BRONX – A1075223
Safe -
5-29-2016 Manhattan
Rescue: Second Chance Rescue
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SAFE 05/29/16
Manhattan Center
My name is BRONX. My Animal ID # is A1075223.
I am a male black and brown rottweiler. The shelter thinks I am about 4 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 05/26/2016 from NY 10029, owner surrender reason stated was OWN EVICT. I came in with Group/Litter #K16-059004.
05/28/2016 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 1 – NORMAL , Behavior Rating is NH ONLY, Weight 91.2 LBS.
S/O: O’s hx mentions that “his canines never grew in and there are spots on his front legs which never grew hair” Alert in cage, standing in back, initially barked and lunged then sniffed hand through cage Accepted rope around neck and left cage, then lunged when further approach/restraint attempted Exam from distance: BAR Clear OU, normal mandibular dentition (mandibular canines present w/blunted tips), unable to visualize maxillary dentition d/t size of lips Eupneic ~4cm diam regions sparse coat/alopecia cranial aspect forelimbs (mid-rad/ulna) bilateral Amb x 4 Slight underweight Neuro status WNL A: Apparently health based on exam from distance; further exam would require sedation P: If signs illness develop during stay at MS consider sedated exam; risk of sedation outweighs benefit of sedated exam at this time Bronx can be seen in the kennel with fearful body language. Once you approach his kennel he will begin to lunge and hard bark at the handler. When attempting to take him out he lunged at the front of the kennel again and began to snap. Once the handler was able to place the slip lead on his neck he walked out of the kennel with a more relaxed temperament. He pulled a bit strongly when on the leash and appeared to be sensitive towards the touch as the assessor slightly grazed his back side and Bronx turned very quickly toward the touch. Due to his fearful behavior, sensitivity towards the touch and behavior displayed in the kennel, the handling items of the SAFER will not be conducted. Bronx showed no interest in the toy, and approached the helper with relaxed body language. Toy 1: No interest. Dog-dog: 2. Dog approaches helper dog with tail at spine level, body not stiff, ears relaxed, lip long or neutral.
05/26/16 16:56 Basic information Bronx was brought in as an owner’s surrender due to owner becoming homeless and having nowhere to house her animals. Owner has had Bronx for the past four years after her dog had a litter of puppies. Owner says Bronx does not have any injuries but due to being bitten by an infectious insect as a puppy Bronx does not grow hair on certain parts of his front paws. Socialization & Behavior Bronx is described as being somewhat aggressive when around strangers; he’ll bark and sometimes attempt to lunge at them. Bronx has lived with an 8 and 12 year old, a downer says he is very playful and affectionate with them. Bronx is said to be playful and affectionate with the F Rottweiler he lives with, but owner says he growls and attempts to lunge at dogs in passing. Owner says there have been no past issues of Bronx biting anyone or another animal. Bronx becomes nervous during thunder storms, owner says he’ll begin to howl and cry. Owner says Bronx is unbothered if shoe touches his food and possessions and will stop and wait for her to finish. Owner says he growls when the dog he lives with comes near his bowl or toys. Bronx is unbothered if disturbed while sleeping, and enjoy staking baths. Bronx does not like nail trims and will attempt to bite at the clipper. Bronx normally attempts to lunge if someone approaches the home or owner while out. For a New Family to Know Bronx is described as affectionate, playful, and mellow with a medium activity level. When home he is normally following his owner and enjoys toy balls. He was kept mostly outdoors having free reign of yard space. Bronx is fed a mix of wet and dry, owner mixes Pedigree with gravy train. Bronx is house-trained using the bathroom outside and never has accidents. He is said to be behaved when home alone and when in the yard alone. Bronx understands commands sit, stay, and eats and pulls on leash. Behavior durign intake Bronx seemed alert during intake. He remained relaxed when counselor’s approached. No handling was conducted in admissions office.
No Web Memo
No Behavior Summary
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
Microchip: negative Sex: intact male Age: reported 4y Mentation: QARH Eyes: clear, slight ectropion appearance (saggy lids) Ears: WNL Nose: no d/c Teeth: mild to mod staining If abnormal BCS: lean, closer to 2.75 Skin: WNL Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: N/A, docked tail Any injuries: no; surrending party statement “[he] was 4-5 months old he was bitten by an infectious bug…multiple treatments for it. As a result his canines never grew in, and there are spots on his front legs which never grew hair” Behavior: quiet, resistant to instruction but passively (sits when told to move, etc), shut down Medication: N/A, preventatives given
Medical rating 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating NH ONLY
S/O: O’s hx mentions that “his canines never grew in and there are spots on his front legs which never grew hair” Alert in cage, standing in back, initially barked and lunged then sniffed hand through cage Accepted rope around neck and left cage, then lunged when further approach/restraint attempted Exam from distance: BAR Clear OU, normal mandibular dentition (mandibular canines present w/blunted tips), unable to visualize maxillary dentition d/t size of lips Eupneic ~4cm diam regions sparse coat/alopecia cranial aspect forelimbs (mid-rad/ulna) bilateral Amb x 4 Slight underweight Neuro status WNL A: Apparently health based on exam from distance; further exam would require sedation P: If signs illness develop during stay at MS consider sedated exam; risk of sedation outweighs benefit of sedated exam at this time Bronx can be seen in the kennel with fearful body language. Once you approach his kennel he will begin to lunge and hard bark at the handler. When attempting to take him out he lunged at the front of the kennel again and began to snap. Once the handler was able to place the slip lead on his neck he walked out of the kennel with a more relaxed temperament. He pulled a bit strongly when on the leash and appeared to be sensitive towards the touch as the assessor slightly grazed his back side and Bronx turned very quickly toward the touch. Due to his fearful behavior, sensitivity towards the touch and behavior displayed in the kennel, the handling items of the SAFER will not be conducted. Bronx showed no interest in the toy, and approached the helper with relaxed body language. Toy 1: No interest. Dog-dog: 2. Dog approaches helper dog with tail at spine level, body not stiff, ears relaxed, lip long or neutral.
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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