CHICO – 23575
Safe - 3-28-2018 Manhattan
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SAFE 03/28/18
CHICO – 23575
Location: Manhattan; Intake Date: 3/24/18; Intake Type: Stray
Medical Behavior: Orange; Sex: Neutered; Age: 15 years; Weight: 19 lbs
Zip Code: 10024
Vet Notes: 12:29 PM: CBC-mild neutrophilia (16.29) Chemistry-mild hyperglycemia (147), likely stress related; mildly elevated ALP (251) and globulins (4.6); all other values WNL
A: -suspect stress leukogram -significance of mild ALP elevation unknown at this time but is commonly elevated in older dogs; no significant concern as other values are normal -no indication of ibuprofen toxicity. Vet Notes: 12:24 PM –DVM Intake Exam: Estimated age: reportedly 15 years, age consistent with geriatric but may be younger, around 12-13 years Microchip noted on Intake? neg, not placed due to behavior Microchip Number (If Applicable): History :owner surrender as dog has become increasingly aggressive at home towards family members; owner reports dog has had dermatitis along his feet for the past 6 months and they have been crushing up ibuprofen and putting in his food; also reportedly has been drooling a lot recently; had syncopal episode last night during restraint for LVT check Subjective:QAR Observed Behavior -allows gentle petting on head and body but tries to snap when handled; gave 0.25 ml torb IM for exam and allowed muzzling after sedation but would still growl Objective: BCS 5.5/9. EENT: -OU: nuclear sclerosis (age related changes) -AU: severe chronic otitis with stenosis of external ear canals and lichenification -mild serous nasal discharge, no sneezing or coughing Oral Exam: muzzled for exam, unable to evaluate PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: eupnic, clear lung sounds; no murmurs/arrhyhtmias ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: male MSI: -ambulatory x 4 with mild bowing of forelimbs and stiff gait in hindlimbs, does not allow thorough orthopedic evaluation due to behavior -severe dermatitis along all paws, odorous CNS: Mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal:grossly normal Assessment:1. Geriatric 2. Otitis externa, chronic 3. Pododermatitis 4. Syncopal episode suspect secondary to stress/restraint; cannot rule out underlying heart disease but do not suspect at this time. Prognosis: fair Plan: -gave Rabies, RR -CBC/chem -gave convenia 0.8 ml SQ -cleaned ears, applied first dose of osurnia AU; repeat in 7 days -gabapentin 100 mg capsule in food if eating well. SURGERY:permanent waiver due to age
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