BELLA – A1062285
Safe -
1-8-2016 Brooklyn
SAFE 01/08/16
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BELLA – A1062285 – BELLA
Intake condition ILLNESS Intake Date 01/05/2016, From NY 11226, DueOut Date01/05/2016
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Scan : negative Sex: Spayed, long mid-line abdominal scar, no tatoo. Likely spayed, possibly had another previous surgery Approx 4 yr Medical hsitory was difficult to obtain from previous owner due to language barrier. She indicated the dog is incontinent and wears diapers, and has had some type of previous surgery. S/O: BARH, clean EEN, dental disease grade 2/4. Ambulation is abnormal, bunny hops, walks w/ hind limbs very straight, lordosis. Fecal and urine staining around anus. Is not resistent to hip and hind limb ROM and palpation. Abdominal palpation reveals extremely large feces filled colon, suspect bladder stones. BCS 3/9, muscle wasting in hindlimbs and over caudal spine. Nice dog, allowed all handling, very active. Abdominal radiogaphs revealed megacolon, radiopaque stones, presumably in the bladder, difficult to make out bladder margins. Pelvis shows hip dysplasia and thickening of the femoral necks, appears to have other orthopedic abnormalities but difficult to asses due to feces in the colon. Washed feces from hind end, examination of caudal anatomy reveals docked tail, possibly old injury, and cranially dispaced and recessed vulva. Feces is contstantly incontact w. vulva opening. A: Megacolon and obstipation of unknown duration, bladder stones, dental disease, orthopedic abnormalities of the pelvis. Suspect chronic GI motility disorder. Possibly orthopedic abnormalities are preventing her from defecating and leading to abnormal urogenital conformation. She may also have neurologic damage to nerves of the distal colon and anus. P: Notified NH for placement, deadline of 6 pm tonight. Ok to stay overnight w/ placement. Will need to be admitted to veterinary hospital for a complete work-up when placed. Will likely need manual deobstipation, imaging, and blood work. Will likely require sedation for thoughout examination of urogenital and orthopedic abnormalites. Unsure of prognosis for return to function of the colon, but suspect it is poor. Very bright, very sweet girl. PROGNOSIS: Poor
Weight 10.4
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* We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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