BOWSER – A1109007
Safe -
4-21-2017 Manhattan
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SAFE 04/21/17
BOWSER – A1109007
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 04/16/2017, From NY 11429, DueOut Date 04/19/2017,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 7-11 years based on arthritis, dentition, overall appearance , MC placed during intake exam History : Brought in by police Subjective: Calm, sniffs around the room and then settles down to rest on the floor Observed Behavior – Allows all handling Objective BCS 5-6/9 EENT: Mild mucoid discharge OU, normal conjunctiva with no chemosis or injection. Nuclear sclerosis OU – no cataracts seen on fundic exam. Ears cropped close to head, moderate brown waxy discharge AU and some crusting along the cropped margins of the ear. Nose – mild keratin hyperplasia. Oral Exam: Moderate tartar and attrition of teeth, as well as gingival recession, especially canines. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Slightly tense, no masses palpated U/G: Male intact, testicles soft and symmetrical MSI: Nails on digits 3 and 4 of both front legs are worn down to the quick. Mild crepitus and thickening in bilateral elbows. Occasionally falls or knuckles on front legs. Moderate crepitus and thickening, and decreased range of motion, in bilateral stifles. Good extension in hips. Muscle wasting in entire hind legs. Large pedunculated mass on right hind leg near stifle – mass is clamshell-shaped, approximately 5-8 cm in diameter x 2-4 cm thick, feels semifirm, overlying skin is mottled pink and black. Good fur coat. CNS: Mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Not performed CBC/chemistry – mildly elevated globulins, otherwise unremarkable Assessment 1. Mass on RHL – R/O benign vs. neoplastic 2. Arthritis in multiple joints, decreased muscle mass in hind legs, worn down nails on front feet (from dragging feet) and occasional stumbling on front legs 3. Dental disease 4. Otitis externa – R/O allergies as root cause 5. Mucoid ocular discharge – R/O allergies vs. other Plan: 1. Clean ears q3 days, Osurnia in each ear today 2. Benadryl 75 mg PO BID x10 days, if this is effective for allergies it can be continued seasonally, or switched to Claritin or other med 3. Recommend FNA of mass with possible excision 4. Recommend long-term pain control for arthritis – consider NSAIDs, cold laser therapy, acupuncture, other modalities 5. Recommend dental cleaning and rads +/- extractions as needed Prognosis: Fair-good SURGERY: Okay for surgery at surgeon’s discretion 1088
Weight 72.0
A volunteer writes: Don’t tell Bowser he’s old, as when he’s off leash in a pen with a female dog, his tail wags and he’s all about making friends. He’s still got it, this senior, and has an eye for the ladies!! A low rider blockhead, Mr. Bowser has cloudy eyes, is likely hard of hearing, has some arthritis and muscle wasting, but is thrilled for a walk and a chance to go potty (he seems to be housetrained). His legs are a bit shaky, and other than an occasional tip over he walks well on leash, is happy to explore and find a human to enjoy some petting. As he rests his head in my lap we chat about the future and how some lovely person will open their heart to him, provide a soft bed, nutritious food, vet care and lots of love. He’s a sweetheart who knows and likes people, is social in his low key old man way, and is thrilled to make friends of his own kind. Just watch that tail wag!!! Mr. Bowser needs you now; how big is your heart?
4/17: When introduced off leash to the female greeter dog, Bowser displays soft body language, and follows while attempting to sniff and interact. He ignores play behavior when solicited.
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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