DOLCE – A1080718
Safe - 7-22-2016 Staten Island
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SAFE 07/22/16
DOLCE – A1080718
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 07/10/2016, From NY 10306, DueOut Date 07/10/2016,
Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE
Medical Summary microchip scan negative female, no spay scar seen approximately 8 yrs old BARH slightly cloudy eyes has an underbite mild-moderate dental tartar, gingivitis 12.4lbs; BCS: 3/5 well groomed hair coat friendly, but was resistant to some handling
Weight 12.4
RE EXAM: 7/19/16; ex: FI; S: pre- spay exam; coughing and sneezing seen; O: BAR; greenish nasal and ocular discharge; mild dental calc; grade II/VI heart murmur, regular rhythm; lungs clear and eupneic; BCS 3-4/9; hindend fur wet with urine; prominent vulva, no vaginal discharge; A:; coughing, sneezing, nasal and ocular discharge- R/O URI vs other; heart murmur; thin; P:; start doxycycline 50 mg PO SID x 10 days and triple antibiotic eye ointment OU BID x 7 days; reschedule spay surgery when improved
A staff member writes: Dolce is an amazing, sweet girl that is a little lady on a leash. She was brought to us because her mom is in the hospital and family could not take. She has a cold and currently on treatment
PROFILE: 07/10/16 14:58
Basic Information:
Dolce is an 8 year old unspayed female Shih Tzu that has no past or current medical issues that the owner is aware of. Owner has had Dolce for 8 years and is unable to keep her due to personal problems.
According to the owner, around strangers, Dolce is usually friendly and plays gently with adults. If she does not like someone, she will keep barking at them. Dolce has been around children from newborn to 2 1/2 yrs old & owner stated she was respectful & playful with them. She would love to give the children kisses. She has also been around both small & large dogs and is respectful around them but is more intimidated by large dogs. She has never been around cats therefore behavior is unknown.
When someone tries to take away Dolce’s food, treats or toys she will growl. She is not bothered by being held/restrained, being given a bath, or having her nails trimmed. Owner would take Dolce to get groomed and never had a problem with her. When owner would push Dolce off furniture, she would look at her and then go about her business. Owner has never tried to brush Dolce’s coat so she is not sure how she would react to having it done. When unfamiliar people would approach the home or yard, Dolce will bark until she is used to the person.
For a New Family to Know:
Dolce is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, pushy, excitable, independent and sometimes aloof depending on her mood with a high activity level. In the home, she would like to follow owner around & be in the same room as the owner and snuggle. She is mostly house trained but would have accidents 2x a week if owner did not walk her on time. Dolce loves to pay with balls, stuffed animals, squeaky toys and bones but would only play on her own not with anyone. Her favorite activites are to snuggle with the owner or go and play in the backyard. When left alone in the yard, she was well behaved and could spend all day there. When owner would leave her alone in the home, Dolce was also well behaved. For exercise, owner would let Dolce play in her yard.
Behavior during intake: Dolce came up to me during intake when I put my hand out. I was able to scan her for a m/c, collar her and take her picture without any problems.
Dolce came into our center as an owner surrender citing owner’s declining health. It is reported Dolce has been around children from newborn to 2 1/2 yrs old & owner stated she was respectful & playful with them, would love to give the children kisses. She has also been around both small & large dogs and is respectful around them but is more intimidated by large dogs. Behavior around cats is unknown. Owner reports Dolce will growl if anyone touches Food, Toys, Treats. She is reportedly mostly house trained but would have accidents 2x a week if owner did not walk her on time. Dolce is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, pushy, excitable, independent and sometimes aloof depending on her mood. Dolce walked nicely on leash for her relief walk. She was calm and quiet upon entering SAFER assessment area. Dolce allowed her head to be cupped in assessor’s hands, lip lick. She stood still and accepted the touch during Sensitivity item, mouth open, ears and tail neutral. Dolce followed at the end of the leash for Tag game, a bit distracted, unresponsive to each pass. She did not pull her paw back on first Squeeze, lip lick, quickly pulled her paw back on second Squeeze attempt. Dolce showed minimal interest in Toy, briefly responding to squeak sound, but never fully engaging. This may be due to environment as owner reports Dolce loves to pay with balls, stuffed animals, squeaky toys and bones but would only play on her own not with anyone. She approached the helper dog at an appropriate pace, body soft. Due to her potential for possible possessiveness, the Behavior Team feels Dolce would do best with an Experienced adopter that does not have very young children.
Look: 2. Dog’s eyes are averted, lip lick
Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, and her tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture, mouth open
Tag: 2. Follows at end of leash, a bit distracted
Squeeze 1: 2. Dog does not pull back paw, lip lick
Squeeze 2: 2. Dog quickly pulls back paw
Toy 1. Minimal interest, responds to the squeak sound, does not fully engage
Dog – dog 2. Dog approaches helper dog with tail at spine level, body not stiff, ears relaxed, and lip neutral
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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