ALLIE – A1107302
Gone - 4-10-2017 Brooklyn
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GONE 04/10/17
Brooklyn Center
My name is ALLIE. My Animal ID # is A1107302.
I am a female black and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 5 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 03/28/2017 from NY 11212, owner surrender reason stated was NO TIME.
04/09/2017 AT RISK MEMO
A1107302 Allie is At Risk for CIRDC
04/07/2017 Exam Type BS NEW URI – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 47.2 LBS.
04/07/17 Rejected from spay due to coughing and bloody nasal discharge, same signs reported by ACS S/O: BAR. Very active, attention seeking, eating well EENT: Eyes clear, mild crusted bloody mucoid nasal discharge HL: Unable to elicit cough A: CIRDC P: Rec doxycycline 300mg PO q24 x 14 days. Excellent prognosis
03/28/17 21:22 Allie is a 2 year old Spayed Black and white APBT mix; she came to family as a gift from a friend and is being surrendered due to the family having no time. She seems to have a skin infection that causes hair loss. She has no other known health issues or injures and has never been to vet. Around stranger she is very friendly and likes to play, she lived in a home with an 8 year old and a 11 year old child. Around the children Allie is very playful and gentle. She has lived with a yorkie but did not get along with the Yorkie every time he approached her she would growl or lunge at him. She has no known bite history. She isn’t bothered when someone touches her food bowl or restrains her. During bath time she is tense but allows the individual to wash her. When an unfamiliar person approached the home she becomes friendly and likes to jump on the individual and lick their face. She was described as friendly, affectionate and playful with a high activity level by her previous family. She loves playing with toys balls and is feed wet and dry food twice a day. She is house trained and will the bathroom twice a day on the grass or cement. While home alone she can be destructive with house hold items like pillows and the bathroom soap, if she is not placed in the crate. She knows commands sit, down and come. Allie pulls lightly on leash and will stay close by the owner’s side off leash. Upon intake Allie was very friendly and jump to greet the counselor and let the counselor pet her and likes to give hugs and belly rubs. The counselor was able to collar and take a photo with no issue.
No Web Memo
CANINE BEHAVIOR EVALUATION for ALLIE A1107302 KNOWN HISTORY: Full profile 3/28/17 Spayed female, owner surrender Previously lived with: Adult, child (ages 8 & 11) and another dog (Yorkie) Behavior toward strangers: Friendly, playful Behavior toward children: Playful , gentle Behavior toward dogs: Growled and lunged when her housemate approached; behavior toward other dogs is unknown Behavior toward cats: Unknown Resource guarding: None reported Bite history: None reported Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: She was described as friendly, affectionate and playful with a high activity level by her previous family. Other notes: While home alone she can be destructive with household items if she is not placed in the crate. SAFER ASSESSMENT: 3/30/17 Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. She allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Or dog indicates play with huffing, soft ‘popping’ of the body, etc. Dog jumps on Assessor once play begins. Squeeze 1/2: 1. Dog gently pulls back her paw. Toy: 1. Dog settles down close to chew, will relinquish toy to you. Summary: Allie was friendly and social towards the assessor. She showed no concerning behavior during her handling assessment. DOG-DOG INTERACTION ASSESSMENT: Summary PLAYGROUP: When off leash with dogs at the Care Center, Allie keeps to herself in a group of calm male and female dogs. When greeting energetic dogs, Allie offers an appropriate warning by low growling, indicating that she does not want to play. According to Allie’s previous owner, Allie has lived with a small dog and every time he approached her she would growl or lunge at him. The Behavior Department believes that Allie would be most comfortable as the only dog in the home. If she is to be placed with other dogs, they should match her calm sociability and be large breed. All introduction should be conducted slowly and under supervision. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR:3/29/17 Observed Behavior – Allie was social and friendly when approached, but skittish when examined. ENERGY LEVEL: Allie has displayed a medium energy level in the care center, playful and active.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Experience (Suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors listed below) _X_Recommend no dog parks (Due to Allie’s owner reporting that Allie would growl and lunge at the small dog in the home along with the uncomfortable behavior displayed while here at the Care Center towards larger dogs, the Behavior Department recommends that Allie not be taken to dog parks. Force-free, reward-based training can be utilized to help Allie associate other dogs with things she enjoys like toys or treats.) Potential challenges: _X_Destructive behavior (Allie is reported to show destructive behavior in the home, though we are not clear on exactly what items she would chew. We are also unaware of what, if any, attempts were made to remedy this behavior but we suggest to future adopters that Rocky will need to be provided with physical and mental stimulation and with a variety of appropriate and engaging chew toys so he can engage in necessary chewing behavior without damage to human objects. We also recommend managing the environment to keep inappropriate items out of her reach.
When off leash with dogs at the Care Center, Allie keeps to herself in a group of calm male and female dogs. When greeting energetic dogs, Allie offers an appropriate warning by low growling, indicating that she does not want to play. According to Allie’s previous owner, Allie has lived with a small dog and every time he approached her she would growl or lunge at him. The Behavior Department believes that Allie would be most comfortable as the only dog in the home. If she is to be placed with other dogs, they should match her calm sociability and be large breed. All introduction should be conducted slowly and under supervision. 3/31: Allie displays soft body language when greeting a novel male dog. Once in the pen with him, Allie displays assertive posturing by standing tall behind him and placing her chin on his back. When the male dog solicits play, Allie displays conflicting body language by play bowing while lip curling and growling. 4/1: Allie displays soft body language when greeting a female dog. She is tolerant of the female’s face to face greetings and play solicitations, but keeps to herself as she explores the pen. 4/3: Allie initially grumbles a low growl when greeting two energetic dogs at the gate. After moving some of the dogs into an adjacent pen she enters the yard but mostly avoids the male and female dogs after briefly greeting each of them. 4/4-4/5: In a group of calm dogs, Allie keeps to herself as she explores the pen.
Medical rating was 3 NC – MAJOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
03/29/17 History – Owner surrender. Per owner, pet has had a skin problem. Stated to be 2 yrs old and spayed. Microchip scan neg. Subjective Observed Behavior – Social and friendly when approached, but skittish when examined. Muzzled for safety. Evidence of Cruelty seen – No. Evidence of Trauma seen – No. Objective: BARH. mm=pink, moist, CRT
04/05/17 Day 7/21 of cephalexin, recheck pyoderma S/O: BAR. Active, attention seeking, eating well EENT: Eyes clear, no ocular or nasal discharge HL: No coughing or sneezing INTEG: Collarettes at right inguinal region, areas of dermatitis/pyoderma along caudal dorsum, areas of alopecia/dermatitis along head and ear; No pyoderma noted on ventral abdomen, surgical site for spay clear MS: Ambulatory x 4 UG: Female A: Pyoderma improving P: OK for spay at this time. Continue with current treatment and monitoring plan. Excellent prognosis 03/29/17 History – Owner surrender. Per owner, pet has had a skin problem. Stated to be 2 yrs old and spayed. Microchip scan neg. Subjective Observed Behavior – Social and friendly when approached, but skittish when examined. Muzzled for safety. Evidence of Cruelty seen – No. Evidence of Trauma seen – No. Objective: BARH. mm=pink, moist, CRT
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following: If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]. Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. * We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.* For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please click here: For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see: You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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