IVY aka CHLOE aka DIVYA – A1085780
Safe -
1-4-2017 Manhattan
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SAFE 01/04/17
IVY aka CHLOE aka DIVYA – A1085780
***RETURNED 12/24/16***
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 12/24/2016, From NY 10453, DueOut Date 12/27/2016
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Microchip: Positive # 981020017403975 Sex: Spayed Age~ Approx- 1 yrn 4 months Came as post adoption BARH AMBX4 Eyes: Clear / wnl Ears: Clean/ wnl Nose: Clear / wnl Teeth: Very Slight dental tartar BCS: 3 Behavior: Friendly behavior during exam NOSF
Weight 43.2
A volunteer writes: A gorgeous redhead – her coat lush and fine – looking like a fine needlepoint tapestry of various complementary colors. Stunning. Her plume tail wags in friendship to all, her soft eyes enhance her quizzical friendly face. I’m in love! Lively and fun, Miss Ivy pulls hard on the leash in her happiness to be out for a walk, takes care of her business immediately and then executes a perfect sit as soon as she sees a treat. And then shakes paw! We hugged and kissed so much that a passerby suggested we get a room! Ivy was adopted from us and came back when her adopter moved. We’re told she spent time with young children outside the home and licks their faces, lived with another dog and played happily with that doggy roommate as well as others outside the home, and gets along well with cats, as the cat and she were sleeping/TV buddies! She even tried to lick the resident ferrets who were loose in the home. Ivy is housetrained when walked regularly, loves all sorts of toys and treats, is crate trained, will destroy household items if left out as well as go into garbage if not put away. OK – so who among us doesn’t have a bad habit? I loved my time with Ivy – fun, friendly, smart and affectionate, she has the best face, showed off her sit and shake paw which is only two of the numerous commands she knows. She’s an awesome young girl who’s looking for a lively and loving family with whom to go home. So, put your garbage in a bin, don’t leave clothes lying around, and bring this special girl home. She’s terrific!!
PROFILE: 12/24/16 19:09
Updates to Ivy’s profile:
Once Ivy’s original owner moved out she was left with those still residing in the residence. The residence already has pets and the cost of one more was not possible for those caring for her. Adopted from SIACC.
Ivy is very friendly/outgoing. Has spent time with children, ages 2 yrs+, only outside of the home. She comes into contact with children at the dog park. She goes up to children and licks their faces, is playful with them. Plays with adults/children gently/exuberantly. Spent past 4 months living with another dog the same size as her. They play very well together, never fought. Ivy plays with other dogs gently/exuberantly. She spent time with cats at home and the cat became her sleeping/ TV buddy! She also spent time around ferrets in the residence; is intrigued and tries to lick them. Ivy interacted with these ferrets when off leash in the house; ferrets are running loose as well. She has never bitten anyone or another animal while with her new family.
Ivy barks a lot at home when the doorbell rings. She also will destroy small household items like clothing, and will go through garbage bags if they are not in the bin. Behavior during fireworks/storms unknown. She is friendly when someone: touches her food or bowl while eating, takes away bones/rawhide/treats/toys/is pushed off furniture, gets a bath, gets brushed. get nails trimmed. She is not bothered when being held/restrained, or disturbed while sleeping/resting, or when someone unfamiliar approaches owner or family member. When someone unfamiliar approaches the house she barks.
New Family:
Ivy is very affectionate, playful, friendly, confident. Activity level is high. She loves getting stuffed animals and destroying them! She loves running, walks, and watching the TV show Shameless with her friend the cat!! At home she will play with her dog friend and sometimes will follow. She loves all sorts of toys and treats. She plays fetch and tug. She was kept mainly indoors. Sleeps on owners bed. Eats Blue Buffalo dry. Is housetrained, never has accidents (only when a walk is missed). Goes potty on the grass. Is well-behaved in the yard but destroys household items when left at home alone. Was crate trained in a large black wire crate, did well 8-10 hrs/day. Knows sit/come/down/stay/paw/touch/
**RETURNED 10/10/16**
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 10/10/2016, From NY 10314, DueOut Date 10/10/2016,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Scan positive BARH AMBx4 Friendly,allowed handling Spayed~1yr EENT:WNL No fleas seen Nosf
Weight 45.2
My name is CHLOE. My Animal ID # is A1085780.
