DESI – A1098780
Safe - 2-10-2017 Manhattan Rescue: Amsterdog Animal Rescue Please honor your pledges:
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SAFE 02/10/17
Manhattan Center
My name is DESI. My Animal ID # is A1098780.
I am a male gray and white pit bull mix. The shelter thinks I am about 2 YEARS, 2 MONTHS old.
I came in the shelter as a STRAY on 12/05/2016 from NY 10454, owner surrender reason stated was OWN EVICT. I came in with Group/Litter #K16-083480.
01/13/2017 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 43.0 LBS.
1/13/17 S/O: day 7 doxycyline N feces in cage as per observation log food eaten yesterday, no recording regarding today’s app wagging tail, BAR, amb x4 scant serous nasal d/c A: CIRDC- on doxycyline P: con’t doxycyline, recheck p tomorrow if resolved prognosis: good 01/09/17 13:57 s/o: bar eye discharge not present no limping or tenderness on palpation a: under treatment for cirdc p: continue treatment 01/07/17 13:44 S: was attacked by another dog (Patrick Star a1099743) while outside on a walk this morning. Very nice dog, affiliative, allowed full exam, O: BAR H AU: minor bruising on AS pinnae OU: mild MPOD (dry at medial canthus OU) Oral: moderate dental tartar, no lesions in oral cavity Int: (1) linear areas of alopecia and hypotrichosis on muzzle, head and ear pinnae consistent with old lacerations or bite wounds, (2) alopecia on tip of tail (3) approx 3mm puncture wound on R side of muzzle below and caudal to eye, slighly hemorrhagic & superficial (4) superficial wound/absrsion (approximately 0.5cm) above L eye (5) resolving papules/pustules on ventral abdomen and inguinum Lnn: WNL CV: NMA, s&s pulses, pink moist mm Resp: serous nasal dc, nonprductive cough on tracheal compression, sneezing Abd: SNP Repro: intact male MS: 4x ambulatory, no lameness detected, BCS 5/9 Neuro: PLRs, menace & mentation WNL, CPs WNL, no ataxia A: CIRDC conjunctivitis superficial dog bite wound P: cleaned wounds with sterile saline move to Iso 200mg Doxycycline PO SID x 10d px: good 01/04/17 17:10 s/o: intermittant limp reported again seems to be tender om RFL unable to palpate/see wound allows manipulation of all 4 legs mild mpod a: ST injury P: rimadyl 75mg sid x 5days 12/29 VET CHECK FOR LEFT FRONT LIMP PET BARH HYPERACTIVE MM PINK WALKS AND TROTS WITH NO LIMP NO SWELLING HEAT OR PAIN DETECTED ON EITHER FRON TLIMBS A; RESOLVED LIMP, OPEN DIAGNOSIS P; NO TREATMENT AT THIS TIME
No Pet Profile Memo
01/02/2017 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Desi came with sister Lucy to the care center as their owners were evicted. Lucy already left us as she was adopted. Now it’s Desi’s turn to start the New Year as a happy family pet, a status he so deserves after a difficult start. While in our care, Desi gained weight and was shown kindness with the attention given to him by staff and volunteers. He is a beautiful and elegant dog, very Labbish looking, standing on high legs and flapping ears around his pixie’s face. Desi is always ready for a walk and is leashed at once. He lets you know that he is happy to be in company . He is so obedient, wags his tail non stop, sits on command, treats or none, loves caresses, gentle talks and to settle like he was my dog by my side. He enjoys to be on the bench and just stand on his caretaker’s lap… Desi has so much needed love to catch up with. He walks well on the leash. He does his business on the way and very rarely marks his territory. He plays well with his peers in playgroups and will occasionally try to mount both males and females. Desi is a very endearing young dog with soft manners, very affectionate and who has caught the heart of many here at the Manhattan Care Center. His walking log is covered with volunteers glowing comments!!! He is so worth to know a better life in loving hands. Will you, please, give this wonderful and sweet boy a chance?
