavior – Afraid Evidence of Cruelty seen – None Evidence of Trauma seen – None Objective T =No taken P = 120 bpm R = 24 bpm BCS 5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: not examined PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: intact male MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Not examined Assessment periorbital dermatitis Plan 50 mg benadryl sid for 10 days Rabies vaccine given Prognosis: excellent SURGERY: Okay for surgery
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS ,
4/26/17 Hx: bout of diarrhea, on Metronidazole (2 doses remaining) S/O: decreased appetite and energy mucoserous nasal dc A: CIRDC P: move to iso sample obtained for Resp PCR 250mg Doxycycline PO SID x10days px: good
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: http://urgentpodr.org/adoption-info-and-list-of-rescues.
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email helpdogs@urgentpodr.org. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: http://information.urgentpodr.org/acc-placement-status-descriptions.
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: http://information.urgentpodr.org/category/frequently-asked-questions/.
You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Dogs 2017-04