DOLLEY – A1121847
Safe -
8-16-2017 Brooklyn
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SAFE 08/16/17
DOLLEY – A1121847
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 08/13/2017, From NY 11212, DueOut Date 08/13/2017,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Microchip: Scanned negative Sex: Intact Female Age 12 years per owner Mentation: appropriate Eyes: mildly cloudy Ears: left ear may have otitis externa; cleaned (narrow ear canal) slight yeasty smell Nose: Clear Teeth: Missing upper incisors; heavy tarter around canines, unable to see rear of mouth; very sensitive If abnormal BCS: Skin: dry; no flea dirt or parasites seen Hair Coat: clean and well groomed Declawed: no; nails medium/long Any injuries: no Behavior: quiet, gentle, tail wags, allows all handling; (sensitive left ear and mouth; will whine and wiggle.) No towel or muzzle needed for vax or bloodwork. Medication: none
Weight 12.6
Dolley is a 12 year old an unaltered female she came from a previous owner and was surrender due to the owner moving and lives in an apartment that does not allow pets. she has no known health issues or injures and has no recent vet history.
Around strangers Dolley is shy for a few mintues but will allow you to apporach her and pet her. she has lived in ahome with a 10 month old and 7 month old child, she mostly keeps to herself and is relaxed and gentle when they approach her. Dolley is relaxed and playful around other dogs and has no bite history.
Dolley is house tranied but does have accidents in side the home a afew times a month and usally pees outside of the wee-wee pads. if someone trues to rouch dolley’s food bowl while she is eating she growls,and she will growl if someone tries to touch her toys. Dollry dooes try to run away before bath time but will allow you to wash her once she is in the tub. She was described as friendly, Mellow, and affectionate with a medium activity level.
Dolley likes being in the same room as her family and loves playing withher squeaky toys. She is feed pedigree dry food and sometimes wet foood twice a day. When left alone in the home Dolley is well-behaved and has never been crate trained. She known command come,stay, and down, And she loves going on slow walks on leash.
Upon intake Dolley was calm and relaxed she allowed the counselro to collar her and take a photo.
Dolley’s previous ownere reported that she is relaxed and playful around outher dogs.
8/14: When off leash at the Care Center, Dolley greets a group of small male and female dogs with a soft body. She explores the yard, and occasionally checks in with the other dogs.
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If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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