BLACK – 20532
Safe -
2-28-2018 Brooklyn
Rescue: Husky House
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SAFE 02/28/18
Hello, my name is Black. My animal id is #20532. I am a desexed male black dog at the Brooklyn Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 6 years 2 weeks old.
I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 12-Feb-2018, with the surrender reason stated as person circumstance- moving.
20532 Black is at risk due to being diagnosed with Canine Upper Respiratory Disease Complex and will likely require home rest and a series of antibiotics for up to 14 days. This is a contagious illness to other dogs. He should be adopted into an experienced home with no small children.
Let’s get to know each other a bit more…
A volunteer writes: I have volunteered at the BACC for a long time, and I can confidently say that this guy is one of the calmest, most chill dogs I’ve ever met. I prefer to call him Mr. Black, since he is such a gentleman! He walks like an angel on the leash; waits until we’re outside to do his business; and his general cool, calm, collectedness is admired by everyone as he walks by. I get the sense that Mr. Black is wise beyond his years- on our walks together, he often stops to look behind him and stare off into the distance, seeming to contemplate our existence (or maybe he’s looking for his forever family?). Although he never pulls on the leash, Mr. Black loves to stop and explore everything we pass, and he especially loves looking into cars to lock eyes with their drivers. “Are you my new family?” he seems to ask. When I take him into the pen to play, Mr. Black quietly and slowly walks around, curious and confident. And as soon as I start baby talking just a little, he comes right over to nuzzle his head into my hands. It turns out Mr. Black loves ear scratches! And once he’s really enjoying himself, he’ll just go ahead and make himself comfortable by sitting on your feet and staying a while. The cherry on top: Mr. Black has shown himself to be tolerant and friendly with other dogs here at the care center! This handsome, quirky boy is available at the BACC- come and meet him today!
My medical notes are…
Weight: 58.1 lbs
DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 6-7 years Microchip noted on Intake? negative History : o/s Subjective: BARH Observed Behavior – Tense, whale eyes, moves away from all touch. Was muzzled for exam. Evidence of Cruelty seen – no Evidence of Trauma seen – no Objective P = wnl R = eupneic BCS 6/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: clean adult dentition, no oral lesions noted PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI, 2 testicles descended MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: Apparently healthy Plan: Continue to monitor while at BACC Prognosis: Excellent SURGERY: ok to schedule for surgery
Hx: Scheduled for surgery at Glendale tomorrow S/O: Dog is BAR. EENT – no obvious ocular or nasal discharge; dog is pulling on leash and coughing/hacking (non-productive); no sneezing noted. Both testicles descended A: Acceptable candidate for elective sx P: Okay for surgery at Glendale on 2/17/18
P was BAR in cage, walking around and breathing normally on initial cage side exam. Was later seen laying down on bed breathing comfortably.
New CIRDC noted on rounds Subjective: QAR. Coughing with purulent nasal. Eating well. Objective EENT: purulent nasal d/c bilaterally, no ocular d/c ou L: Eupneic, normal RR/RE but coughing MSI: Ambulatory x 4, good haircoat CNS: mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: CIRDC Plan: Start doxycycline 10mg/kg PO SID x14d until 3/12 Recheck at day 7 Move to iso Prognosis: Fair to good
Diagnosed with CIRDC 2/26 – did not eat medication yesterday or today, attempted to manually pill but unable to due to behavior S/O: QAR. Eating small amount of dog food. Pills untouched. EENT: Eyes clear, mild seromucoid nasal discharge HL: Productive cough, normal RR/RE INTEG: Full coat MS: Ambulatory x 4 UG: Neutered A: CIRDC P: Rec baytril 2.3ml IM q24 x 5 days. Continue to monitor while at BACC. Recheck appetite/general condition tomorrow
Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by ASPCA. Green linear tattoo placed on ventral abdomen.
Reweigh at 52.2 reflects a 6# weight loss (10% of body weight). Animal has not eaten (including meds) for two days. Vet 0844 informed.
Details on my behavior are…
Behavior Condition: 3. Yellow
Black greeted me with a wagging tail and relaxed body. He allowed me to collar him, take his photo and pet him. he sat when asked and allowed me to pick him up.
Basic Information:: Black is an all black male 6 year old large dog. He was given to his previous owner by a neighbor. He was surrendered because his previous owner is moving.
Previously lived with:: Black lived with 3 adults and 1 dog
How is this dog around strangers?: With strangers, Black is friendly and outgoing and exuberant at play with adults.
How is this dog around children?: Black has spent time with children aged 1 through 7 years. He never interacted but if they walked by he smelled them.
