BELLS – A1074200
Safe -
5-25-2016 Manhattan
Rescue: Posh Pets Rescue
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SAFE 05/25/16
BELLS – A1074200
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 05/18/2016, From NY 10029, DueOut Date 05/21/2016,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Microchip: 466E691674 Sex: spayed female Age: appx 5y Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: no d/c Teeth: mild to moderate staining If abnormal BCS: WNL Skin: WNL Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: N/A Any injuries: no Behavior: very playful and bouncy, friendly, enjoys being a “lap dog” Medication: N/A, preventatives given
Weight 43.4
A volunteer writes: If I were making a list of all the things I love most in a dog Bells is such a sweet and special girl she’d tick every box and then have an extensive list of ‘extras’ added at the bottom. A good walker? Check! House trained? Check! Knows her commands? Check! Dog-friendly? Check! Kid-friendly? Check! Soft and snuggly? BIG check! Eager to be leashed and step outside, the first thing she does (after completing her ‘business’) is run straight to a group of new volunteers, nuzzle her face into their laps and then roll over for belly rubs–what a ham! Bells just adores spending time with people and she’s equally happy joining me on a bench for hugs and kisses or leaping in the air for a tennis ball which she then relinquishes with no problem. She meets fellow dogs with a smile and pulls toward them in the street to beg for playtime, has lived in gentle harmony with kids from 2-10 years of age and followed her people around the house whenever she could. ‘Friendly’ doesn’t even begin to describe the social butterfly that is Bells, she simply lives to love and be loved. Spayed and ready to head off home as soon as you are, she’s described by her former owner as both playful and happy to ‘lie on the sofa all day’ and would be the perfect pet for almost any family. Home sweet home is calling and Bells is ready and waiting to answer!
Another Volunteer Wrote: Bells is so extraordinarily dear that on our wonderful walk together I made terrible puns with her name as an excuse to speak to her and then finally settled into singing that disco classic, slightly reimagined for her, “You can ring my Bells, Bells, Bells, ring my Bells…” How could you resist singing to this magical black girl, who is a volunteer favorite for the most obvious reasons, which are, in no particular order: 1. She’s awesome in playgroup with other dogs 2. She’s awesome with humans 3. She’s an awesome, silly companion at all times. You’re sensing a theme, here, right???? Please come to MACC and sing for Bells’ freedom!
Bells has been cared for by the past 2 weeks. She is described as playful, energetic and playful. She was in a home with children aged 2 to 10 years old. Bells is playful with everyone she encounters. When she notices other dogs outside, she will attempt to run up to them and play. When another lunged after her and attempted to attack her, she tried to defend herself in response but was pulled away.
Bells attempts to follow her caretaker around the home during the day. She enjoys petting and attention. She will attempt to lie in the bed with the family. Bells is afraid of the bath tub, she will struggle to get away. Bells is well behaved when left alone; she will lie on the sofa all day. Bells will bark when someone knocks at the door.
Bells knows the commands “sit and get down.” Bells appears to be house trained, she will sit and cry near the door when she wants to go outside. She is accustomed to being walked 3x a day. Bells enjoys running off the leash in an enclosed grassy area. She was fed Pedigree canned dog food. She would sleep in her own room at night.
Bells would wag her tail and jump up and paw the air when she wanted attention. She allowed petting and would respond to the command “sit.” She was collared, scanned for a microchip(positive) and photographed.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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