KNOWN HISTORY: Unaltered, Stray SAFER ASSESSMENT: Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. He allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, and his tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is closed. Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body soft. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Toy: 1. Minimal interest, dog sniffs toy. Summary: Desi displayed no behavioral concerns on his assessment. DOG-DOG INTERACTION ASSESSMENT: Hyper-motivated: These dogs come on too strong and have coarse social skills. They have had a poor history of social experience with other dogs and were most likely deprived of off- leash contact. They are overly excited when meeting new dogs, often up in the other dog’s face and not able to read subtle signals to back off, which can quickly lead to a scuffle. PLAYGROUP: While Desi has had successful play interactions with other dogs in the care center, hei most recently has been involved in a bite incident during interaction. When receiving strong correction from a dog who was uncomfortable with Desi’s behavior, Desi immediately escalated and began to bite, then attempted to shake the other dog. Desi arrived into the care center with another dog, as well as bite wounds of unknown origin. It is unknown if Desi has clear history of altercation with the other dog he previously lived with. Based on these observations, Desi may succeed most as the only resident dog in a home at this time. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 12/5/16 During his initial medical exam Desi appeared tense and nervous. ENERGY LEVEL: RECOMMENDATIONS: Average (Suitable for an adopter with an average amount of dog experience) _X_Single pet home (see playgroup, Desi has a history of altercation with other dogs) _X_No dog parks (see above)
While Desi has had successful play interactions with other dogs in the care center, hei most recently has been involved in a bite incident during interaction. When receiving strong correction from a dog who was uncomfortable with Desi’s behavior, Desi immediately escalated and began to bite, then attempted to shake the other dog. Desi arrived into the care center with another dog, as well as bite wounds of unknown origin. It is unknown if Desi has clear history of altercation with the other dog he previously lived with. Based on these observations, Desi may succeed most as the only resident dog in a home at this time. 12/28: When introduced off leash to another dog in the care center, Desi approaches to offer greeting. He begins to follow the female greeter dog while posturing himself to mount her. 12/29: Desi approaches and greets male and female dogs. He attempts to mount both sexes and is tolerant of mounting. 12/30-1/4: Desi engages in some running play when solicited but is more intent on mounting (will mount males and females). He takes correction for mounting. 1/7: Desi engages in his typical type of interaction with male and female dogs, mostly attempting to mount but engaging in some play. When a male dog he is mounting offers a strong correction, Desi escalates and begins to bite. He is separated by handlers but remains aroused in the yard until the other dog is out of sight.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS ,
1/13/17 S/O: day 7 doxycyline N feces in cage as per observation log food eaten yesterday, no recording regarding today’s app wagging tail, BAR, amb x4 scant serous nasal d/c A: CIRDC- on doxycyline P: con’t doxycyline, recheck p tomorrow if resolved prognosis: good 01/09/17 13:57 s/o: bar eye discharge not present no limping or tenderness on palpation a: under treatment for cirdc p: continue treatment 01/07/17 13:44 S: was attacked by another dog (Patrick Star a1099743) while outside on a walk this morning. Very nice dog, affiliative, allowed full exam, O: BAR H AU: minor bruising on AS pinnae OU: mild MPOD (dry at medial canthus OU) Oral: moderate dental tartar, no lesions in oral cavity Int: (1) linear areas of alopecia and hypotrichosis on muzzle, head and ear pinnae consistent with old lacerations or bite wounds, (2) alopecia on tip of tail (3) approx 3mm puncture wound on R side of muzzle below and caudal to eye, slighly hemorrhagic & superficial (4) superficial wound/absrsion (approximately 0.5cm) above L eye (5) resolving papules/pustules on ventral abdomen and inguinum Lnn: WNL CV: NMA, s&s pulses, pink moist mm Resp: serous nasal dc, nonprductive cough on tracheal compression, sneezing Abd: SNP Repro: intact male MS: 4x ambulatory, no lameness detected, BCS 5/9 Neuro: PLRs, menace & mentation WNL, CPs WNL, no ataxia A: CIRDC conjunctivitis superficial dog bite wound P: cleaned wounds with sterile saline move to Iso 200mg Doxycycline PO SID x 10d px: good 01/04/17 17:10 s/o: intermittant limp reported again seems to be tender om RFL unable to palpate/see wound allows manipulation of all 4 legs mild mpod a: ST injury P: rimadyl 75mg sid x 5days 12/29 VET CHECK FOR LEFT FRONT LIMP PET BARH HYPERACTIVE MM PINK WALKS AND TROTS WITH NO LIMP NO SWELLING HEAT OR PAIN DETECTED ON EITHER FRON TLIMBS A; RESOLVED LIMP, OPEN DIAGNOSIS P; NO TREATMENT AT THIS TIME
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
View all entries in: Safe Dogs 2017-02