How is this dog around other dogs?: Black lived with another male dog for 3 years. The were the same age. They were fed from the same bowl and after two years of sharing bowls the other dog would growl. They slept and played together.
How is this dog around cats?: Black has not interacted with cats.
Resource guarding:: Black’s previous owners have never attempted to touch his food bowl. If a treat or toy was taken from him while eating or playing he wasn’t bothered.
Bite history:: Black has never attempted to bite a person or animal.
Housetrained:: Yes
Energy level/descriptors:: High
Other Notes:: Black is nervous when he see’s lightning and jumped on his owner. struggles to get away if held or given a bath. He isn’t bothered if he was disturbed while sleeping or if his paws are touched. He’s friendly and enjoys when his coat are brushed. He is also friendly when an unfamiliar person approached his previous home or owner.
Medical Notes: Black was last seen by a vet in December of 2015. He has no known injuries or health concerns.
For a New Family to Know: Black is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident, mellow, and excitable. The thing her previous owner liked most was he is friendly. When his previous owner was home he followed her around. He likes to play with bones but did not pay games. He was kept indoors and at night he slept on the floor of the dining room. He ate both wet and dry Alpo, Beneful or Rachel Ray. He is house trained but has accidents a few times a week if not walked. When he had accidents he used the bathroom in the same spot. When he has to use the bathroom he cries. He knows the cue, sit. He was taken on walks 3 times a day. He pulls on leash and when off leash he wanders and comes when called.
Date of intake:: 2/12/2018
Spay/Neuter status:: No
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender
Previously lived with:: 3 adults and 1 dog, Black has spent time with children aged 1 through 7 years old.
Behavior toward strangers:: Black is friendly and outgoing.
Behavior toward children:: Tolerant but did not interact with the children.
Behavior toward dogs:: Tolerant and respectful.
Behavior toward cats:: Behavior unknown
Housetrained:: Yes
Energy level/descriptors:: Black is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, confident with a high energy.
Date of assessment:: 2/15/2018
Look:: 2. Dog pulls out of Assessor’s hands each time without settling during three repetitions.
Sensitivity:: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, eyes are averted, and tail is in neutral position with a relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item.
Tag:: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body soft.
Paw squeeze 1:: 3. Dog is soft in body and eye, and moves legs/body so that the Assessor is unable to hold the paw.
Flank squeeze 1:: 1. Dog does not respond at all.
Flank squeeze 2:: 1. Dog does not respond at all.
Toy:: 1. No interest.
Summary:: Black came into the assessment room calm and quiet, he was friendly and social towards the handlers but was also distracted and anxious in the room.
Summary (1):: Black initially kept to himself when introduced to novel dogs. As he continued to participate in group, he became comfortable around them; offering muzzle greets. He is somewhat sexually motivated, positioning himself to mount the greeters but ceases when interrupted by handlers. According to Black’s previous owner, Black lived with another male dog for 3 years. They slept, played , and were fed together, from the same bowl. The Behavior Department recommends that Black be placed in a home with resident dogs that are well socialized and matches his calm demeanor. All introductions should be done slowly and under supervision. 2/13: When off leash at the Care Centers, Black immediately walks past the novel female dog, and avoids her most of the session. He allows her to greet him, but he does not reciprocate. 2/14: Black initially ignores the novel male dog, and explores the pens, but towards the end of his session he intensely sniffs his genital area. 2/15-16: Today, Black was more comfortable and forward with his greeting. He tolerates the female dog’s air snap but does not move away until handlers interrupt him. He spends the rest of his session exploring the yard. 2/22-25: Black returned to group and met a social female dog. He appropriately greeted her, then explored the pens.
Date of intake:: 2/12/2018
Summary:: Black greeted me with a wagging tail and relaxed body.
Date of initial:: 2/13/2018
Summary:: ense, whale eyes, moves away from all touch.
ENERGY LEVEL:: Black displays a low to medium activity level in the care center.
BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below)
Behavior Asilomar: TM – Treatable-Manageable
Recommendations:: No young children (under 5)
Recommendations comments:: No young children: Due to the behavior seen in the care center, we feel that Black may be timid by young children. He needs a slow approach and time to warm up. He should never be forced to interact with new people, and should be allowed to greet and initiate an interaction at his own pace.
Potential challenges: : Anxiety
Potential challenges comments:: Anxious: Black has shown some signs of potential anxiety in the care center, vocalizing (whining, panting, pacing back and forth) continually through the SAFER and through play sessions outside. The owner profile does not note anxiety so we cannot be certain whether this behavior will continue in a future home, or whether it is specific to the shelter environment.
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If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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