ANDREW – A1102699
Safe - 2-13-2017 Manhattan Rescue: Looking Glass Animal Rescue Please honor your pledges:
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SAFE 02/13/17
Manhattan Center
My name is ANDREW. My Animal ID # is A1102699.
I am a neutered male tan and white amer bulldog and am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 2 YEARS
I came in the shelter as a RETURN on 02/08/2017 from OUT OF NYC, owner surrender reason stated was NO TIME.
02/12/2017 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is EXPERIENCE, Weight 66.6 LBS.
02/12/17 14:13 S/O: great appetite and energy, very sweet and happy dog, allows all handling except attempts to avoid exam of scrotum sneezing, serous nasal dc scrotal skin is ulcerated on ventral portion, sensitive to touch A: CIRDC scrotal hematoma P: move to iso 300mg Doxycycline PO SID x10days cwct change TAB to SSD cream on ulcerated skin on scrotum px: good, medical management of hematoma can take weeks to resolve, vs scrotal ablation is an immediate resolution but can have post op complications such as dehissence and infection 02/11/17 15:25 S/O: energetic, eating well bruising on scrotum and extending cranially around prepuce swelling of scrotum subjectively decreased compared to post-op scrotal skin is uncomfortable on palpation a: scrotal hematoma p: cwct start warm compresses BID recheck tomorrow consider scrotal ablation if ulceration progresses VC: Re-check scrotal hematoma. Neuter was 2/6. S/O) BARH. MM pk. EENT: E/N clr. Oral – mild tartar. MS: BCS= 5/9, amb x 4. Integ/UG: Bruising in inguinal area extending up abdomen to almost top of prepuce on R side (about 3 inches wide) and extending half way up on L (about 2 inches wide). Dark bruising on most of prepuce. Prepuce mildly swollen. Scrotum is purple and size of baseball (apparently it is smaller than it was- per tech). Skin on ventral scrotum is cracking and erythemaous – almost ulcerating. No discharges. Dog does not seem bothered by it. CV: HR= 120, nsa, nm. L: cl and eup. A) Scrotal hematoma – swelling decreased, bruising increased. Ventral scrotum abraded. P) Consider scrotal ablation surgery. Concerned that scrotum may be getting ulcerated and may become infected. Or consider foster or housing where scrotum can be more protected from pressure and continued medical management. Clavamox 675 mg po bid x 10 days to prevent infection due to open skin. 1st dose given, cont this PM. Place TAB oint on scrotum BID Re-check VC tomorrow.
02/08/17 10:59 Basic Information Andrew is a 2 year old neutered American Pit Bull Terrier. He was adopted from ACC and owner returned him the very next day. Owner stated Andrew demonstrated mounting behavior that was not tolerated by her husband and son. Owner stated this was her only issues with him. Andrew tolerated all handling and never displayed signs of aggression. Behavior during Intake Andrew tolerated all handling. No signs of aggression were displayed.
02/09/2017 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Andrew wants to know, “which way’s the beach??” Yep this adorable, low-riding hippo has muscles to spare, but he’s hardly all about the gym. He’s all about the kisses! Little Andrew (“Andy” to friends) is sweet as pie and equally delicious with his obvious bulldog heritage and that cappuccino coat. One look at him, calm and sweet in his kennel, and I just know I’m in for a treat. He is easily leashed and a tired girl’s dream, trotting right by my side on those little toothpick legs. Once in the park he sniff, sniff, sniffs nearly every inch of grass before at long last choosing just the perfect spot. He later leads us to a bench where our little teapot (short and stout) sits beautifully for pictures drawing quite the crowd. And in no time everyone is smiling, giggling, and/or laughing with nary a shortage of “oohhh”s and “awwww”s. Andy is a lover of treats and takes every one with picture-perfect manners (and maybe a side of drool) right from my hand (hint: turkey is a favorite). Unfortunately, this is not Andy’s first stay with us. He was adopted then returned after only one day. But don’t shed one tear for our hungry hippo, I tell you, not a one. Because that only means that Andy’s perfect family is still out there searching, waiting, and readying for our boy, and how lucky they will be. No need to look for the beach because that’s just what life is if your life has Andy in it. Little Andrew (that’s “Andy” to you) is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan’s ACC. The volunteer taking videos of Andrew was so distracted by his cuteness that she refers to him as Archie:
KNOWN HISTORY: Limited Profile 2/8/17 Intact male, Owner Surrender (In previous home for one day) Previously lived with: Adults and a child Other notes: Andrew mounted the husband and son while in the home. SAFER ASSESSMENT: 2/3/2017 Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. He allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body soft Squeeze 1 / 2: 2. Dog displays high energy and movement in between attempts, shoulder rub. Pulls back paw. Toy 1: 1. Dog Playfully engages and paw slaps, , keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. He does not place his body between you and the toy. Summary: Andrew was very sociable and friendly during SAFER assessment, affectionate; he displayed no concern. DOG-DOG INTERACTION ASSESSMENT: Summary PLAYGROUP: When off leash with a female dog Andrew engages in bouncy running play; eventually attempting to mount. He responds well to correction. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR: 12/2/2017 Andrew was friendly during his initial medical exam. ENERGY LEVEL: RECOMMENDATIONS: Experience (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with behaviors outlined below) _X_Social hyper-arousal _X_Anxiety (Andrew mounted his new owners during his first day in the home. It is unclear what this behavior was due to as the circumstances were not reported. Potential causes are anxiety from being in a new place or excitement from being around new people. Positive reinforcement, reward based training is recommended in order to train alternative behaviors to mounting.)
