CHIN – A1114536
Safe - 6-10-2017 Brooklyn
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SAFe 06/10/17
CHIN – A1114536
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 06/07/2017, From NY 11234, DueOut Date 06/07/2017,
Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE
Medical Summary 06/07/17 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 12 yrs Microchip noted on Intake? Yes# 7F7A0A5738 History : Brought in by owner, no medical concerns noted. Subjective: Observed Behavior – Friendly, quiet and calm. Allows all handling. Evidence of Cruelty seen – No. Evidence of Trauma seen – No. Objective: BARH. mm=pink, moist, CRT<2 s. HR=100, RR=24. BCS=5/9. ORAL: Mod. to severe calculus, gingivitis, gingival recession with mutliple missing teeth. EENT: Nuclear sclerosis OU. No oculonasal discharge. AU – Mod. erythema, canal stenosis, tan discharge, mild lichenification. Pruritic. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: Lungs clear, no murmurs/arrhythmias. No coughing. ABD: Non painful, no masses/organomegalu palpated. U/G: Neutered male. MS: Ambulatory x 4, no lameness. INTEG: Slightly thin haircoat over thorax and flanks. Several 3-4 mm pink raised skin masses on head and body. CNS: Mentation appropriate, no signs of neurologic abnormalities. A: Approx. 12 yr old dog with chronic otitis externa, dental disease, small skin growths (r/o sebaceous adenomas). P: Cleaned AU with ear cleansing soultion, applied Osurnia. Scheduled for CBC/CHEM/T4. Fair prognosis. Rec. dental cleaning/rads/extractions when placed.
Weight 12.4
BASIC INFORMTION: Chin is a tan and white small dog that is possibly 12 years old. The owner purchased Chin from a pet store. The owner is surrendering Chin due to moving to a place that does not allow pets. Chin has no known illness.
SOCIALIZATION: Chin has lived with two adults in the home. He is gently and affectionate. He enjoys rubs and following them around the house. He has been introduced to small children 2 years and up. He enjoyed follow them around and playing chase. Chin is friendly and solicits attention from people. Chin has never lived with cats. He
BEHAVIOR: Chin is friendly towards strangers. He has never had a bite history. He allowed his food bowl to be touched while eating; removing toys from his mouth or enjoys having his coat brushed. He enjoys baths and is fine having his nails trimmed. He always uses his wee pad.
FOR NEW FAMILIES TO KNOW: Chin is described by the family as playful, loving and alert. He enjoys sleeping most of the day. When the owner is home he follows them around and lies down at their feet. He runs for the ball and sometimes brings it back. He enjoys a diet of Kibbles and bits or a can of dry food of any brand. Sometimes Chin knowns the commands sit and go to bed.
BEHAVIOR DURING INTAKE: During intake Chin allowed all handling. He allowed being collard, scanned and photographed.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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