I am a spayed female brown and black black mouth cur and germ shepherd mix. The shelter thinks I am about 1 YEAR 1 MONTH old.
I came in the shelter as a RETURN on 09/24/2016 from NY 10312, owner surrender reason stated was TOO HYPER.
09/24/2016 Exam Type VACCINATE – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 46.1 LBS.
UTD on all shots Activyl given as per owner
09/24/16 16:44 Basic Information: Chloe is a 1 y/o spayed female Pit Bull that has no past or current medical issues that the owner is aware of. Owner had Chloe for about 3 weeks but had to surrender due to her being too hyper in the home. Socialization: According to the owner, around strangers Chloe is friendly but sometimes when owner was walking down the street Chloe would pull towards strangers with a low growl. Owner had a 2.5 & 5 y/o at home & stated that Chloe was respectful of both children but would get overstimulated while playing and nip the children but never breaking skin. Owner did not have another dog in the home but did state that while walking Chloe she would pull towards them and want to play. She has never been around a cat therefore behavior is unknown. Chloe has never bit an animal or person breaking skin. Behavior: During fireworks or thunderstorms, Chloe is not bothered by them. She is also not bothered by having her food, toys or treats taken away, being pushed off furniture, having her paws touched, or being disturbed while sleeping. Owner has never tried to give Chloe a bath therefore behavior is unknown. When owner would try to brush Chloe’s coat, she would struggle to get away. Owner stated that when unfamiliar people would approach the home or yard, Chloe would bark and growl. For a New Family to Know: Chloe is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident, excitable and independent with a very high activity level. In the home, she liked to follow the owner around and be around the family. She enjoys playing with balls, stuffed animals, chew toys, bones and Kongs. Chloe was kept indoors only & is mostly house trained. Owner stated in the beginning she would urinate & defecate in the home as she got used to her walking schedule but for the last 2 weeks she had no accidents. When Chloe was left alone in the home, she was well behaved. When she was left alone in the yard, she would dig holes. Owner stated that she would get very overstimulated with the family in the yard & would nip at the wife and daughters. Chloe knows the commands sit, heel, paw and down. For exercise, owner would take her on a 3 mile run 2x a day or be let out in the yard to run around. On the leash, she would pull very hard for the wife but not for the husband. Owner has never tried to walk Chloe off leash as she would run away Behavior during intake: All handling allowed
08/19/2016 WEB MEMO
Chloe came into our center after a member of the public found her tied to a tree. She was friendly, loose and wiggly upon intake, allowed all handling. Chloe pulled slightly on leash for her relief walk. She displayed high energy and movement during positioning of Look item, once properly positioned she allowed her head to be cupped in assessor’s hands, relaxed. Chloe stood still and accepted the touch during Sensitivity item, ears and tail neutral. Chloe playfully ran and jumped along with assessor during Tag game. She did not pull her paw back on both Squeeze attempts. When off leash with other dogs, Chloe quickly opened up and engaged in bouncy running and jumping play with a rowdy male, playing in the pool as well. The Behavior Team feels Chloe would do well with an Average adopter. She may benefit from daily mental and physical stimulation to positively direct her enthusiasm, in the forms of daily walks, runs, exercise, play, kiddiepool time, as well as durable toys such as Kongs and Nylabones. Look: 1. Dog’s displays high energy and movement. Once positioned, eyes are averted, relaxed. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, and her tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture, mouth open. Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game, running and jumping Squeeze 1 / 2: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Her eyes are averted and her ears are relaxed Toy 1. Dog keeps a firm grip, body loose Dog-dog: When off leash with other dogs, Chloe quickly opened up and engaged in bouncy running and jumping play with a rowdy male, playing in the pool as well.
When off leash with other dogs, Divya was very submissive initially but quickly opened up and engaged in bouncy running and jumping play with a rowdy male. She offered appropriate corrections for mounting. Divya enjoys playing in the pool as well.
Medical rating was 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating was NONE
Scan positive BARH AMbx4 Friendly,allowed handling Spayed~1yr Put on tx.(at animal hospital-previous owner) for CIRDC on 9/9/16 (1.5tabs Baytril 68mg SIDX14 days), only 6 days of tx. were given Unknown when treatment was stopped Slight nasal discharge, no coughing As per Dr. 0844 discontinue Baytril 2.5tabs Doxycycline 100mg SIDX10 days Recheck on 9/27 Nosf
– Normal,
No detailed description for a visit type RE-EXAM or CAGE-EXAM found!
