BENJI – A1113988
Safe -
6-7-2017 Manhattan
Rescue: Amsterdog Animal Rescue
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SAFE 06/07/17
Manhattan Center
My name is BENJI. My Animal ID # is A1113988.
I am a neutered male tan and white chihuahua sh mix. The shelter thinks I am about 3 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 06/02/2017 from NY 10459, owner surrender reason stated was NO TIME.
06/06/2017 AT RISK MEMO
Benji A1113988 is at risk for a New Hope Only behavior determination. He allows minimal handling and escalates to warning signs when interacting with his caretakers, and did not allow a handling assessment.
06/06/2017 Exam Type PRE/POST S/N – Medical Rating is 1 – NORMAL , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 6.2 LBS.
06/06/17 14:35 S: very nervous, allows exam with towel restraint O: well hydrated EENT: no discharge AU/OU/nares Oral: dental tartar, deciduous dentition consistent with estimated age Int: WNL Lnn: WNL CV: NMA, s&s pulses, pink moist mm Resp: clear lungs, eupnic Abd: SNP UG: intact male MS: 4x ambulatory, BCS 4/9 Neuro: BAR, no obvious neuro deficits, complete neuro exam not performed A: aph P: Anesthesia – 0.068mL Dexdomitor, 0.068mLButorphanol induction. Intubated. Isoflurane/O2 maint. Sx. – Routine prescrotal castration with 2-0 monosorb, 2x encircling ligation per pedicle, 2 layer closure. Tattoo placed lateral to incision. 0.12mL Rimadyl for pain management.
06/02/17 19:13 Basic Info Benji is a young dog whose owner did not have the time to care for him properly. Socialization Benji avoids strangers upon initally meeting them and will snap if they try to touch him too soon. It takes him a couple of hours to days to get used to a new person. He lived in a home with two children that he was very relaxed around and enjoyed being held by them. He has not been around cats or dogs before nor has he bitten a person or animal before. Behavior Benji is house trained to go outside and the weewee pad and does not destroy household items. He does not mind having his food touched or taken. He runs away from being bathed but allows restraint. He is ok with being brushed and will bark when someone approaches the door. New Family Benji has amedium level of activity at home and likes to follow owners around the house and be in the same space as them. He sleeps in a dog bed in the childrens room and is fed both wet and dry food twice a day. He does not know any commands and does not have potty accidents around the home. He does not pull hard on the leash and has not been walked off leash. Intake Behavior Benji pulled away when counselor approached, growled and tried to jump into owners lap to avoid counselor. When collaring Benji he snapped at counselor but once owners left he allowed counselor to pick him up but urintated while being held.
No Web Memo
KNOWN HISTORY: Full Profile 6/2/17 Unaltered Male, Owner Surrender (In previous home for one month) Previously lived with: Adults and children Behavior toward strangers: Avoids them, will snap if they attempt to touch him Behavior toward children: Relaxed Behavior toward dogs: Unknown Behavior toward cats:Unknown Resource guarding: None reported Bite history: None reported Housetrained: Goes outside and on wee wee pads Energy level/descriptors: Benji is described as having a medium level of activity. SAFER ASSESSMENT: 6/4/17 Look: 5. Dog bares teeth. Toy: 1. Minimal interest, dog sniffs toy. Summary: Benj appeared very fearful during his assessment. When his collar was touched for look, he bared teeth. PLAYGROUP: 6/4: When introduced off leash to dogs in the care center Benji is bouncy and playful. INTAKE BEHAVIOR: 6/2/17 Upon intake, Benji growled and snapped at the counselor. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 6/2/17 During his initial medical exam, Benji had a tense body and growled. ENERGY LEVEL: Benji’s previous owner reported that he has a medium level of activity. RECOMMENDATIONS: New Hope Only _X_No children (under 13): Due to how uncomfortable Benji is currently with touch and novel stimuli, we feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. _X_Place with a New Hope partner: Benji has not acclimated well to the kennel environment and has allowed only minimal handling since intake. We recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: _X_Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Benji’s previous owner reported that he will snap at strangers if they touch him. In the care center, he has avoided interactions with people and has bared teeth and growled. It is important to always go slow and give Benji the option to walk away from any social interaction. Benji should never be forced to approach anything that he is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Benji’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Benji would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to his new surroundings.
6/4: When introduced off leash to dogs in the care center Benji is bouncy and playful. 6/5: Benji bows to solicit play.
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
06/03/17 12:41 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 3 years Microchip noted on Intake? scan negative History : Subjective: Observed Behavior – tense and stiff body, trembling, allowed exam Evidence of Cruelty seen – no Evidence of Trauma seen – no Objective T — P = — R = — BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, mild tear staining OU, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: adult dentition with mild tartar PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: male intact, 2 scrotal testes MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat, long overgrown nails CNS: mentation appropriate – no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: not performed Assessment ~3 year old male intact dog long overgrown nails male intact Plan neuter + nail trim on 6/6 Prognosis: Good SURGERY: Okay for surgery
– Normal,
No detailed description for a visit type RE-EXAM or CAGE-EXAM found!
Generated on Jun 6 2017 6:00PM
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