2/3: When off leash with a female dog Andrew engages in bouncy running play; eventually attempting to mount. He responds well to correction.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was AVERAGE
02/08/17 10:51 adopted and returned in less than 24 hours s/o: scrotal hematoma still present with concurrent hexy bruising does not seem to bother dog, similar to yesterday heart and lungs wnl een a; scrotal hematoma p; will d/c ice packing–dog would not tolerate yesterday and should resolve on its own good prognosis 2/7/17 Hx: Neutered here yesterday; large scrotal hematoma developed after neuter S: Friendly, soft body, allows all handling O: BAR-H, BCS 6/9, MMs pink and moist, CRT <2 sec EENT: No discharge OU, AU, nose. PLNs: Not enlarged. H/L: No resp distress. Did not auscult today. Abd: Soft, no pain on palpation, no masses palpated M/S/I: Amb x4. No skin lesions noted. UG: Male neutered, large scrotal hematoma (4-5 inches diameter) with swelling extending down 2/3 of the prepuce and purple bruising covering the proximal 1/3 of the prepuce. Able to urinate with no difficulty. A: Scrotal hematoma with preputial swelling. This is a complication that sometimes develops in very active dogs after a neuter. The swelling is typically not painful but can take a long time (weeks to months) to resolve. Short-term prognosis: Good P: 1. Continue Rimadyl for 10 days post-op instead of the usual 3. 2. Continue to put heat or ice on the hematoma for 5-10 minutes twice daily, for 7-10 days or as long as Andrew will tolerate this. 3. Please prevent Andrew from doing vigorous exercise while the hematoma is healing. Light walks are fine. 4. Please bring Andrew for a veterinary exam if at any point the hematoma becomes MORE inflamed instead of less inflamed, starts to bleed, or Andrew has difficulty urinating. 1088 —– 2/6/17 scrotal swelling noted post-op elect to monitor overnight, ice 10min, keep in small kennel and monitor muc membranes overnight 2/6/17 PE:WNL Exam & surgery performed by Dr.MSP Canine neuter Anesthesia – 0.55mL Telazol induction. Intubated. Isoflurane/O2 maint. Sx. – Routine prescrotal castration. Subcuticular closure with absorbable suture. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision. 1.5mL Rimadyl injectable and 1.5mL Hydromorphone for pain management.
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating EXPERIENCE
02/12/17 14:13 S/O: great appetite and energy, very sweet and happy dog, allows all handling except attempts to avoid exam of scrotum sneezing, serous nasal dc scrotal skin is ulcerated on ventral portion, sensitive to touch A: CIRDC scrotal hematoma P: move to iso 300mg Doxycycline PO SID x10days cwct change TAB to SSD cream on ulcerated skin on scrotum px: good, medical management of hematoma can take weeks to resolve, vs scrotal ablation is an immediate resolution but can have post op complications such as dehissence and infection 02/11/17 15:25 S/O: energetic, eating well bruising on scrotum and extending cranially around prepuce swelling of scrotum subjectively decreased compared to post-op scrotal skin is uncomfortable on palpation a: scrotal hematoma p: cwct start warm compresses BID recheck tomorrow consider scrotal ablation if ulceration progresses VC: Re-check scrotal hematoma. Neuter was 2/6. S/O) BARH. MM pk. EENT: E/N clr. Oral – mild tartar. MS: BCS= 5/9, amb x 4. Integ/UG: Bruising in inguinal area extending up abdomen to almost top of prepuce on R side (about 3 inches wide) and extending half way up on L (about 2 inches wide). Dark bruising on most of prepuce. Prepuce mildly swollen. Scrotum is purple and size of baseball (apparently it is smaller than it was- per tech). Skin on ventral scrotum is cracking and erythemaous – almost ulcerating. No discharges. Dog does not seem bothered by it. CV: HR= 120, nsa, nm. L: cl and eup. A) Scrotal hematoma – swelling decreased, bruising increased. Ventral scrotum abraded. P) Consider scrotal ablation surgery. Concerned that scrotum may be getting ulcerated and may become infected. Or consider foster or housing where scrotum can be more protected from pressure and continued medical management. Clavamox 675 mg po bid x 10 days to prevent infection due to open skin. 1st dose given, cont this PM. Place TAB oint on scrotum BID Re-check VC tomorrow.
Generated on Feb 12 2017 6:00PM
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 02/02/2017, From NY 10467, DueOut Date 02/05/2017,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary 02/02/17 14:59 Scan negative BAR, friendly Clear OU, clean AU, nndc OP minimal PLN wnl H/L reg, no obvious murmur, ssp, lungs clear/eupenic, reversed sneezed once lasted 30 sec, no coughing ABD snp MSK amb x 4 Integ Mild erythrma muzzle, healing superficial wound above OD (almost completely healed) BCS 6/9, well muscled UG m/i, s/s testes Neuro a/a A:Apparently healthy P:No tx needed, great prognosis
Weight 66.6
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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