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 08/17/2016, From NY 10304, DueOut Date 08/20/2016,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Scan negative BARH AMBx4 Friendly,allowed handling Female~1yr EENT:WNL No fleas seen Nosf
Weight 46.0
Chloe came into our center after a member of the public found her tied to a tree. She was friendly, loose and wiggly upon intake, allowed all handling. Chloe pulled slightly on leash for her relief walk. She displayed high energy and movement during positioning of Look item, once properly positioned she allowed her head to be cupped in assessor’s hands, relaxed. Chloe stood still and accepted the touch during Sensitivity item, ears and tail neutral. Chloe playfully ran and jumped along with assessor during Tag game. She did not pull her paw back on both Squeeze attempts. When off leash with other dogs, Chloe quickly opened up and engaged in bouncy running and jumping play with a rowdy male, playing in the pool as well. The Behavior Team feels Chloe would do well with an Average adopter. She may benefit from daily mental and physical stimulation to positively direct her enthusiasm, in the forms of daily walks, runs, exercise, play, kiddiepool time, as well as durable toys such as Kongs and Nylabones.
Look: 1. Dog’s displays high energy and movement. Once positioned, eyes are averted, relaxed.
Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, and her tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture, mouth open.
Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game, running and jumping
Squeeze 1 / 2: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Her eyes are averted and her ears are relaxed
Toy 1. Dog keeps a firm grip, body loose
Dog-dog: When off leash with other dogs, Chloe quickly opened up and engaged in bouncy running and jumping play with a rowdy male, playing in the pool as well.
When off leash with other dogs, Divya was very submissive initially but quickly opened up and engaged in bouncy running and jumping play with a rowdy male. She offered appropriate corrections for mounting. Divya enjoys playing in the pool as well.
Basic Information:
Chloe is a 1 y/o spayed female Pit Bull that has no past or current medical issues that the owner is aware of. Owner had Chloe for about 3 weeks but had to surrender due to her being too hyper in the home.
According to the owner, around strangers Chloe is friendly but sometimes when owner was walking down the street Chloe would pull towards strangers with a low growl. Owner had a 2.5 & 5 y/o at home & stated that Chloe was respectful of both children but would get overstimulated while playing and nip the children but never breaking skin. Owner did not have another dog in the home but did state that while walking Chloe she would pull towards them and want to play. She has never been around a cat therefore behavior is unknown. Chloe has never bit an animal or person breaking skin.
During fireworks or thunderstorms, Chloe is not bothered by them. She is also not bothered by having her food, toys or treats taken away, being pushed off furniture, having her paws touched, or being disturbed while sleeping. Owner has never tried to give Chloe a bath therefore behavior is unknown. When owner would try to brush Chloe’s coat, she would struggle to get away. Owner stated that when unfamiliar people would approach the home or yard, Chloe would bark and growl.
For a New Family to Know:
Chloe is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident, excitable and independent with a very high activity level. In the home, she liked to follow the owner around and be around the family. She enjoys playing with balls, stuffed animals, chew toys, bones and Kongs. Chloe was kept indoors only & is mostly house trained. Owner stated in the beginning she would urinate & defecate in the home as she got used to her walking schedule but for the last 2 weeks she had no accidents. When Chloe was left alone in the home, she was well behaved. When she was left alone in the yard, she would dig holes. Owner stated that she would get very overstimulated with the family in the yard & would nip at the wife and daughters. Chloe knows the commands sit, heel, paw and down. For exercise, owner would take her on a 3 mile run 2x a day or be let out in the yard to run around. On the leash, she would pull very hard for the wife but not for the husband. Owner has never tried to walk Chloe off leash as she would run away
Behavior during intake: All handling allowed
VIDEOS FROM 12/2016:
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: http://urgentpodr.org/adoption-info-and-list-of-rescues.
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email helpdogs@urgentpodr.org. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: http://information.urgentpodr.org/acc-placement-status-descriptions.
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: http://information.urgentpodr.org/category/frequently-asked-questions/.
You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Dogs 2017-01